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Records for House of Rejects Social Clan
Group ID: 14977
Total names in group: 41
Total names in database: 20
Total datapoints: 5,531
Total efficient time played: 17,586 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 20
Average virtual total level: 1,911
Average virtual combat level: 115.05
Total XP: 4,726,976,412
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 5,771,438
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (41):
1. Tyler Is Op
2. Gp Hoarder
3. Tom Cat
4. Crenk
5. Jeffg
6. Ostidpauvre
7. Wekran
8. Killstreak
9. Truelyhurts
10. Section8
11. Hor Ross
12. Bigbad Brett
13. Moist Nan
14. X 3 7 V
15. Majin Booh
16. Mydisfat
17. Angrygluck
18. Vagabond3
19. Dirty Beads
20. C4ndymon
21. Chek Ur Nuts
22. Jeff Is Op
23. Convicted 88
24. E4zy
25. Eidolonvool
26. Osrs Mitch
27. Geetar God
28. Senor Gringo
29. Justdoyou
30. Kidds Main
31. Shesgonetoo
32. Sid Vic
33. Spiderphenom
34. Surg3on
35. Venomix
36. Zellyy
37. Tootster
38. Jimmehh
39. Maxlme
40. Hyde Jekyll
41. Winsrs
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (21):
1. Angrygluck
2. Chek Ur Nuts
3. Convicted 88
4. Crenk
5. Geetar God
6. Hor Ross
7. Hyde Jekyll
8. Jeff Is Op
9. Justdoyou
10. Majin Booh
11. Moist Nan
12. Mydisfat
13. Ostidpauvre
14. Section8
15. Senor Gringo
16. Shesgonetoo
17. Tootster
18. Tyler Is Op
19. Venomix
20. Wekran
21. Winsrs
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