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Create competition from Breakfast Clan
Current Top for Breakfast Clan
Records for Breakfast Clan

Group ID: 2195
Total names in group: 113
Total names in database: 55
Total datapoints: 22,621
Total efficient time played: 33,911 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 55
Average virtual total level: 1,817
Average virtual combat level: 112.87
Total XP: 9,485,145,725
Total XP gained today: 1,153,247
Total XP gained this week: 6,343,242
Total XP gained this month: 51,189,743

Average XP of each player:
172,457,195 xp
14,826,606 xp (lvl 100)
14,296,887 xp (lvl 99)
14,308,614 xp (lvl 99)
21,277,034 xp (lvl 103)
14,789,273 xp (lvl 100)
4,655,227 xp (lvl 88)
9,892,331 xp (lvl 96)
11,118,242 xp (lvl 97)
5,389,283 xp (lvl 90)
5,282,811 xp (lvl 89)
4,669,570 xp (lvl 88)
4,864,570 xp (lvl 89)
4,261,796 xp (lvl 87)
4,712,831 xp (lvl 88)
2,948,570 xp (lvl 83)
4,249,678 xp (lvl 87)
2,814,871 xp (lvl 83)
4,322,528 xp (lvl 87)
9,180,655 xp (lvl 95)
6,237,465 xp (lvl 91)
2,558,021 xp (lvl 82)
2,811,954 xp (lvl 83)
2,825,700 xp (lvl 83)

Players in group (113):
1. Soph
2. Trusty Of Bc
3. Borie
4. Knightmare
5. Moooo
6. E L 3 3 7
7. Shell Shox
8. Im Dat Asian
9. Mrsmoovebunz
10. Sand Of Os
11. Kiwii
12. Brutal Beard
13. Vesaris
14. White Mage
15. Earl Of Grey
16. Ahzland
17. Bam Bam Kam
18. Seifeiroth
19. Dutch Cookie
20. Body Buddah
21. Daytone
22. Siayer Dan
23. Every Time
24. Bc 0fish
25. Ikyle
26. Mz Betty
27. Vet
28. Kannye West
29. Rym
30. Inxp
31. Rikudosennin
32. Chord0
33. Chefdomo94
34. Jade Lolz
35. Centipedes
36. Bc Para
37. Hb Sour
38. Mr Crawdad
39. Cookie Crisp
40. Xiloscient
41. Eskodas
42. Lt Lash
43. Divisonv
44. Benawhile
45. Kermmy
46. Cyasdf
47. Fillysparkle
48. Maltress
49. Initialbn
50. Cethial
51. Reecey Dc
52. Mcgill
53. Josh Hart
54. Ggabey
55. Axzz
56. Lynxy
57. Criptfire
58. Stewfoo
59. Lord Bertus
60. Lowner
61. Rob
62. Itsevo
63. Over 9000xp
64. Talendel
65. Zukunft
66. Bc Revenge
67. Connr
68. Album
69. Zak Vii
70. Jack N D
71. Iron Gypzie
72. Slayer Kemro
73. Absdorkun
74. Kingston92
75. Grrr Help
76. Hiku
77. Decoyminer
78. Allie Grace
79. Xsky Rangerx
80. Justfish20
81. Donutsrs
82. Ginger Name
83. Rane3
84. Moosturbator
85. Body Budder
86. Hier Snipe
87. Drinkmoreh20
88. The Mythical
89. Alsk Xdd
90. Val Nuctuk
91. Fiay
92. Panda Tom
93. Flagrate
94. Peche
95. Onlytime V3
96. Days Thorn
97. Charity Box
98. Zoobie
99. Zuiko
100. Skethyl
101. Jw
102. Bonifacio
103. Grizzz
104. Scott 0srs
105. Lito N Trip
106. Scrivs
107. Fate Sealed3
108. Just Tanking
109. Wg Suffud
110. $40.00 Donator Blockstream
111. Guildmastr7
112. Deathcrazy
113. No Life Liam

Players in group not in database (2):
1. divisonv
2. over_9000xp

Players in group not on hiscores (58):
1. Album
2. Allie Grace
3. Alsk Xdd
4. Axzz
5. Bam Bam Kam
6. Bc Para
7. Bc Revenge
8. Benawhile
9. Body Buddah
10. Bonifacio
11. Brutal Beard
12. Centipedes
13. Cethial
14. Charity Box
15. Chefdomo94
16. Cookie Crisp
17. Criptfire
18. Cyasdf
19. Days Thorn
20. Daytone
21. Deathcrazy
22. Donutsrs
23. Drinkmoreh20
24. Eskodas
25. E L 3 3 7
26. Ggabey
27. Guildmastr7
28. Hb Sour
29. Hier Snipe
30. Hiku
31. Ikyle
32. Im Dat Asian
33. Inxp
34. Iron Gypzie
35. Jw
36. Kannye West
37. Kermmy
38. Kingston92
39. Lito N Trip
40. Maltress
41. Mrsmoovebunz
42. Onlytime V3
43. Panda Tom
44. Peche
45. Reecey Dc
46. Scott 0srs
47. Seifeiroth
48. Shell Shox
49. The Mythical
50. Trusty Of Bc
51. Val Nuctuk
52. Vet
53. Wg Suffud
54. Xsky Rangerx
55. Zuiko
56. Zukunft
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