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Create competition from Catherby CCCCCAAAAaws
Current Top for Catherby CCCCCAAAAaws
Records for Catherby CCCCCAAAAaws

Group ID: 17222
Total names in group: 8
Total names in database: 6
Total datapoints: 34,717
Total efficient time played: 49,115 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 6
Average virtual total level: 2,238
Average virtual combat level: 127.83
Total XP: 12,719,580,357
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 35
Total XP gained this month: 35

Average XP of each player:
2,119,930,059 xp
90,231,857 xp (lvl 118)
74,553,566 xp (lvl 116)
97,765,147 xp (lvl 119)
92,150,462 xp (lvl 118)
76,482,211 xp (lvl 116)
75,317,306 xp (lvl 116)
89,667,112 xp (lvl 118)
84,498,963 xp (lvl 117)
93,412,445 xp (lvl 118)
79,973,138 xp (lvl 117)
88,885,388 xp (lvl 118)
92,344,181 xp (lvl 118)
73,874,300 xp (lvl 116)
82,546,011 xp (lvl 117)
135,911,845 xp (lvl 122)
86,740,857 xp (lvl 118)
112,199,779 xp (lvl 120)
138,350,976 xp (lvl 122)
74,489,932 xp (lvl 116)
81,979,621 xp (lvl 117)
110,012,840 xp (lvl 120)
115,068,304 xp (lvl 120)
73,473,809 xp (lvl 116)

Players in group (8):
1. $35.00 Donator Shawnbay
2. $25.00 Donator Paizuri
3. Kela Fan
4. Harmony
5. $25.00 Donator Saltia
6. Frffrf Frfrf
7. Audrey Horne
8. Bigrigdriver

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (2):
1. Frffrf Frfrf
2. Harmony
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