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Records for Camel Boys
Group ID: 15960
Total names in group: 4
Total names in database: 4
Total datapoints: 103
Total efficient time played: 356 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 4
Average virtual total level: 949
Average virtual combat level: 67.75
Total XP: 55,852,512
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:
13,963,128 xp
818,903 xp (lvl 71)
606,850 xp (lvl 68)
1,061,239 xp (lvl 73)
1,175,823 xp (lvl 74)
824,081 xp (lvl 71)
531,974 xp (lvl 66)
437,224 xp (lvl 64)
437,190 xp (lvl 64)
1,988,911 xp (lvl 80)
536,247 xp (lvl 66)
962,495 xp (lvl 72)
1,424,944 xp (lvl 76)
114,258 xp (lvl 51)
616,249 xp (lvl 68)
190,021 xp (lvl 56)
62,128 xp (lvl 45)
393,683 xp (lvl 63)
167,034 xp (lvl 55)
314,432 xp (lvl 61)
295,470 xp (lvl 60)
20,134 xp (lvl 33)
98,811 xp (lvl 49)
303,056 xp (lvl 61)
Players in group (4):
1. Theholyguy0
2. Skidphallus
3. Newbornpoem
4. Mastermanner
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (0):
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