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Create competition from W385
Current Top for W385
Records for W385

Group ID: 3469
Total names in group: 172
Total names in database: 162
Total datapoints: 377,070
Total efficient time played: 84,143 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 162
Average virtual total level: 1,223
Average virtual combat level: 100.46
Total XP: 28,616,517,232
Total XP gained today: 711,306
Total XP gained this week: 28,359,014
Total XP gained this month: 170,013,228

Average XP of each player:
176,645,168 xp
12,892,712 xp (lvl 98)
9,223,024 xp (lvl 95)
14,787,671 xp (lvl 100)
16,596,312 xp (lvl 101)
13,107,484 xp (lvl 99)
2,776,346 xp (lvl 83)
11,856,513 xp (lvl 98)
15,698,398 xp (lvl 100)
11,505,154 xp (lvl 97)
127,671 xp (lvl 52)
11,546,126 xp (lvl 97)
13,469,851 xp (lvl 99)
13,408,427 xp (lvl 99)
18,533,448 xp (lvl 102)
8,430,197 xp (lvl 94)
106,110 xp (lvl 50)
61,670 xp (lvl 45)
40,973 xp (lvl 40)
94,438 xp (lvl 49)
162,396 xp (lvl 54)
2,056,626 xp (lvl 80)
43,599 xp (lvl 41)
113,830 xp (lvl 51)

Players in group (172):
1. $35.00 Donator Disziple
2. Minlvlskilla
3. I Just F2p
4. Fe F2p
5. Weirdwitecya
6. Yrak
7. Asura Zoma
8. Opium Dave
9. Swoier
10. Netbook Pro
11. Dragburn
12. Borednstuff
13. Krekeris007
14. Duijnnolife
15. Morghurassor
16. Anne Shirley
17. Terrathrone
18. Vengas
19. Goodlander
20. Thincrepes
21. Uncle Chimp
22. Ultirondream
23. Ironagnusdei
24. Born Air
25. Coldfingers3
26. Rathe343
27. Gildedsphinx
28. Bossthedog
29. Orangec
30. 7time
31. Meleeronia
32. Tannerdino
33. $40.00 Donator DJ9
34. Thelast Lvl
35. Docu
36. Iballer225
37. Kelarotta1
38. Eurydius
39. Iron Diyf2p
40. Lilreno
41. Danspotatoe
42. 3 Valtakunta
43. De Cocentric
44. Freckled Kid
45. F2p Lukie
46. Hc Mikkeltje
47. Yourice
48. Leftoverover
49. Egg Lord F2p
50. Davey In F2p
51. Poqh
52. Rizibizi
53. S1lentspirit
54. Moarteasss
55. Romans Ch 12
56. I Eat Trash
57. Newgameplus7
58. So So Much
59. Iron Moofrey
60. Dumbass Bot
61. Seventhaxe
62. F2pironbo1
63. Wizards Foot
64. Schwifty Bud
65. Kxs
66. Ywal
67. Generic Uim
68. Jhns455
69. Pavvl
70. Damn Chopper
71. Based F2p Im
72. Irondish
73. Lifeis2hard
74. Yorgg
75. Ult Nick
76. Golb F2p
77. Ouwe Dakduif
78. Equalbeestje
79. Prepkiller23
80. Jlw
81. T E N S H O
82. Movieboy92
83. Xdeath Grips
84. Btw F2p Hcim
85. Solo Rue
86. Geaux Fe
87. Trustnobanks
88. Sylvester910
89. Jingle Bells
90. The F2p Uim
91. Maniron F2p
92. Sexychocolat
93. Aquaruim
94. Xx360n0sc0pe
95. Goldwotsit
96. Jambo3547
97. Fkn F2p
98. Metan
99. Chefs Burn
100. Iammicrobe
101. Pro Peloton
102. Ultiknulti
103. F2p Ello
104. Ironwind397
105. Goslin
106. Captpatt
107. F2p Jords
108. Imnotshroom
109. Mk2 Bruh
110. N1ckoo
111. Eenjoy
112. Impermanent
113. Fe Gilrix
114. Willsmath
115. Solo Badass
116. Sakura Ayane
117. F2p Poke Btw
118. Herrkulan
119. F2pmobiron
120. Ynele
121. Xenocles
122. Iron Kalv
123. Janne Ahonen
124. Iron Man Hi
125. Ironlink Gcm
126. Suckonthis4
127. Hc Ranked
128. Iron Bri Bri
129. Highscape
130. Water9
131. Ritka F2p
132. I Go By Zach
133. Diskobolos
134. King Dumile
135. Generalvolf
136. Terranul
137. Ogress Titty
138. Nickyrichy
139. Eeb Hole
140. Drunk 5hit
141. Worshipixxel
142. Thelifestyle
143. I Selim I
144. Bigfoottall
145. Zalka Btw
146. Islaphard
147. Covid 19 V2
148. Fromage Blue
149. Don Rinus
150. Deskilltrain
151. Dark Taboo
152. Ashnoneknmi
153. Demonman333
154. Corgi3000
155. Money Burner
156. 15rubydream
157. Mark 50
158. Hagl
159. Toe Knee F2p
160. Yippeyapoo
161. Raedbald
162. Iron Dylan99
163. Wadeedobaby
164. Fe F2p Pure
165. Zega Man
166. Ixexia
167. Vaivada
168. Kintex
169. Swiss Corona
170. Joeyabro
171. Mythiclime
172. Ironkack

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (10):
1. Ashnoneknmi
2. Bigfoottall
3. Corgi3000
4. Demonman333
5. Don Rinus
6. Equalbeestje
7. Fe F2p Pure
8. Freckled Kid
9. Leftoverover
10. Solo Rue
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