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Records for Slay Clan
Group ID: 2529
Total names in group: 400
Total names in database: 240
Total datapoints: 267,811
Total efficient time played: 337,441 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 240
Average virtual total level: 2,127
Average virtual combat level: 130.11
Total XP: 102,603,001,882
Total XP gained today: 2,512,936
Total XP gained this week: 72,024,876
Total XP gained this month: 512,134,566
Average XP of each player:
427,512,507 xp
31,916,761 xp (lvl 108)
27,950,835 xp (lvl 106)
38,880,285 xp (lvl 110)
50,817,989 xp (lvl 112)
40,282,660 xp (lvl 110)
12,078,836 xp (lvl 98)
23,092,222 xp (lvl 104)
20,644,150 xp (lvl 103)
16,101,891 xp (lvl 101)
11,833,352 xp (lvl 98)
11,096,929 xp (lvl 97)
14,676,461 xp (lvl 100)
10,921,064 xp (lvl 97)
10,479,883 xp (lvl 96)
9,565,873 xp (lvl 95)
10,373,861 xp (lvl 96)
8,398,251 xp (lvl 94)
11,024,865 xp (lvl 97)
23,557,286 xp (lvl 104)
17,742,348 xp (lvl 102)
8,657,608 xp (lvl 94)
9,408,471 xp (lvl 95)
7,995,913 xp (lvl 94)
Players in group (400):
1. 280
2. 2020
3. 2 Many 99s
4. 3derp
5. 8hp
6. 99strm8
7. A Huntsman
8. About10racks
9. Abstergo
10. Adeliya
11. Afrothunder
12. Aftermatter
13. Agentgman4
14. Andrus
15. Antony Leung
16. Balotelli
17. Banghus
18. Basic Info
19. Beerfest
20. Benji J
21. Bennys
22. Blackbuddha
23. Blm496
24. Bluephinns
25. Bobbyjoe
26. Bobette2006
27. Bowfinger
28. Burserk
29. Cabbie
30. Camthecamel
31. Catha Edulis
32. Ceez
33. Charlie C
34. Chesting
35. Chinkaystyle
36. Chubby Bear
37. Conman
38. Contender
39. Cooliotion
40. D33p
41. Dan Vettori
42. Danje
43. Darklord776
44. Dasavenger
45. Defcon 1
46. Deified
47. Deshawn
48. Did You Hack
49. Dj Cupcake
50. Doctor Seuss
51. Dominionmake
52. Dominus T K0
53. Dubfire
54. Dynastyyy
55. Eklof
56. Elder Rune
57. Eletrix
58. Endless Wipe
59. Ero
60. Excertion
61. Falador Sq
62. Fallentomydm
63. Fals3
64. Feraligatr
65. Fish Pie
66. Flaxfieldvet
67. Folkstory
68. Fonzy
69. For Realz
70. Forced
71. Foteh
72. Freaky Peet
73. Fro Bro
74. G Wd
75. Gamir Von
76. Gape Hornn
77. Gauss
78. Gawz
79. Gembo
80. Generalstoar
81. Gfrsigotagf
82. Gh3t0 T4nk3r
83. Gnomes
84. Goed Gedaan
85. Goofed Stake
86. Greatgerbil
87. Greg Nm
88. Gutsy
89. Hamii
90. Hand Of Fury
91. Haunt
92. Hazehigh
93. Healthy Swah
94. Henni
95. Here To Pvm
96. Heroic Hope
97. Hi 5141
98. Homeworldpvm
99. Honourless
100. Hxrm
101. Iamtacodude
102. Iaussie
103. Im Grounded
104. Im Mrlahey
105. Im On Point
106. Ineedalight
107. Islay Baked
108. Italianroast
109. J Anza
110. Jakobe
111. Jamar
112. Jc1
113. Jellosh
114. Joeg
115. Jonthorian
116. Jug Of Pcp
117. K Evi N
118. Keraliix
119. Kid Juice
120. King Jay Jay
121. Knowmadss
122. Koeguy
123. Ktm
124. Kyle S
125. Kyx
126. L Iove Weed
127. L3acon X
128. Lemonsin
129. Lietuvisz4
130. Lois
131. Luffy Kun
132. Luis Slays
133. Lukeness
134. Luton Pure
135. M P G
136. Magic City
137. Make Gp Rain
138. Malice X
139. Meew Mix
140. Mich
141. Mickymarvin
142. Mig Jax
143. Mikewozere
144. Mixtape
145. Moehammer
146. Mon3mak3r
147. Moooo Cow
148. Mozoid
149. Mr Bonsly
150. Munk
151. Muscle Adict
152. My Dont We
153. Ne86
154. Never Settle
155. Ninnykins
156. No Name
157. Noscope Gwd
158. Oldschool
159. Only 1 Mill
160. Oslo
161. P0v R4ng3r
162. Pacellino
163. Para
164. Patty9752
165. Paynetrain
166. Peacefrog
167. Pedsthenaabe
168. Peely
169. Ppengu
170. Pvm Brea
171. Quickdeath39
172. R U Ff
173. R0y
174. Ra 0siris
175. Rag
176. Rekier
177. Rg X Unknown
178. Roel
179. S C 0 P E D
180. Sabersworn
181. Saint Vienne
182. Sam X
183. Savethemoon
184. Seth6190
185. Sharp Mind
186. Shooterx
187. Side By Side
188. Sinbad
189. Sir
190. Sir Pvmalot
191. Sir Sholly
192. Skirocer
193. Slain Rev
194. Slay Casey
195. Slay Divine
196. Slay Liam
197. Slay Miguel
198. Slay More
199. Smicky
200. Smoke Devil
201. Sneaky Dan
202. Snizaxosrs
203. Spartan117
204. Spook Mar
205. Stanley Mole
206. Stern
207. Stevenrds
208. Sticky Holes
209. Strpker4fun1
210. Suff
211. Super Tails
212. Team Rocket
213. Temple
214. Terroristen
215. The Nowalyfe
216. Theelotesman
217. Thumbnails
218. Tiger Gutt
219. Timmay111865
220. Ton
221. Toot
222. Treterr
223. Tysonn
224. Un Slayable
225. Uncsoccer805
226. Vacuist
227. Vakivalta
228. Vanastine 0
229. Vereor
230. Vesku
231. Viktorkrum
232. Way To Fail
233. Weedforsale
234. Why Suicide
235. Wyborowa
236. Xiaodangao
237. Years
238. Yusuf
239. Z6l
240. Zacharia
241. Zackerson
242. Zane
243. Zorb49
244. Cursed Baws
245. Wallace D S
246. Tsudake
247. Stoved
248. Rumorr
249. Chriz297
250. Ed Elric
251. Anthed
252. System Virus
253. Mard
254. Dragonmake
255. Xhouston
256. Strokemyrat
257. 1hp
258. Cpt Malcolm
259. Ivegt0pubes
260. Al Elric
261. Yaowa
262. Super Novaa
263. Just Wishh
264. Slay Zilyana
265. Marsbar3
266. Therebuilder
267. Darkavenger
268. Noob Slayers
269. Duricell
270. Smart Move
271. Trent P
272. Naps
273. Shmokin Loud
274. Seven11evan
275. Ayy Swag
276. Javi
277. Mr Twizla
278. Pvm Fuhrer
279. Viiruz
280. Fifty Trades
281. Layden
282. Thibo
283. Japan
284. Xsoya
285. Rank 1 Rng
286. Lapset Alue
287. Minde
288. 46def46def46
289. Im Staunch
290. Barraging
291. War Owl
292. Mommy Hit Me
293. God Neon
294. Rya N
295. Dzogchen
296. Gdog
297. Paskie
298. Fate Zero
299. Muchachos
300. Ohmyboobs
301. Mikes Drunk
302. The Jack Ton
303. Sweet
304. Mr Data
305. Ltd Ryan
306. Malt Lickeys
307. Nameless Ape
308. Rambo Vip
309. Master Vador
310. Weakness
311. 125 Forever
312. Neurologist
313. The Order
314. Dlong4mybutt
315. 55 Bit Jump
316. Yaproly
317. Honey Side
318. Str Is Her
319. Olysian
320. Scottio
321. Snap X
322. Wyverns4ass
323. Skurger
324. Jaacko
325. Labeets
326. 1 Bs
327. Ma Am
328. Chemohoofd
329. Ashli
330. Aleksi
331. Farrier
332. Gulp
333. Nights9
334. Slaying Dude
335. Allied
336. Dissendium
337. Tame Magala
338. Need Protein
339. Oak Ladder
340. C Von Moger
341. Chris George
342. Jack Jones
343. Pedersen
344. Homestead
345. Juggernaught
346. Seyed
347. Zle
348. Fornhub
349. Polter
350. Orville
351. A Z I Z
352. Zenith
353. Speedem0n X
354. Finn
355. Steads
356. Deheer
357. Joshhy
358. Credoz
359. W91 Forever
360. Noam Sayin
361. Got Bare Pet
362. Motomoszna
363. Not Antifang
364. Svanhild
365. Thorn
366. 1 Flicki Boi
367. Troskals
368. Also Trev
369. Fyri
370. Brielyn
371. Ants On Log
372. Tl Hungrybox
373. Warfervor
374. Lolibanger
375. Slow Tortuga
376. Im No Savior
377. N0t Maxed
378. Bacun
379. Slomazi
380. Sosage
381. Dogcnt
382. Savy Neals
383. 713x
384. Bex Slave
385. Armament
386. Barry C
387. Seaya
388. Chckeey
389. Kasperonrs
390. Noahofastora
391. Pisaster
392. Imelee
393. Omw To 2777
394. Not Kieren
395. Rs Wiki
396. Normie Dvs
397. I Uf
398. Axel M
399. Nagyung
400. Stoned Nerd
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (160):
1. 125 Forever
2. 1 Bs
3. 2020
4. 280
5. 2 Many 99s
6. 3derp
7. 46def46def46
8. 55 Bit Jump
9. 99strm8
10. About10racks
11. Also Trev
12. Ants On Log
13. Axel M
14. Ayy Swag
15. A Huntsman
16. Banghus
17. Barraging
18. Basic Info
19. Bex Slave
20. Blm496
21. Bobette2006
22. Bowfinger
23. Camthecamel
24. Ceez
25. Charlie C
26. Chemohoofd
27. Chinkaystyle
28. Chubby Bear
29. Cooliotion
30. Cpt Malcolm
31. C Von Moger
32. D33p
33. Dan Vettori
34. Darkavenger
35. Deshawn
36. Did You Hack
37. Dj Cupcake
38. Dlong4mybutt
39. Dogcnt
40. Duricell
41. Dzogchen
42. Fallentomydm
43. Fate Zero
44. Fifty Trades
45. Flaxfieldvet
46. Fornhub
47. Fro Bro
48. Gape Hornn
49. Gawz
50. Gembo
51. Generalstoar
52. God Neon
53. Goofed Stake
54. Got Bare Pet
55. Greatgerbil
56. Gulp
57. G Wd
58. Haunt
59. Hi 5141
60. Homestead
61. Homeworldpvm
62. Honourless
63. Im On Point
64. Im Staunch
65. Italianroast
66. Ivegt0pubes
67. I Uf
68. Jack Jones
69. Japan
70. Jc1
71. Joeg
72. Joshhy
73. J Anza
74. Kasperonrs
75. Kid Juice
76. King Jay Jay
77. Kyle S
78. L3acon X
79. Lapset Alue
80. Lolibanger
81. Magic City
82. Make Gp Rain
83. Malice X
84. Mard
85. Marsbar3
86. Master Vador
87. Meew Mix
88. Mickymarvin
89. Motomoszna
90. Mr Twizla
91. Muchachos
92. Muscle Adict
93. Nagyung
94. Naps
95. Noam Sayin
96. Noob Slayers
97. Noscope Gwd
98. Not Antifang
99. Oak Ladder
100. Ohmyboobs
101. Oldschool
102. Omw To 2777
103. Only 1 Mill
104. Oslo
105. Paynetrain
106. Pedsthenaabe
107. Pisaster
108. Ppengu
109. Pvm Brea
110. Rambo Vip
111. Rank 1 Rng
112. Ra 0siris
113. Rekier
114. Rg X Unknown
115. Roel
116. Rumorr
117. Saint Vienne
118. Seaya
119. Seven11evan
120. Shmokin Loud
121. Side By Side
122. Skirocer
123. Slaying Dude
124. Slay Miguel
125. Slay Zilyana
126. Slomazi
127. Slow Tortuga
128. Smart Move
129. Snap X
130. Snizaxosrs
131. Sosage
132. Speedem0n X
133. Spook Mar
134. Stevenrds
135. Sticky Holes
136. Super Novaa
137. Svanhild
138. System Virus
139. S C 0 P E D
140. Tame Magala
141. Terroristen
142. The Jack Ton
143. The Nowalyfe
144. Thibo
145. Timmay111865
146. Tl Hungrybox
147. Trent P
148. Un Slayable
149. Vacuist
150. Vakivalta
151. Vereor
152. Warfervor
153. War Owl
154. Way To Fail
155. Weedforsale
156. Wyverns4ass
157. Xhouston
158. Yaproly
159. Zackerson
160. Zenith
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