
Create competition from Sniped PVM Highscores
Current Top for Sniped PVM Highscores
Records for Sniped PVM Highscores

Group ID: 26
Total names in group: 94
Total names in database: 32
Total datapoints: 28,781
Total efficient time played: 42,564 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 32
Average virtual total level: 1,841
Average virtual combat level: 117.56
Total XP: 11,641,222,177
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 4,066,236
Total XP gained this month: 21,108,889

Average XP of each player:
363,788,193 xp
23,108,752 xp (lvl 104)
21,055,184 xp (lvl 103)
28,597,951 xp (lvl 106)
36,370,447 xp (lvl 109)
29,371,404 xp (lvl 107)
8,104,123 xp (lvl 94)
21,175,264 xp (lvl 103)
15,133,885 xp (lvl 100)
13,010,339 xp (lvl 98)
8,632,026 xp (lvl 94)
11,862,211 xp (lvl 98)
12,660,345 xp (lvl 98)
12,621,636 xp (lvl 98)
10,752,383 xp (lvl 97)
10,814,743 xp (lvl 97)
13,140,996 xp (lvl 99)
16,511,493 xp (lvl 101)
12,554,734 xp (lvl 98)
15,948,603 xp (lvl 101)
14,946,700 xp (lvl 100)
10,300,280 xp (lvl 96)
10,707,625 xp (lvl 97)
6,358,512 xp (lvl 91)

Players in group (94):
1. 1l0v3w33d
2. Bak Beest
3. Bam Achilles
4. Barooooooooo
5. Chopped Yew
6. Cmspker23
7. Coffex
8. Comp Science
9. Denecke
10. Doomheim
11. Eskimoe
12. Etrout
13. Finalkarma
14. S4dmassstab
15. Highway420
16. Erect10
17. I Am Kellogs
18. Dont Mind
19. I Need Guth
20. Ijusthadhex
21. Ivi A D D
22. Sniped Pod
23. Kolodinsky
24. Kristjan K
25. L2rex
26. Lclouds
27. Leaf Angle
28. Littleblueju
29. Longliver0ck
30. Macdouble
31. Meal Lynx5
32. Moral 0rel
33. Mr Hyde02
34. Nayyar
35. Norm Pats
36. Nzl Shadow
37. Phantombro
38. Pjbnz
39. Pvm Miike
40. Qt7
41. R1sing God
42. Reybans
43. Robins Terd
44. Rune Bodies
45. S 5 O
46. S9k
47. Tak Fugiwara
48. Sandusky Oh
49. Seradane
50. Shaunt50
51. Siah34
52. Sniped Drops
53. Sniped Jay
54. Sniped Kings
55. Sniped Mak
56. Sniped Skar
57. Snipedspida
58. Snipedyaloot
59. Bamf K Y L E
60. Sosa God
61. Sniped Sprtz
62. Stlfiers Mom
63. T O N G
64. Tavldod
65. V A L L
66. Vaskl
67. Wyel
68. Xl Mankegydl
69. Xo Envyme Ox
70. Za
71. Geaux Sniped
72. L1ve Eye
73. Armadyl L1fe
74. Denacke
75. Dawn Of Fear
76. Lyticcharmer
77. Clsx
78. Aiv
79. Fakesmear
80. Buying Rope
81. The Martex
82. Craftys Pure
83. Loki Lorax
84. Tlctac
85. Krankster
86. Greentween
87. $36.00 Donator Jebrim
88. Poor Riot
89. Falkenberg
90. Coffee89
91. $35.00 Donator Tl Hungrybox
92. Rostropovich
93. $40.00 Donator Ajeh
94. $5.00 Donator Gords

Players in group not in database (15):
1. chopped_yew
2. denecke
3. ivi_a_d_d
4. lclouds
5. longliver0ck
6. moral_0rel
7. norm_pats
8. pjbnz
9. s_5_o
10. sniped_jay
11. sniped_kings
12. tavldod
13. v_a_l_l
14. xl_mankegydl
15. xo_envyme_ox

Players in group not on hiscores (62):
1. 1l0v3w33d
2. Armadyl L1fe
3. Bamf K Y L E
4. Cmspker23
5. Coffee89
6. Comp Science
7. Dawn Of Fear
8. Denacke
9. Erect10
10. Eskimoe
11. Etrout
12. Fakesmear
13. Finalkarma
14. Geaux Sniped
15. Greentween
16. I Need Guth
17. Kolodinsky
18. Krankster
19. Kristjan K
20. L1ve Eye
21. Lyticcharmer
22. Macdouble
23. Meal Lynx5
24. Nayyar
25. Phantombro
26. Poor Riot
27. Qt7
28. Reybans
29. S4dmassstab
30. S9k
31. Seradane
32. Shaunt50
33. Siah34
34. Snipedyaloot
35. Sniped Drops
36. Sniped Mak
37. Sniped Pod
38. Sniped Skar
39. Sniped Sprtz
40. Sosa God
41. Tak Fugiwara
42. The Martex
43. Tlctac
44. $35.00 Donator Tl Hungrybox
45. T O N G
46. Vaskl
47. Wyel
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