
Create competition from Malse Makkers
Current Top for Malse Makkers
Records for Malse Makkers

Group ID: 14480
Total names in group: 7
Total names in database: 4
Total datapoints: 2,730
Total efficient time played: 2,931 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 4
Average virtual total level: 1,859
Average virtual combat level: 113
Total XP: 900,232,326
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 89,972

Average XP of each player:
180,046,465 xp
11,311,074 xp (lvl 97)
9,960,136 xp (lvl 96)
14,183,972 xp (lvl 99)
22,136,138 xp (lvl 104)
19,624,279 xp (lvl 103)
5,474,112 xp (lvl 90)
14,526,795 xp (lvl 100)
6,189,042 xp (lvl 91)
4,085,959 xp (lvl 87)
7,744,699 xp (lvl 93)
3,858,331 xp (lvl 86)
4,373,992 xp (lvl 87)
6,277,504 xp (lvl 91)
3,525,929 xp (lvl 85)
3,900,083 xp (lvl 86)
5,612,197 xp (lvl 90)
2,834,439 xp (lvl 83)
6,569,454 xp (lvl 92)
11,051,083 xp (lvl 97)
7,263,407 xp (lvl 93)
2,569,788 xp (lvl 82)
2,840,889 xp (lvl 83)
4,133,153 xp (lvl 87)

Players in group (7):
1. Captain Cool
2. Wildy Cows
3. Capt Stoer
4. Tougher Dude
5. Ieatass Xd
6. Endsley
7. Rietbak Bert

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (3):
1. Endsley
2. Ieatass Xd
Click here to submit name changes for these players.
