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Create competition from Chill N PVM
Current Top for Chill N PVM
Records for Chill N PVM

Group ID: 4430
Total names in group: 115
Total names in database: 53
Total datapoints: 33,654
Total efficient time played: 40,485 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 53
Average virtual total level: 1,805
Average virtual combat level: 112.08
Total XP: 11,641,362,231
Total XP gained today: 267,122
Total XP gained this week: 11,496,413
Total XP gained this month: 67,221,506

Average XP of each player:
219,648,343 xp
12,701,388 xp (lvl 98)
10,572,544 xp (lvl 96)
19,228,998 xp (lvl 102)
22,907,443 xp (lvl 104)
19,289,025 xp (lvl 102)
5,370,973 xp (lvl 90)
12,429,030 xp (lvl 98)
18,549,220 xp (lvl 102)
11,477,407 xp (lvl 97)
7,180,861 xp (lvl 92)
7,518,981 xp (lvl 93)
7,772,226 xp (lvl 93)
8,238,127 xp (lvl 94)
5,494,121 xp (lvl 90)
5,628,421 xp (lvl 90)
5,594,938 xp (lvl 90)
4,739,496 xp (lvl 88)
5,797,044 xp (lvl 90)
7,749,716 xp (lvl 93)
9,710,751 xp (lvl 96)
3,161,893 xp (lvl 84)
4,002,557 xp (lvl 87)
4,398,427 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (115):
1. Andy43229
2. Bestnoobever
3. Bludgeoner0
4. Brandon69
5. C X 2
6. Fang Blade
7. King Cj 19
8. Lbattousail
9. Nonnotiapono
10. Scorched
11. Shortbread
12. Vytalyti
13. Zoud
14. Thafifi
15. Z06 Vette
16. Mist Ninja90
17. Epic Pwnstar
18. Braydv
19. Docventure
20. Gar Maximo
21. Wooshylooshy
22. Doccventure
23. Keladd
24. Vanlarag
25. Edmlyfesrs
26. Diplovitus
27. Alfaq
28. Austeezy
29. 90 Nine
30. Killmaniac
31. Sir Skanky
32. Crosby Show
33. Izikia
34. Roseeart
35. Androdaemon
36. Wakely
37. Cl0udbuster
38. Good Kill
39. Illcrashoyu
40. Benbejamin
41. Heer
42. Tarki120
43. Ron Scalp
44. S Ylar
45. Quarter
46. Yml
47. Ekduddnd
48. Pils X
49. Tom Horton
50. Bong Rat
51. Potatotank
52. Alphagabes
53. Ronnie Jones
54. Noblesilence
55. 1 Morehit
56. Bon Pvm
57. Cma100
58. Rigorshuffle
59. Abstral
60. Framer
61. Goonscape
62. Subie W R X
63. Rob Yur Plug
64. Jacub
65. Z0mb1e Pvm
66. Muzket
67. Jamal Kill
68. Ripkevinrud
69. Rip Kevinrud
70. Axe
71. Awkward
72. Jamiegmadrox
73. Jo Jo W R X
74. Og Zombie
75. Jamie6madrox
76. Ng Rain
77. Onebadassacc
78. Just Ryan
79. Pinbacker
80. Not Enough
81. Topsoil
82. I Love M3n
83. Faid
84. Rum N Yays
85. God Hates U
86. D 0 D 0
87. Carls Doge
88. T Y Hilton
89. Cantelope
90. Herbals Xd
91. Hickidoodle
92. Flawed Code
93. John Cougar
94. Groundlesssr
95. Amphilochius
96. Guillotine
97. Duurt Lang
98. Lololulululz
99. 666g
100. Whppy
101. Lillikvemeh
102. Byx
103. Lehava
104. Luna Table
105. Vexez
106. Iridebanana
107. Goonbagfiend
108. Babe
109. Orb Weaver
110. Looox
111. Kycooreturns
112. Hikingthepct
113. Lilwitness
114. Hellastronk
115. Shifty6969

Players in group not in database (3):
1. ripkevinrud
2. rip_kevinrud
3. jamiegmadrox

Players in group not on hiscores (62):
1. 1 Morehit
2. Abstral
3. Alphagabes
4. Amphilochius
5. Androdaemon
6. Austeezy
7. Axe
8. Bon Pvm
9. Brandon69
10. Braydv
11. Byx
12. Cantelope
13. Carls Doge
14. Cma100
15. Diplovitus
16. Doccventure
17. Ekduddnd
18. Flawed Code
19. Gar Maximo
20. God Hates U
21. Good Kill
22. Goonbagfiend
23. Groundlesssr
24. Heer
25. Hellastronk
26. Herbals Xd
27. Hickidoodle
28. Illcrashoyu
29. Iridebanana
30. I Love M3n
31. Jacub
32. Jamal Kill
33. Jamie6madrox
34. Keladd
35. Killmaniac
36. Kycooreturns
37. Lillikvemeh
38. Lololulululz
39. Luna Table
40. Ng Rain
41. Onebadassacc
42. Orb Weaver
43. Rigorshuffle
44. Rob Yur Plug
45. Ron Scalp
46. Rum N Yays
47. Scorched
48. Shifty6969
49. Sir Skanky
50. Subie W R X
51. Thafifi
52. T Y Hilton
53. Vanlarag
54. Vexez
55. Vytalyti
56. Whppy
57. Yml
58. Z06 Vette
59. Z0mb1e Pvm
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