
Create competition from Skillstars
Current Top for Skillstars
Records for Skillstars

Group ID: 2782
Total names in group: 13
Total names in database: 11
Total datapoints: 229,034
Total efficient time played: 112,039 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 11
Average virtual total level: 2,636
Average virtual combat level: 150.18
Total XP: 35,833,163,463
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 18,555,457
Total XP gained this month: 86,731,335

Average XP of each player:
3,257,560,314 xp
146,550,561 xp (lvl 123)
153,481,814 xp (lvl 123)
155,439,207 xp (lvl 124)
156,911,912 xp (lvl 124)
149,495,899 xp (lvl 123)
133,558,464 xp (lvl 122)
138,333,445 xp (lvl 122)
179,288,540 xp (lvl 125)
147,070,370 xp (lvl 123)
160,311,797 xp (lvl 124)
133,798,367 xp (lvl 122)
148,732,783 xp (lvl 123)
151,325,682 xp (lvl 123)
148,977,479 xp (lvl 123)
127,408,367 xp (lvl 122)
149,554,977 xp (lvl 123)
104,101,449 xp (lvl 119)
138,441,529 xp (lvl 122)
118,120,183 xp (lvl 121)
160,877,590 xp (lvl 124)
100,539,054 xp (lvl 119)
125,732,153 xp (lvl 121)
129,500,376 xp (lvl 122)

Players in group (13):
1. $25.00 Donator Hey Jase
2. Mmichel
3. Nerd
4. $111.11 Donator Zulu
5. Muk
6. Twitch Fear
7. Vinny
8. Oskar
9. Softcactus42
10. Senze
11. Jakey X
12. Dedwilson
13. Bur Y

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (2):
1. Muk
2. Softcactus42
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