Create competition from Rad PVMCurrent Top for Rad PVM
Records for Rad PVM
Group ID: 15261
Total names in group: 195
Total names in database: 96
Total datapoints: 45,617
Total efficient time played: 79,175 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 96
Average virtual total level: 2,014
Average virtual combat level: 125.19
Total XP: 23,711,325,749
Total XP gained today: 571,044
Total XP gained this week: 36,235,360
Total XP gained this month: 148,301,749
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (195):
1. De Dwaler
2. Eragon 1
3. Headwipe
4. I Quest
5. Lanch Party
6. Macadeliiccc
7. Max Chimp
8. Metalest
9. Sh3
10. Troller Xd
11. 07 Seadoffer
12. 1 Pot U Dr0p
13. 24hour
14. 2 Tabs
15. Abbysraider
16. Abyssalsire
17. Adam 1635
18. Airnnotcarin
19. Apply 2 Clan
20. Astro World
21. Augi
22. Ausripper
23. Ayo Slayer
24. Ayyreynolds
25. B4audejas
26. Bacitracin31
27. Bad Karma K
28. Barrel
29. Barrowz
30. Beer N Fries
31. Biesboss
32. Big Dikky
33. Boxus
34. C2okies
35. Cannondab
36. Captain Bud
37. Carbinechem
38. Cheesecutter
39. Chemystery G
40. Chickenlamb
41. Chilltrap
42. Citrustmelon
43. Close Call69
44. Cold Turtle
45. Cr1ppin
46. Dandysupreme
47. Darchima
48. Db7
49. Devils Baby
50. Did Ye Aye
51. Dlive414
52. Do We Exist
53. Draisaitl 29
54. Ecolite
55. Edg Y
56. Edk
57. Enano58
58. Eriik
59. Ey Boosti
60. Feltz
61. Flatnotglobe
62. Gods Rng
63. Googolplex
64. Green It Is
65. H U N C H 0
66. Haideze
67. Hawk 69
68. Hds
69. He4dsh0tzz
70. Hi Im Aco
71. Hladomor
72. I Shyne
73. Jj2125
74. Ju Ly
75. Kalju Kaalee
76. Kayrev2
77. Kelso523
78. Killinmanz
79. King Koko
80. Kiss0fdead
81. L B I Z E S
82. L J
83. Lee J Y
84. Lemiwing
85. Letyos
86. Liipeep
87. Littlefeet
88. Lord Drock26
89. Louvicdank
90. Meadjack
91. Mewww
92. Mighty Crow
93. Mighty M4g7
94. Mikey M0
95. Mikey M0 V2
96. More Metal
97. Mushr0om Tip
98. Munchy Will
99. Name Rater
100. Nareik
101. Normnation
102. Oklahomian
103. Olmbait
104. Omar Loves U
105. Oneeyedmorty
106. Operationzz
107. Os Wittick
108. Perma Mut3d
109. Pet Gainz
110. Pet Rabbit
111. Phukliberals
112. Pregnatious
113. Pvm Ninja
114. Pyro Pegasus
115. Raidretarded
116. Ram 2014
117. Realizze
118. Reptarsenpai
119. Roeck
120. Sanderstruck
121. Schefas
122. Schlitz
123. School Boy

125. Sociables
126. Softko
127. Sparc Blunt
128. Sparctacular
129. Supershif
130. Sustain Art
131. Sweet Creme
132. Thebutler
133. Thegillian
134. Thing One
135. Tornadinis
136. Truthie
137. Turkey Dinos
138. Twist Er
139. Ugot1ticked
140. Viklok
141. Wc 70
142. Wh1t3 Walk3r
143. Whipnsip
144. Whynay
145. Xhood Richx
146. Yeeiknow
147. In The Ocean
148. My Iq Is 200
149. Blendingin
150. Micella
151. Rad Piety
152. Tenser
153. Iparty
154. O1337o
155. No1 Live Alt
156. Pabitoo
157. Wynand
158. Ctrlaltf 4
159. Raid 2 Bil
160. Ocean Pup
161. Powerade
162. Derdlebob
163. B B K Slayer
164. Rambourmom
165. Dino Osrs
166. Eathan
167. Fo Sho
168. Naddaclue
169. Blagoevgrad
170. Clean Chay
171. Temoc 20r
172. Brightonn
173. Fkuu
174. Hasta6858
175. Dogcnt
176. C O R Y
177. Gapsta
178. Swole Chang
179. Stev3nstrong
180. Adictions
181. Torched Up
182. Reee Kayer
183. Rad Buster
184. Mlkman
185. Goopi
186. Havoc Reigns
187. Moobaka
188. Drop A Bow
189. L Ochie
190. Big Serg
191. Eddiemoney
192. Biophilia
193. Cagacazzo
194. Zhri
195. Kocainecwboy
Players in group not in database (8):
1. 07_seadoffer
2. citrustmelon
3. darchima
4. mushr0om_tip
5. sparctacular
6. yeeiknow
7. pabitoo
8. rambourmom
Players in group not on hiscores (99):
1. 1 Pot U Dr0p
2. 24hour
3. Abbysraider
4. Adictions
5. Apply 2 Clan
6. Astro World
7. B4audejas
8. Bacitracin31
9. Bad Karma K
10. Beer N Fries
11. Biesboss
12. Blendingin
13. B B K Slayer
14. Cagacazzo
15. Cannondab
16. Captain Bud
17. Carbinechem
18. Cheesecutter
19. Chemystery G
20. Chickenlamb
21. Clean Chay
22. Close Call69
23. Cold Turtle
24. Ctrlaltf 4
25. Dandysupreme
26. Derdlebob
27. Did Ye Aye
28. Dlive414
29. Dogcnt
30. Drop A Bow
31. Eddiemoney
32. Edk
33. Enano58
34. Ey Boosti
35. Fkuu
36. Flatnotglobe
37. Gods Rng
38. Haideze
39. Hasta6858
40. He4dsh0tzz
41. H U N C H 0
42. I Shyne
43. Jj2125
44. Ju Ly
45. Kayrev2
46. King Koko
47. Lee J Y
48. Liipeep
49. Littlefeet
50. Lord Drock26
51. L J
52. L Ochie
53. Macadeliiccc
54. Mikey M0 V2
55. Mlkman
56. Moobaka
57. Munchy Will
58. My Iq Is 200
59. Naddaclue
60. No1 Live Alt
61. Olmbait
62. Omar Loves U
63. Oneeyedmorty
64. Os Wittick
65. Pet Gainz
66. Phukliberals
67. Pvm Ninja
68. Rad Buster
69. Rad Piety
70. Raidretarded
71. Raid 2 Bil
72. Reee Kayer
73. Reptarsenpai
74. Roeck
75. Sanderstruck
76. Schefas
77. Sh3
78. Sparc Blunt
79. Stev3nstrong
80. Sustain Art
81. Sweet Creme
82. Swole Chang
83. Temoc 20r
84. Thing One
85. Tornadinis
86. Troller Xd
87. Turkey Dinos
88. Ugot1ticked
89. Wh1t3 Walk3r
90. Zhri
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