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Records for Terra Nova
Group ID: 13854
Total names in group: 154
Total names in database: 75
Total datapoints: 39,464
Total efficient time played: 54,347 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 75
Average virtual total level: 1,866
Average virtual combat level: 112.76
Total XP: 15,766,801,248
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 12,198,291
Total XP gained this month: 75,495,305
Average XP of each player:
187,700,014 xp
12,881,839 xp (lvl 98)
10,396,870 xp (lvl 96)
17,219,306 xp (lvl 101)
24,001,494 xp (lvl 105)
21,699,696 xp (lvl 104)
5,173,848 xp (lvl 89)
12,405,069 xp (lvl 98)
8,283,097 xp (lvl 94)
5,124,792 xp (lvl 89)
6,161,842 xp (lvl 91)
4,871,132 xp (lvl 89)
5,740,288 xp (lvl 90)
5,440,169 xp (lvl 90)
4,251,430 xp (lvl 87)
3,622,818 xp (lvl 86)
4,899,562 xp (lvl 89)
3,871,371 xp (lvl 86)
4,468,140 xp (lvl 88)
8,809,105 xp (lvl 95)
6,208,735 xp (lvl 91)
3,525,053 xp (lvl 85)
4,505,146 xp (lvl 88)
4,118,326 xp (lvl 87)
Players in group (154):
1. Aw Ian
2. Berada
3. Blitzy97
4. Cheesey Hood
5. Edd Wilson
6. Eyedeology
7. Goody Le Pew
8. Huggi3 B3ar
9. Hulk S 90 3
10. Hypnotccurvs
11. Its Ash
12. Jamajayjay
13. Jubbly Lover
14. Leoroids
15. Low Key Dubs
16. Odeutschland
17. Sloosh Poop
18. Staygold3n
19. Thomvu123
20. Tokengoat
21. Torean
22. Uobu
23. Uracan147
24. W 115
25. Yaneponemayu
26. 1949
27. Alpha 0xe
28. Antoher
29. Causer
30. Chaelor
31. Cqm
32. Cs4
33. Derrs
34. Dr Voodoo
35. Eiknarf
36. Filthygern
37. Genjmon
38. Gk Gargoyle
39. Gk Pappy
40. Gk Tanktye
41. Grims Bee
42. Hxzell
43. Iron Zooted
44. L0go
45. Lilithmon
46. Lostbuthappy
47. Maxking94
48. Okeeper
49. Oldobby
50. Poop Game
51. Red And Gold
52. Sheeurii
53. Slurp Her
54. Somanyxps
55. Twixx
56. Xerg
57. 3lb
58. Alphaoptimus
59. Bloodxpyro
60. Burgie
61. Cerpus
62. Crispy Ghost
63. Crystalstorm
64. D Menotatta
65. Draconyte
66. Fat Dab Hit
67. Foamie
68. Gk Time
69. Hench Willie
70. Jakev08
71. Mike Is Mia
72. Mistrfrogman
73. Networkerz
74. Nshab
75. Psychroz
76. Slainmisfit
77. Smith A Cat
78. Supagramps
79. Svt500
80. Toon Titan
81. Tugboats
82. Rakshasa Xx
83. Xbossing
84. Derrbear3333
85. Drop Pockets
86. Imlazy
87. Mrwinter
88. Pur Mag3xx
89. Suck My Arse
90. My Yaya Spot
91. Sciencetaco
92. Tn Shakes
93. Erystana
94. Gk Bert
95. Katey
96. Sofiero
97. Tintti218
98. Lurk
99. Tn Gup
100. 1osh
101. Htl
102. Tn Ironside
103. Itiovement
104. Invadingmind
105. Tn Paky
106. Theguyhiding
107. I Dont Pvm
108. D Menottatas
109. Tn Worst Rng
110. 99corp Btw
111. Gamepoint
112. Quarix
113. Retrogamer02
114. 20 Iq Idiot
115. Jakethornify
116. Wolfkilla
117. O Cho8
118. Rng Boy
119. Tjops
120. Itachi201994
121. Coffeekitty
122. Reliefed
123. Tn Pow
124. Whats Ranged
125. Ozzula
126. Jollyblue
127. Theguyinview
128. Iadrenaline
129. Ironasshole
130. Tewizz
131. Achello
132. D Menotattas
133. Siren 83
134. 2 Gp 2 C Pp
135. Skill Zealot
136. Bigduelz
137. Gimmie Some
138. Godthornify
139. Kandelaar
140. Rexholez
141. Its Zua
142. Lial
143. Martin One
144. Srdoinksalot
145. The Way I Am
146. Oil Pen
147. Waves Of Ash
148. Melismaqueen
149. Bertlicktoes
150. Slaying You
151. Hemmii
152. Pvm 7
153. Grand Gnome
154. Juicy Lil D
Players in group not in database (8):
1. alpha_0xe
2. causer
3. derrs
4. gk_gargoyle
5. poop_game
6. twixx
7. d_menotatta
8. gk_bert
Players in group not on hiscores (79):
1. 1osh
2. 99corp Btw
3. Bertlicktoes
4. Bigduelz
5. Blitzy97
6. Bloodxpyro
7. Chaelor
8. Cheesey Hood
9. Derrbear3333
10. Dr Voodoo
11. Fat Dab Hit
12. Filthygern
13. Gimmie Some
14. Gk Tanktye
15. Godthornify
16. Grand Gnome
17. Huggi3 B3ar
18. Hulk S 90 3
19. Hxzell
20. Hypnotccurvs
21. Itachi201994
22. I Dont Pvm
23. Jakethornify
24. Jakev08
25. Jamajayjay
26. Kandelaar
27. Katey
28. L0go
29. Leoroids
30. Lilithmon
31. Lurk
32. Martin One
33. Mrwinter
34. My Yaya Spot
35. Okeeper
36. Ozzula
37. O Cho8
38. Pur Mag3xx
39. Pvm 7
40. Quarix
41. Red And Gold
42. Sciencetaco
43. Siren 83
44. Slaying You
45. Slurp Her
46. Srdoinksalot
47. Staygold3n
48. Suck My Arse
49. Tewizz
50. Theguyhiding
51. Theguyinview
52. Tn Gup
53. Tn Ironside
54. Tn Paky
55. Tn Pow
56. Tn Worst Rng
57. Tugboats
58. Uobu
59. Waves Of Ash
60. Wolfkilla
61. W 115
62. Xbossing
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