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Records for 07fury new
Group ID: 14530
Total names in group: 41
Total names in database: 23
Total datapoints: 21,036
Total efficient time played: 26,459 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 23
Average virtual total level: 1,983
Average virtual combat level: 114.09
Total XP: 7,841,844,505
Total XP gained today: 100,881
Total XP gained this week: 1,038,187
Total XP gained this month: 9,291,424
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (41):
1. Dmg God
2. Gun Play
3. Hot Like Ice
4. Insta
5. Lacharete Lv
6. Ljackl
7. Misterhook
8. Brendand
9. Xxdigimonxx1
10. Zuramaru
11. Tr1ceps
12. Anubarak
13. Blak Mk
14. Capt Clanky
15. Pyromancer
16. Blue Dragon
17. Mrskittymeow
18. Wild Haggis
19. Gangsternoir
20. Fibers
21. 500mblunts
22. Imtyronetheg
23. I Hop
24. Etsi
25. 07 Fury
26. Mr Platypus
27. Bash Cash
28. Ranger Fain
29. I Kelly
30. Meridians
31. Jaames
32. Zaider
33. M N J 4life
34. Empire Union
35. Airbourne21
36. Acidicwolf
37. 0nlybadluck
38. Bippity Bop
39. My 10hp Pain
40. Hotdog19
41. Jam X
Players in group not in database (4):
1. lacharete_lv
2. tr1ceps
3. capt_clanky
4. 07_fury
Players in group not on hiscores (18):
1. 0nlybadluck
2. 500mblunts
3. Airbourne21
4. Bippity Bop
5. Dmg God
6. Empire Union
7. Gangsternoir
8. Hotdog19
9. Hot Like Ice
10. Jaames
11. Jam X
12. Mrskittymeow
13. M N J 4life
14. Zaider
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