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Create competition from GK Skill of the Week
Current Top for GK Skill of the Week
Records for GK Skill of the Week

Group ID: 13654
Total names in group: 166
Total names in database: 76
Total datapoints: 36,533
Total efficient time played: 52,777 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 76
Average virtual total level: 1,855
Average virtual combat level: 114.7
Total XP: 15,507,814,640
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 11,384,832
Total XP gained this month: 103,051,916

Average XP of each player:
189,119,690 xp
14,460,585 xp (lvl 100)
10,936,440 xp (lvl 97)
19,171,862 xp (lvl 102)
26,003,564 xp (lvl 105)
23,095,823 xp (lvl 104)
5,115,113 xp (lvl 89)
12,708,743 xp (lvl 98)
7,433,471 xp (lvl 93)
4,955,670 xp (lvl 89)
5,676,739 xp (lvl 90)
4,360,342 xp (lvl 87)
5,518,893 xp (lvl 90)
4,900,234 xp (lvl 89)
3,807,172 xp (lvl 86)
3,310,357 xp (lvl 85)
4,148,263 xp (lvl 87)
3,559,090 xp (lvl 85)
3,853,390 xp (lvl 86)
9,667,345 xp (lvl 95)
5,936,723 xp (lvl 91)
3,047,238 xp (lvl 84)
3,782,221 xp (lvl 86)
3,626,912 xp (lvl 86)

Players in group (166):
1. Erystana
2. Gk Bert
3. Katey
4. Sofiero
5. Tintti218
6. Gk Shakes
7. My Yaya Spot
8. Sciencetaco
9. Theguyhiding
10. Derrbear3333
11. Drop Pockets
12. Gk Zua
13. Suck My Arse
14. 3lb
15. Alphaoptimus
16. Bloodxpyro
17. Burgie
18. Cerpus
19. Cpt Rockhard
20. Crispy Ghost
21. Crystalstorm
22. D Menotattas
23. Fat Dab Hit
24. Foamie
25. Gk Slaying
26. Gk Suicidal
27. Gk Time
28. Hench Willie
29. Imlazy
30. Invadingmind
31. Jakev08
32. Kibathewolf
33. Klappaccino
34. Mistrfrogman
35. Mrwinter
36. Networkerz
37. Pur Mag3xx
38. Supagramps
39. Svt500
40. Toon Titan
41. Tugboats
42. Rakshasa Xx
43. Xbossing
44. 00 Chosen 00
45. 1949
46. Alpha 0xe
47. Antoher
48. Bustinjieber
49. Causer
50. Derrs
51. Draconyte
52. Eiknarf
53. Fastly Walks
54. Filthygern
55. Garebearrrrr
56. Genjmon
57. Gk Mrclean
58. Gk Pappy
59. Gk Tanktye
60. Gk Vanijin
61. Grims Bee
62. Hussy 90
63. Iron Zooted
64. Kuz Im Ninja
65. Lostbuthappy
66. Masuro
67. Maxking94
68. Mike Is Mia
69. Nshab
70. Okeeper
71. Oldobby
72. Poop Game
73. Psychroz
74. Slurp Her
75. Smith A Cat
76. Somanyxps
77. Twixx
78. Xaaz
79. Yowhatupg77
80. 50dollarbill
81. Actor
82. Aw Ian
83. Belak Kralc
84. Bishimnice
85. Bomb Hills
86. Brutal Boost
87. Chaelor
88. Cqm
89. Cs4
90. Desideratums
91. Dill Weed
92. Dr Guinness
93. Droppindimes
94. Edd Wilson
95. Eyedeology
96. Fwhatuheard
97. Gk Gargoyle
98. Gnarkillskee
99. Gold D Lufy
100. Guay Day
101. Heartofblack
102. Hokus
103. Hxzell
104. Hypnotccurvs
105. I Love Booty
106. Jamajayjay
107. Jordanranger
108. L0go
109. Lazy Prez
110. Leoroids
111. Low Key Dubs
112. Mammothcones
113. Milkingurmom
114. Mrcordyceps
115. Mr Black340
116. Naughty Deb
117. Penny Clown
118. R We Friend
119. Red And Gold
120. Sephirothred
121. Shadirra
122. Shansuke
123. Sheeurii
124. Skim Milk
125. Sky People
126. Slainmisfit
127. Staygold3n
128. Thomvu123
129. Tianmon
130. T O A D
131. Uobu
132. Vv Coseph Vv
133. Xwicked89
134. Zipper747
135. Lurk
136. Tn Gup
137. 1osh
138. Htl
139. Tn Ironside
140. Leoroidss
141. Tn Paky
142. D Menottatas
143. Tn Worst Rng
144. 20 Iq Idiot
145. Jakethornify
146. Tn Pow
147. Ozzula
148. Tewizz
149. Siren 83
150. 2 Gp 2 C Pp
151. Skill Zealot
152. Godthornify
153. Kandelaar
154. Rexholez
155. Lial
156. Suckmyditka
157. Martin One
158. Srdoinksalot
159. The Way I Am
160. Waves Of Ash
161. Melismaqueen
162. Bertlicktoes
163. Ios Champion
164. Pvm 7
165. Ysez
166. Juicy Lil D

Players in group not in database (29):
1. gk_bert
2. gk_shakes
3. gk_zua
4. cpt_rockhard
5. gk_slaying
6. gk_suicidal
7. 00_chosen_00
8. alpha_0xe
9. causer
10. derrs
11. gk_mrclean
12. poop_game
13. twixx
14. yowhatupg77
15. bishimnice
16. desideratums
17. dr_guinness
18. fwhatuheard
19. gk_gargoyle
20. gold_d_lufy
21. lazy_prez
22. mammothcones
23. mr_black340
24. naughty_deb
25. sephirothred
26. shadirra
27. shansuke
28. tianmon
29. t_o_a_d

Players in group not on hiscores (90):
1. 1osh
2. Belak Kralc
3. Bertlicktoes
4. Bloodxpyro
5. Bustinjieber
6. Chaelor
7. Derrbear3333
8. Fat Dab Hit
9. Filthygern
10. Gk Tanktye
11. Gk Vanijin
12. Gnarkillskee
13. Godthornify
14. Heartofblack
15. Hxzell
16. Hypnotccurvs
17. Ios Champion
18. Jakethornify
19. Jakev08
20. Jamajayjay
21. Kandelaar
22. Katey
23. Klappaccino
24. L0go
25. Leoroids
26. Lurk
27. Martin One
28. Milkingurmom
29. Mrcordyceps
30. Mrwinter
31. My Yaya Spot
32. Okeeper
33. Ozzula
34. Pur Mag3xx
35. Pvm 7
36. Red And Gold
37. Sciencetaco
38. Siren 83
39. Slurp Her
40. Srdoinksalot
41. Staygold3n
42. Suck My Arse
43. Tewizz
44. Theguyhiding
45. Tn Gup
46. Tn Ironside
47. Tn Paky
48. Tn Pow
49. Tn Worst Rng
50. Tugboats
51. Uobu
52. Vv Coseph Vv
53. Waves Of Ash
54. Xbossing
55. Xwicked89
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