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Create competition from 07fury
Current Top for 07fury
Records for 07fury

Group ID: 16498
Total names in group: 117
Total names in database: 64
Total datapoints: 35,622
Total efficient time played: 45,346 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 64
Average virtual total level: 1,903
Average virtual combat level: 117.61
Total XP: 12,840,192,703
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 24,194,081

Average XP of each player:
200,628,010 xp
11,551,475 xp (lvl 97)
10,493,355 xp (lvl 96)
17,391,092 xp (lvl 101)
23,901,662 xp (lvl 105)
21,089,775 xp (lvl 103)
5,170,602 xp (lvl 89)
13,152,068 xp (lvl 99)
11,343,934 xp (lvl 97)
7,868,806 xp (lvl 93)
6,928,276 xp (lvl 92)
5,875,921 xp (lvl 90)
6,319,867 xp (lvl 91)
6,117,534 xp (lvl 91)
4,473,063 xp (lvl 88)
4,064,647 xp (lvl 87)
4,901,978 xp (lvl 89)
3,671,062 xp (lvl 86)
8,737,726 xp (lvl 94)
8,654,066 xp (lvl 94)
8,570,176 xp (lvl 94)
2,992,097 xp (lvl 84)
3,450,610 xp (lvl 85)
3,883,929 xp (lvl 86)

Players in group (117):
1. Artform
2. Biglikebears
3. Blacksamuri2
4. Buster Casey
5. Cynical 2311
6. Dunkley
7. Face Jpg
8. God Lovesyou
9. Haroolds
10. Im Trappie
11. Irusfire
12. Kharos
13. King Mashiro
14. Kozmic
15. Lolwuts
16. Martyyn
17. Mexicos Wall
18. Nestor 2k2
19. Rehbein
20. Sentinel Fox
21. Sheephead
22. Surfin Camel
23. Acidicwolf
24. Fens
25. Rangetankage
26. Relaxalil
27. Wpw
28. 453
29. 500mblunts
30. Caliber11110
31. Fibers
32. Orochimaru
33. Pet3r
34. Sharkjammies
35. Bibi Maki
36. I Lag
37. Blak Mk
38. Brendand
39. Fliwnch
40. Friendliest
41. Ljackl
42. I Kelly
43. Zuramaru
44. Amping
45. Simbrodie
46. Nesty124
47. Z4ibs
48. Haser567
49. Gstring
50. Racket Brow
51. Yarrum
52. Valivill
53. Ooh Lawdy
54. Whipthatnoob
55. Soda Sinz
56. Silentshank6
57. Daltonisgoat
58. Royal Rum
59. Ashe Of Tars
60. Shd90
61. Terp Town
62. Falkor
63. Chessdragon
64. Battlecum
65. Hot Like Ice
66. Muscledrew
67. Mxrkus
68. Lapetitemord
69. Fliwtch
70. Viking Iron
71. Ashestoroses
72. Hex 5341
73. Uber Rs
74. Farmersboy
75. Wise Andy
76. Woodland789
77. M0ffers
78. Ufokinw0t
79. Bad Logic
80. Robertrowson
81. Niivii
82. Sigill
83. Jackhudd2005
84. Red Eye Rs
85. Mikzu
86. Travo Canavo
87. Emma130
88. B E E E F
89. Osrs Pkey
90. Opel Manta B
91. L Robert
92. Mr Kcorb
93. Wiggly01
94. Juustomuki
95. Eblame
96. His Wifey
97. Hellzinki
98. Her Husband
99. Fistmeproper
100. Jordieman2
101. Larunda
102. I Melvin
103. Flnff
104. Fox 36 Float
105. L Melvin
106. Juicyyy
107. Ahmetv93
108. Sentinel Btw
109. Noob2181081
110. J Vck
111. Os Franky
112. Woohooo
113. Mikasa Chwan
114. Bigdaddysla
115. X T K
116. Ahh Wolfy
117. Lady Spooks

Players in group not in database (3):
1. woodland789
2. i_melvin
3. l_melvin

Players in group not on hiscores (53):
1. 500mblunts
2. Ashestoroses
3. Ashe Of Tars
4. Bad Logic
5. Battlecum
6. Bigdaddysla
7. Blacksamuri2
8. Buster Casey
9. Cynical 2311
10. Daltonisgoat
11. Dunkley
12. Emma130
13. Fistmeproper
14. Fliwtch
15. Flnff
16. Fox 36 Float
17. Friendliest
18. God Lovesyou
19. Haser567
20. Hellzinki
21. Her Husband
22. His Wifey
23. Hot Like Ice
24. Jordieman2
25. King Mashiro
26. Lady Spooks
27. Lapetitemord
28. Lolwuts
29. Martyyn
30. Mexicos Wall
31. Mikasa Chwan
32. Mikzu
33. Mr Kcorb
34. Muscledrew
35. Mxrkus
36. Nestor 2k2
37. Noob2181081
38. Osrs Pkey
39. Pet3r
40. Rangetankage
41. Red Eye Rs
42. Robertrowson
43. Sigill
44. Silentshank6
45. Soda Sinz
46. Travo Canavo
47. Uber Rs
48. Whipthatnoob
49. Woohooo
50. Z4ibs
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