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Create competition from Zuvelox
Current Top for Zuvelox
Records for Zuvelox

Group ID: 17719
Total names in group: 223
Total names in database: 188
Total datapoints: 134,713
Total efficient time played: 289,572 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 188
Average virtual total level: 2,269
Average virtual combat level: 135.02
Total XP: 92,790,660,965
Total XP gained today: 5,977,393
Total XP gained this week: 77,611,080
Total XP gained this month: 471,618,442

Average XP of each player:
493,567,345 xp
26,642,513 xp (lvl 106)
22,113,791 xp (lvl 104)
58,466,377 xp (lvl 114)
67,309,977 xp (lvl 115)
64,671,008 xp (lvl 115)
12,460,304 xp (lvl 98)
30,799,367 xp (lvl 107)
17,507,639 xp (lvl 101)
16,922,568 xp (lvl 101)
11,769,210 xp (lvl 97)
11,701,319 xp (lvl 97)
14,473,027 xp (lvl 100)
12,249,882 xp (lvl 98)
9,911,265 xp (lvl 96)
11,466,680 xp (lvl 97)
11,073,239 xp (lvl 97)
9,987,072 xp (lvl 96)
12,517,142 xp (lvl 98)
19,231,053 xp (lvl 102)
21,192,318 xp (lvl 103)
9,685,824 xp (lvl 96)
11,426,875 xp (lvl 97)
9,988,883 xp (lvl 96)

Players in group (223):
1. 1stunner Isu
2. Abyssal Sire
3. Andy Peanuts
4. Animancer
5. Arsaw
6. Athermis
7. Baldoc
8. Basic Guy
9. Beerhana
10. Berbuura
11. Big Pp Sj
12. Biggskyy
13. Blib
14. Blue Legend
15. Casino Cat
16. Cbetz
17. Cgaritz
18. Classicandy
19. Contice Grey
20. Coures
21. Cthrek
22. Cupz
23. D Satt
24. Daddymac
25. Daft Punked
26. Dankgimdad
27. Dengtianyou
28. Ditt O
29. Diy 4jesus
30. Dovyjads
31. Drunk Pastor
32. Dube
33. Eaten
34. Eedik
35. Emo Aaron
36. Engineir
37. Ensl
38. Erbuol Tlm
39. Eren Yogurt
40. Etuovi
41. Exaltee
42. Exiled Laws
43. F Maze
44. Falll
45. Fastplant
46. Fedex800
47. Finsho
48. Floppydongle
49. Foshos Main
50. Fred Xx
51. Gawd Bodi
52. Give Advice
53. Grim X
54. Grlm Reefer
55. Guapothicc
56. Guardianseye
57. Guillotine
58. H2 Ninja
59. Hcim Hc Btw
60. Heartt Beatt
61. Hentai Rat
62. Herb Box
63. Hergy7
64. Holyelixir
65. Huler
66. Huntrsaspoon
67. Hyze
68. I Am Simon
69. Iamnieve
70. Ii Adrian
71. Infinitewake
72. Iron Foofer
73. Itz Raem
74. Jaaamin
75. Jack Damniel
76. Jamppa
77. Jeff Pls Go
78. Jeus
79. Joel T
80. Jon Sinner
81. Kase San
82. Katanaida
83. Ketaminiac
84. Kettu
85. Kingbailey
86. Kraguna
87. Kylecoldbeer
88. L Mafia L
89. Later Gater
90. Ldxd
91. Le Biff
92. Lelover
93. Leoricscrown
94. Lever Nucky
95. Light Age Ii
96. Lil Yeeter
97. Lobstars
98. Local Shrink
99. Lordcram
100. Los H Castro
101. Lucky Kev
102. Lvl 6
103. Lyks
104. Mach
105. Manger
106. Maodah
107. Martin Manha
108. Mary Green
109. Matthias8010
110. Mattrus
111. Mj Mvp
112. Mnemic
113. Mokkasiini
114. Money Easy
115. Mongel 1
116. Mortituros
117. Mr Dreamcast
118. Multitalent
119. Mx Dirtrider
120. Naakeli
121. Nibwaa
122. Nmik
123. Noun36
124. Noxpwasted
125. Obese Loser
126. Og Lmp
127. Originaldirk
128. Os 0g
129. Osjustin
130. Osmo
131. Osrs Vibes
132. P A L M
133. P P Cheese
134. P88
135. Paganistic
136. Parc Ferme
137. Pchelka
138. Pepar Kakan
139. Perculez
140. Petega
141. Pewpstick
142. Pinnalla
143. Pogtato Iron
144. Polish
145. Poo
146. Prostate
147. Ptazolite
148. Purpinmyname
149. Purpplez
150. Pyroblaze
151. R Oger
152. R0yalrag3r
153. Raidenx68
154. Ramadinho
155. Ray1008
156. Recognizable
157. Reetzz
158. Robdownsyjr
159. Roberto700
160. Rotaz
161. Rs Reaper
162. Runcatsmith
163. Samhattan
164. Sampletext
165. Sanddemon527
166. Schmart
167. Scotttty
168. Sdc
169. Sean V1
170. Sebla
171. Sephiore
172. Shadwzel
173. Shamu
174. Sikh Divine
175. Simoggy
176. Skillled Run
177. Sloodix
178. Slowzi
179. Smoke Za Za
180. Sober Pastor
181. Spank Softly
182. Spencerr
183. Spliter3000
184. Steammm
185. Sunflowerman
186. Super Indica
187. Super System
188. Taco Kit
189. Tayzzir
190. Timmy Tbow
191. Tkaaay
192. Tob Is Hard
193. Tolbird
194. Treydog
195. Turbomilf
196. Tw1rl
197. Two Ounces
198. Tyedye Dream
199. Tzkal Pete
200. Unthinkable
201. Upset Berry
202. Ussi
203. Van Trump
204. Vorkletics
205. Wantted
206. Was Sir Will
207. Westj94
208. Wichael
209. Winterscall
210. Wiseoldjan
211. Worker
212. Xaff3ct
213. Xjamboski
214. Xlumby
215. Xrock
216. Yodieland420
217. Youthful
218. Yverwreck
219. Z U V
220. Zammyhasjta
221. Zarosin
222. Zenrion
223. Zyrge

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (35):
1. Basic Guy
2. Big Pp Sj
3. Casino Cat
4. Dengtianyou
5. Dovyjads
6. Erbuol Tlm
7. Fred Xx
8. Gawd Bodi
9. Guapothicc
10. Hcim Hc Btw
11. Heartt Beatt
12. Infinitewake
13. Itz Raem
14. Jaaamin
15. Kraguna
16. Kylecoldbeer
17. Ldxd
18. Lucky Kev
19. Martin Manha
20. Money Easy
21. Mx Dirtrider
22. Naakeli
23. Nibwaa
24. Og Lmp
25. Pchelka
26. Purpinmyname
27. Schmart
28. Sean V1
29. Sikh Divine
30. Slowzi
31. Tayzzir
32. Tkaaay
33. Tzkal Pete
34. Yodieland420
35. Zarosin
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