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Create competition from Rad Pvm
Current Top for Rad Pvm
Records for Rad Pvm

Group ID: 16653
Total names in group: 216
Total names in database: 108
Total datapoints: 43,088
Total efficient time played: 85,771 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 108
Average virtual total level: 2,002
Average virtual combat level: 124.27
Total XP: 25,155,463,356
Total XP gained today: 58,418
Total XP gained this week: 12,161,035
Total XP gained this month: 133,920,175

Average XP of each player:
232,920,957 xp
15,881,346 xp (lvl 100)
13,311,749 xp (lvl 99)
23,873,534 xp (lvl 105)
32,069,614 xp (lvl 108)
29,497,302 xp (lvl 107)
6,412,722 xp (lvl 91)
16,346,161 xp (lvl 101)
8,238,473 xp (lvl 94)
6,266,804 xp (lvl 91)
6,706,752 xp (lvl 92)
5,235,166 xp (lvl 89)
5,852,446 xp (lvl 90)
6,448,562 xp (lvl 91)
4,504,605 xp (lvl 88)
4,899,564 xp (lvl 89)
5,796,219 xp (lvl 90)
4,190,573 xp (lvl 87)
5,041,470 xp (lvl 89)
10,001,585 xp (lvl 96)
8,724,872 xp (lvl 94)
4,058,959 xp (lvl 87)
4,746,030 xp (lvl 88)
4,806,064 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (216):
1. 21c
2. 24hour
3. Abbysraiders
4. Abyssalsire
5. Adam 1635
6. Airnotcarin
7. Astro World
8. Athena Neo
9. Ausripper
10. Ayo Slayer
11. Ayyreynolds
12. Bad Karma Kk
13. Barrel
14. Barrowz
15. Beer N Fries
16. Biesboss
17. Big Dikky
18. Boxus
19. Cannondab
20. Captainbud
21. Carbinechem
22. Chay
23. Cheesecutter
24. Chickenlamb
25. Chilltrap
26. Citrusmelon
27. Close Call69
28. Cold Turtle
29. Comet 20r
30. Cr1ppin
31. Dandysupreme
32. Db7
33. De Dwaler
34. Devils Baby
35. Dld Ye Aye
36. Dlive414
37. Do We Exist
38. Draisaitl 29
39. Drzombiepov
40. Ecolite
41. Edg Y
42. Edk
43. Enano58
44. Eragon 1
45. Eriik
46. Feltz
47. Flatnotglobe
48. Googolplex
49. Green It Is
50. H U N C H 0
51. Haideze
52. Hawk 69
53. Hds
54. He4dsh0tzz
55. Headwipe
56. Hermezlove
57. Hi Im Aco
58. Hladomor
59. I Quest
60. I Shyne
61. Im Hot Af
62. In The Ocean
63. Ipuja
64. Ire Xenon
65. Jj2125
66. Kalju Kaalee
67. Kelso523
68. Killinmanz
69. King Andres
70. King Koko
71. Kiss0fdead
72. L Am Chris
73. L J
74. Lanch Party
75. Lee J Y
76. Lemiwing
77. Letyos
78. Lilpeep
79. Lord Drock26
80. Lord Exdeath
81. Louvicdank
82. Love Teaches
83. Macadeliicc
84. Max Chimp
85. Mbg1
86. Meadjack
87. Metalest
88. Mewww
89. Mighty Crow
90. Mighty M4g7
91. Munchy Will
92. My Iq Is 200
93. Najibed
94. Name Rater
95. Nareik
96. Netwar
97. Normnation
98. Oklahomian
99. Olmbait
100. Omar Loves U
101. Oneeyedmorty
102. Operationzz
103. Os Wittick
104. Perma Mut3d
105. Pet Gainz
106. Pet Rabbit
107. Pregnatious
108. Pvm Ninja
109. Pyro Pegasus
110. Rad Piety
111. Rad Wynand
112. Ram 2014
113. Sparc Blunt
114. Realizze
115. Reptarsenpai
116. Roeck
117. Sanderstruck
118. Saramymate
119. Sc1m Ko
120. Schefas
121. Schiltz
122. Schoolboy
123. Sh1
124. Sh3
125. $5.00 Donator Shadystyle84
126. Softko
127. Spartacular
128. Such 1337
129. Sugah Daddy
130. Supershif
131. Thebutler
132. Thegillian
133. Thing One
134. Tornadinis
135. Troller Xd
136. Truthie
137. Turkey Dinos
138. Twist Er
139. Vidarr
140. Viklok
141. Waxtap
142. Wc 70
143. Wh1t3 Walk3r
144. Whipnsip
145. Whynay
146. Wiseoldnan
147. Xhood Richx
148. Yeehiknow
149. Habshe
150. Divinechaosx
151. Pantie Soup
152. Im Planking
153. S6 X
154. Ur2close2me
155. Hasnonium
156. Ramboyourmom
157. Newpattern
158. Zemitri
159. Mr Spark
160. Taky
161. Medicides
162. Eat Grundle
163. Teddster
164. Vernisanders
165. Xleg0lsx
166. Lost Once
167. Dice Ll
168. Xaddicted
169. Pabitoo
170. Dinraal
171. Pbandjelly
172. Airlond
173. Jbonez4life
174. Hanzala M
175. Choises
176. Kuvu
177. Powerade
178. Derdlebob
179. B B K Slayer
180. Rambourmom
181. Dino Osrs
182. Eathan
183. Fo Sho
184. Naddaclue
185. Willie432
186. New Pattern
187. Nannapuddin
188. Chetwynde
189. Brightonn
190. Trigah
191. I Like Hats
192. Dogcnt
193. Tb12goat
194. C O R Y
195. Air In Berg
196. Gapsta
197. Swole Chang
198. Stev3nstrong
199. 0o5
200. Torched Up
201. Reee Kayer
202. Korsln
203. Mlkman
204. Tank The Lag
205. Dlxy
206. Goopi
207. Jakulation
208. Tztok Dark
209. Moobaka
210. L Ochie
211. Big Serg
212. Eddiemoney
213. Biophilia
214. Raid To Bil
215. Cagacazzo
216. Kocainecwboy

Players in group not in database (23):
1. abbysraiders
2. airnotcarin
3. athena_neo
4. drzombiepov
5. hermezlove
6. ire_xenon
7. lilpeep
8. lord_exdeath
9. macadeliicc
10. najibed
11. netwar
12. rad_wynand
13. saramymate
14. sc1m_ko
15. schiltz
16. schoolboy
17. wiseoldnan
18. hasnonium
19. teddster
20. vernisanders
21. pabitoo
22. rambourmom
23. new_pattern

Players in group not on hiscores (108):
1. 0o5
2. 24hour
3. Air In Berg
4. Astro World
5. Bad Karma Kk
6. Beer N Fries
7. Biesboss
8. B B K Slayer
9. Cagacazzo
10. Cannondab
11. Carbinechem
12. Cheesecutter
13. Chickenlamb
14. Choises
15. Close Call69
16. Cold Turtle
17. Comet 20r
18. Dandysupreme
19. Derdlebob
20. Divinechaosx
21. Dld Ye Aye
22. Dlive414
23. Dogcnt
24. Eddiemoney
25. Edk
26. Enano58
27. Flatnotglobe
28. Habshe
29. Haideze
30. He4dsh0tzz
31. H U N C H 0
32. I Like Hats
33. I Shyne
34. Jakulation
35. Jj2125
36. King Andres
37. King Koko
38. Korsln
39. Lee J Y
40. Lord Drock26
41. Lost Once
42. Love Teaches
43. L Am Chris
44. L J
45. L Ochie
46. Mlkman
47. Moobaka
48. Munchy Will
49. My Iq Is 200
50. Naddaclue
51. Nannapuddin
52. Olmbait
53. Omar Loves U
54. Oneeyedmorty
55. Os Wittick
56. Pantie Soup
57. Pet Gainz
58. Pvm Ninja
59. Rad Piety
60. Reee Kayer
61. Reptarsenpai
62. Roeck
63. S6 X
64. Sanderstruck
65. Schefas
66. Sh1
67. Sh3
68. Sparc Blunt
69. Stev3nstrong
70. Such 1337
71. Sugah Daddy
72. Swole Chang
73. Tank The Lag
74. Thing One
75. Tornadinis
76. Trigah
77. Troller Xd
78. Turkey Dinos
79. Tztok Dark
80. Ur2close2me
81. Vidarr
82. Waxtap
83. Wh1t3 Walk3r
84. Xaddicted
85. Xleg0lsx
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