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Records for cub

Group ID: 14218
Total names in group: 2
Total names in database: 2
Total datapoints: 4,988
Total efficient time played: 3,195 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 2
Average virtual total level: 2,333
Average virtual combat level: 132.5
Total XP: 861,276,142
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
430,638,071 xp
22,272,381 xp (lvl 104)
18,918,690 xp (lvl 102)
24,216,432 xp (lvl 105)
40,576,490 xp (lvl 110)
44,492,146 xp (lvl 111)
13,292,994 xp (lvl 99)
25,857,548 xp (lvl 105)
27,207,345 xp (lvl 106)
13,099,251 xp (lvl 99)
13,051,727 xp (lvl 99)
14,642,722 xp (lvl 100)
13,171,069 xp (lvl 99)
14,052,909 xp (lvl 99)
13,564,768 xp (lvl 99)
13,177,057 xp (lvl 99)
13,164,015 xp (lvl 99)
13,337,916 xp (lvl 99)
13,384,773 xp (lvl 99)
19,684,068 xp (lvl 103)
17,537,575 xp (lvl 101)
13,728,729 xp (lvl 99)
15,121,618 xp (lvl 100)
13,085,840 xp (lvl 99)

Players in group (2):
1. Umi
2. Olvia

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (0):
Click here to submit name changes for these players.
