
Create competition from ScrubLords
Current Top for ScrubLords
Records for ScrubLords

Group ID: 17006
Total names in group: 3
Total names in database: 2
Total datapoints: 751
Total efficient time played: 1,662 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 2
Average virtual total level: 2,116
Average virtual combat level: 123.5
Total XP: 434,973,140
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 434,282

Average XP of each player:
217,486,570 xp
10,643,564 xp (lvl 96)
9,882,247 xp (lvl 96)
13,987,620 xp (lvl 99)
24,663,944 xp (lvl 105)
23,512,003 xp (lvl 104)
7,647,512 xp (lvl 93)
14,300,463 xp (lvl 99)
14,037,784 xp (lvl 99)
13,669,296 xp (lvl 99)
9,682,736 xp (lvl 95)
13,176,325 xp (lvl 99)
7,149,471 xp (lvl 92)
5,887,476 xp (lvl 90)
8,140,879 xp (lvl 94)
3,451,944 xp (lvl 85)
5,472,076 xp (lvl 90)
5,909,465 xp (lvl 91)
3,414,915 xp (lvl 85)
9,001,307 xp (lvl 95)
5,706,884 xp (lvl 90)
2,322,459 xp (lvl 81)
2,903,165 xp (lvl 83)
2,923,029 xp (lvl 83)

Players in group (3):
1. Classywhited
2. Os Ryry
3. Coastline

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (1):
1. Os Ryry
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