
Create competition from Michael RS
Current Top for Michael RS
Records for Michael RS

Group ID: 14524
Total names in group: 18
Total names in database: 18
Total datapoints: 3,211
Total efficient time played: 6,975 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 18
Average virtual total level: 1,281
Average virtual combat level: 83.61
Total XP: 1,943,342,293
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
107,963,460 xp
3,157,628 xp (lvl 84)
3,165,519 xp (lvl 84)
13,889,160 xp (lvl 99)
10,845,739 xp (lvl 97)
13,461,149 xp (lvl 99)
1,958,284 xp (lvl 79)
11,064,435 xp (lvl 97)
4,783,659 xp (lvl 88)
4,722,496 xp (lvl 88)
3,623,686 xp (lvl 86)
9,604,406 xp (lvl 95)
2,523,846 xp (lvl 82)
3,046,981 xp (lvl 84)
2,558,273 xp (lvl 82)
2,020,898 xp (lvl 80)
2,647,960 xp (lvl 82)
1,603,443 xp (lvl 77)
1,785,513 xp (lvl 78)
2,014,401 xp (lvl 80)
3,383,022 xp (lvl 85)
1,292,682 xp (lvl 75)
2,737,102 xp (lvl 83)
1,872,521 xp (lvl 79)

Players in group (18):
1. Michaels 1st
2. Michaels 2nd
3. Michaels 3rd
4. Michaels 4th
5. Michaels 5th
6. Michaels 6th
7. Michaels 7th
8. Michaels 8th
9. Michaels 9th
10. Michaels10th
11. Michaels11th
12. Michaels12th
13. Michaels
14. Michaels10hp
15. Michaels99th
16. Michaelsnoob
17. Michaelsbtw
18. Michaelscool

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (0):
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