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Records for 07Fury
Group ID: 14961
Total names in group: 129
Total names in database: 67
Total datapoints: 42,660
Total efficient time played: 51,289 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 67
Average virtual total level: 1,764
Average virtual combat level: 103.93
Total XP: 14,870,731,529
Total XP gained today: 594,202
Total XP gained this week: 2,945,462
Total XP gained this month: 37,138,168
Average XP of each player:
221,951,216 xp
12,357,869 xp (lvl 98)
12,931,606 xp (lvl 98)
18,477,944 xp (lvl 102)
25,028,459 xp (lvl 105)
21,969,687 xp (lvl 104)
5,328,900 xp (lvl 89)
12,694,905 xp (lvl 98)
13,216,982 xp (lvl 99)
9,475,935 xp (lvl 95)
7,432,752 xp (lvl 93)
7,194,161 xp (lvl 92)
9,431,027 xp (lvl 95)
6,455,211 xp (lvl 91)
5,613,818 xp (lvl 90)
6,090,527 xp (lvl 91)
5,523,629 xp (lvl 90)
4,691,868 xp (lvl 88)
8,681,260 xp (lvl 94)
8,710,573 xp (lvl 94)
8,538,748 xp (lvl 94)
3,741,815 xp (lvl 86)
3,844,912 xp (lvl 86)
4,448,928 xp (lvl 88)
Players in group (129):
1. 453
2. Fibers
3. Forweth
4. Caliber11110
5. Ranger Fain
6. Supreme Fain
7. 07 Blob
8. 0nlybadluck
9. 1ronarcade
10. 500mblunts
11. A Balrog
12. Acidicwolf
13. Airbourne21
14. Antolopii
15. Anubarak
16. Artform
17. Atomicavatar
18. B Aggy
19. Bash Cash
20. Bibi Maki
21. Blak Mk
22. Brendand
23. Buster Casey
24. Cal X
25. Coffee Bird
26. Coreyz
27. Corrupt Kg
28. Cougah
29. Demerlay
30. Dux183
31. Eliteroid
32. Empire Union
33. Fens
34. Gangsternoir
35. Green Mint
36. Gun Play
37. Gytas6
38. Hot Like Ice
39. I Hop
40. I Kelly
41. Iexaggerated
42. Imtyronetheg
43. Insta
44. Ironlike Ice
45. Ironman260
46. Jaames
47. Janequeo
48. Jbirds
49. Jenkinss
50. Jixile
51. Juiicy
52. King Mashiro
53. Kingofstorm
54. Lambss
55. Level 15 Cb
56. Lil Felt
57. Magic Chop
58. Milk Bunny
59. Missskill
60. Mister Duke
61. Moodymiss
62. N0vacaine
63. Nestor 2k2
64. Nimrodh
65. Ooh Lawdy
66. Orochimaru
67. Pet3r
68. Poppacap
69. Poppacapped
70. Pown
71. Pyromancer
72. Raw Lobbs
73. Rdy4thestorm
74. Rustable
75. Sharkjammies
76. Skatergod
77. Steezycrook
78. Stelladeuce
79. Surfin Camel
80. Tbird2000
81. Tbruzas99
82. Terp Town
83. Troywi11fa11
84. Uf O
85. W00d Crush
86. Wiggly Wurmz
87. Wild Haggis
88. Workscape
89. Wpw
90. Z A C E
91. Zaider
92. Zmokin Arrow
93. Zuramaru
94. Ljackl
95. Pvm Muerte X
96. Ninjakitty
97. Cynical 2311
98. Mczarcon
99. Ddrop81
100. Gr4y Wolf
101. Irusfire
102. Land Of 0ak
103. Lastxking412
104. Loonlake
105. Nordhavn
106. Oregonlove
107. Red 0srs
108. Itsmortyrick
109. Peaknarcissi
110. Zxmage1
111. I Lag
112. Relaxalil
113. Ghost Axeman
114. Now Iron Btw
115. Macrimiau
116. Oiled Child
117. Oversight
118. Hotdog19
119. Noble Rs3
120. Downfall Inc
121. Illiililiiii
122. Larunda
123. Uber Rs
124. Bromyjesus
125. L M P A
126. Lilly Bae
127. Ryuuguu
128. J Vck
129. Vnilagorilla
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (62):
1. 07 Blob
2. 0nlybadluck
3. 1ronarcade
4. 500mblunts
5. Airbourne21
6. Bromyjesus
7. Buster Casey
8. B Aggy
9. Coffee Bird
10. Cougah
11. Cynical 2311
12. Ddrop81
13. Demerlay
14. Downfall Inc
15. Dux183
16. Eliteroid
17. Empire Union
18. Gangsternoir
19. Ghost Axeman
20. Gr4y Wolf
21. Gytas6
22. Hotdog19
23. Hot Like Ice
24. Iexaggerated
25. Illiililiiii
26. Itsmortyrick
27. Jaames
28. Janequeo
29. Juiicy
30. Kingofstorm
31. King Mashiro
32. Land Of 0ak
33. Lilly Bae
34. Lil Felt
35. Loonlake
36. L M P A
37. Macrimiau
38. Magic Chop
39. Mczarcon
40. Milk Bunny
41. Mister Duke
42. Moodymiss
43. N0vacaine
44. Nestor 2k2
45. Noble Rs3
46. Oiled Child
47. Oregonlove
48. Peaknarcissi
49. Pet3r
50. Poppacapped
51. Pvm Muerte X
52. Red 0srs
53. Ryuuguu
54. Steezycrook
55. Stelladeuce
56. Supreme Fain
57. Troywi11fa11
58. Uber Rs
59. Uf O
60. Workscape
61. Zaider
62. Z A C E
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