
Create competition from Saviour of Neonates
Current Top for Saviour of Neonates
Records for Saviour of Neonates

Group ID: 21
Total names in group: 8
Total names in database: 4
Total datapoints: 1,025
Total efficient time played: 503 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 4
Average virtual total level: 1,249
Average virtual combat level: 86.25
Total XP: 128,151,127
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
32,037,781 xp
1,292,124 xp (lvl 75)
1,456,276 xp (lvl 76)
2,561,391 xp (lvl 82)
2,023,705 xp (lvl 80)
1,531,629 xp (lvl 77)
418,840 xp (lvl 64)
1,145,109 xp (lvl 74)
7,702,452 xp (lvl 93)
634,570 xp (lvl 68)
7,124,783 xp (lvl 92)
403,199 xp (lvl 63)
628,045 xp (lvl 68)
310,565 xp (lvl 61)
355,164 xp (lvl 62)
315,491 xp (lvl 61)
230,859 xp (lvl 58)
384,191 xp (lvl 63)
404,923 xp (lvl 63)
698,948 xp (lvl 69)
293,301 xp (lvl 60)
216,186 xp (lvl 57)
1,087,550 xp (lvl 73)
217,738 xp (lvl 57)

Players in group (8):
1. Teazing
2. Lousen
3. Cold Viking
4. Sebsebseb
5. Max Busy
6. D Imp
7. Nice Nok
8. Yo E

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (4):
1. Cold Viking
2. Max Busy
3. Sebsebseb
4. Yo E
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