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Records for Kushy
Group ID: 16175
Total names in group: 2
Total names in database: 1
Total datapoints: 38
Total efficient time played: 47 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 1
Average virtual total level: 512
Average virtual combat level: 1
Total XP: 5,671,246
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:
5,671,246 xp
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
345,431 xp (lvl 62)
168,945 xp (lvl 55)
0 xp (lvl 1)
1,999,240 xp (lvl 80)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
427,836 xp (lvl 64)
0 xp (lvl 1)
857,684 xp (lvl 71)
101,686 xp (lvl 50)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
49,731 xp (lvl 42)
437,030 xp (lvl 64)
0 xp (lvl 1)
Players in group (2):
1. G6l
2. Nat Runes
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (1):
1. G6l
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