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Create competition from Team Eternity Jan 2018
Current Top for Team Eternity Jan 2018
Records for Team Eternity Jan 2018

Group ID: 13560
Total names in group: 272
Total names in database: 140
Total datapoints: 91,235
Total efficient time played: 179,488 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 140
Average virtual total level: 2,141
Average virtual combat level: 130.19
Total XP: 56,737,703,327
Total XP gained today: 4,328,439
Total XP gained this week: 23,214,826
Total XP gained this month: 154,384,559

Average XP of each player:
399,561,291 xp
23,954,117 xp (lvl 105)
21,052,552 xp (lvl 103)
42,252,117 xp (lvl 110)
52,882,560 xp (lvl 113)
49,689,044 xp (lvl 112)
10,102,922 xp (lvl 96)
24,611,399 xp (lvl 105)
16,190,679 xp (lvl 101)
10,816,836 xp (lvl 97)
10,781,262 xp (lvl 97)
9,153,003 xp (lvl 95)
10,813,449 xp (lvl 97)
10,083,806 xp (lvl 96)
8,928,844 xp (lvl 95)
9,396,631 xp (lvl 95)
10,779,269 xp (lvl 97)
8,085,433 xp (lvl 94)
10,700,640 xp (lvl 97)
17,008,657 xp (lvl 101)
15,449,951 xp (lvl 100)
8,760,006 xp (lvl 94)
8,430,382 xp (lvl 94)
9,630,568 xp (lvl 95)

Players in group (272):
1. 00hmjhero00
2. 22andtonk
3. 22whitewolf
4. 420andzulrah
5. 716
6. 75 Attac
7. 7ckng Mad
8. Ajhawk
9. Amulet Coin
10. Apejr
11. Army Officer
12. Astoric
13. A Clue
14. Badgermole
15. Belerophon
16. Berzerkzwinz
17. Biggie Runes
18. Big Uzi V3rt
19. Blackup
20. Blz3d Jr
21. Boarla
22. Bobbyogkush
23. Boken
24. Bravo Lv
25. Brodders
26. B 4 W S
27. B Ud
28. Call Me Mike
29. Celesdel
30. Chaudoin Jr
31. Chilhowie
32. Chizsle
33. Chocookie
34. Chris Haslam
35. Coupleoftits
36. Cucu370
37. Daddyz Kraj
38. Daddy Strick
39. Daniel 4115
40. Dark   X
41. Defense
42. Devils Ally
43. Dialectical
44. Dillooon
45. Dl Huey
46. Dondoulou
47. Drift Ai
48. Droldschool
49. Dr Vetion
50. Dsample
51. D O O L E Y
52. Easy Made
53. Elco
54. Ewa Tietjes
55. Fally Masacr
56. Fitness 1st
57. Five Bows
58. Fix Me Flopp
59. Fluteband
60. Foink It
61. Frsty Luvs U
62. F B G M
63. Glider
64. Glob Master
65. Glue Muncher
66. God Kill3r
67. Gzv
68. Harderbiggie
69. Hopeless0ne
70. Huntersmith
71. H A N N A H
72. Ib Lifted
73. Ice Up Son
74. Igotnoolife
75. Im Droseidon
76. Ipot
77. I Am A Vegan
78. I Pk Nakid
79. Jd Ghost
80. Jeckht
81. Jejex
82. Jempuax
83. Jryrlr
84. Just Lily
85. Just Wp
86. Karlberg
87. Kdogg Og
88. Kidz To Kill
89. Kihnu Virve
90. Klorecore
91. Kluuntje
92. Kree Btw
93. Kree Arra
94. Larzuk
95. Legend 4 2 O
96. Leluuk
97. Leo Messi
98. Lets See
99. Lettam
100. Lgnorantt
101. Lord Minning
102. Luke38
103. L Mster L
104. Madcommander
105. Madzi
106. Marty V
107. Mat Thew11
108. Mc Dugy
109. Me Patrick
110. Mikefainted
111. Mildrussia
112. Moist Homie
113. Mojojojo
114. Mpownage
115. Mrbudha
116. Mr Clawcrux
117. Mr Peach
118. Mustachio
119. Mustikurupt
120. Njx
121. Nogoodnms
122. Noob Down
123. Not Notes
124. Not Snake
125. Nub Leo
126. Oak Lanber
127. Ogazumu
128. Ohmangoddamn
129. Oh My Rekt
130. Onemoreyear
131. Optimus
132. Ourdirtygirl
133. O Wl
134. Panda Flail
135. Peremees
136. Perfectko
137. Peweherman
138. Pinup
139. Pokemaster43
140. Profe
141. Pyrotemplar
142. Qoodz
143. Retribution
144. Rice Bunny R
145. Rinze
146. Roid King
147. Roll Back
148. Ronaldo
149. Ronny2170
150. Rooieswag
151. Rtm Austin
152. R U Srs
153. Sad Ler
154. Saint Remy
155. Schnei Yo
156. Scruba Steve
157. Seat Buckle
158. Shadow Force
159. Sicily
160. Siky
161. Sjakiemans
162. Skillza
163. Skumbag War
164. Sky Speeder5
165. Slayosaurus
166. Sleeping 2h
167. Smite 4 Days
168. Smokeyda Bur
169. Smunt Bloke
170. Snydmes
171. Sontakokki
172. Sqrazer
173. Squad Of One
174. Stacky
175. Starnights
176. Starscreamss
177. Sticky Bible
178. Stijntje
179. Stonetitan
180. Subienblunts
181. Sutdellen
182. Swizziz
183. Syn Yeezus
184. S A U L
185. Tasty Memes
186. Tecurt
187. Te Beelz
188. Te Bhandra
189. Te Charles
190. Te Farenheit
191. Te Fids
192. Te Grindz
193. Te Grlnd
194. Te Hash1
195. Te Junior
196. Te Linknavi
197. Te Notus
198. Te Probl3m
199. Te Prophet
200. Te Sineh
201. Te Vitamin
202. That Herb
203. That Plug
204. Thedankshow
205. Tinykawckus
206. Torasha
207. Triblionirs
208. Tubbuh
209. Twistedvegan
210. Tynez
211. Tztok Sev
212. V4nsed
213. Valcofke
214. Waffs
215. Webs
216. Westbrook40
217. White Orchid
218. Willms11
219. Wontseeme
220. World 370
221. Wudkip
222. Xwidowx
223. X O N A
224. Yoda Og
225. Yo K Y S
226. Yunthers
227. Zuriel V2
228. Zyaz
229. One Umbrella
230. Nedosiu Tbow
231. See Me Tho
232. Thesacredjew
233. Gachidance
234. Goth B0i
235. Te Petmaster
236. Knox Btw
237. Give Pet Pls
238. Psiiocybe
239. I H8 Rev
240. Craske
241. Natestur
242. Ss Nordic
243. A Void U
244. Awfa5
245. Zex
246. Te Garrett
247. Te Arne
248. Miss Spade
249. Boopiedap
250. Purdy
251. Elite Diarys
252. Jar Of Ligma
253. I Used To Rc
254. Bad N B0ujee
255. Icy Allah12
256. Hero Envy
257. Hell Spawn
258. Miss Chick
259. 421421412
260. $35.00 Donator Leenakyung
261. Heroonchest
262. Os Rikka
263. Pussy On Me
264. Max Main Alt
265. Eternatus
266. Powerneggir3
267. L Flynn
268. Mr Tough Rs
269. Oblv Smob
270. Xi Marino Ix
271. 22 Andtonk
272. Sonavel

Players in group not in database (32):
1. 00hmjhero00
2. apejr
3. big_uzi_v3rt
4. fix_me_flopp
5. god_kill3r
6. gzv
7. im_droseidon
8. jempuax
9. lgnorantt
10. moist_homie
11. mustikurupt
12. nub_leo
13. oak_lanber
14. ohmangoddamn
15. ourdirtygirl
16. profe
17. rice_bunny_r
18. rtm_austin
19. sleeping_2h
20. snydmes
21. stacky
22. starscreamss
23. te_beelz
24. te_farenheit
25. te_fids
26. te_grlnd
27. tinykawckus
28. torasha
29. triblionirs
30. twistedvegan
31. tztok_sev
32. yo_k_y_s

Players in group not on hiscores (132):
1. 22andtonk
2. 22 Andtonk
3. 420andzulrah
4. 421421412
5. Army Officer
6. A Void U
7. Bad N B0ujee
8. Biggie Runes
9. Boarla
10. Bobbyogkush
11. Chaudoin Jr
12. Chilhowie
13. Chocookie
14. Coupleoftits
15. Craske
16. Cucu370
17. Daddyz Kraj
18. Daddy Strick
19. Daniel 4115
20. Defense
21. Devils Ally
22. Dl Huey
23. Droldschool
24. Dr Vetion
25. Dsample
26. Elite Diarys
27. Five Bows
28. Frsty Luvs U
29. Give Pet Pls
30. Goth B0i
31. Heroonchest
32. Hero Envy
33. Huntersmith
34. Icy Allah12
35. I Am A Vegan
36. I H8 Rev
37. Jeckht
38. Just Lily
39. Kdogg Og
40. Knox Btw
41. Kree Btw
42. $35.00 Donator Leenakyung
43. Luke38
44. L Flynn
45. Madzi
46. Marty V
47. Mikefainted
48. Miss Chick
49. Miss Spade
50. Mrbudha
51. Mr Tough Rs
52. Natestur
53. Nedosiu Tbow
54. Noob Down
55. Not Snake
56. Oblv Smob
57. Oh My Rekt
58. One Umbrella
59. Os Rikka
60. Panda Flail
61. Powerneggir3
62. Psiiocybe
63. Pussy On Me
64. Roll Back
65. R U Srs
66. Saint Remy
67. Scruba Steve
68. See Me Tho
69. Siky
70. Sjakiemans
71. Skumbag War
72. Smite 4 Days
73. Sonavel
74. Sontakokki
75. Syn Yeezus
76. S A U L
77. Tasty Memes
78. Te Arne
79. Te Charles
80. Te Grindz
81. Te Hash1
82. Te Junior
83. Te Linknavi
84. Te Notus
85. Te Petmaster
86. Te Probl3m
87. Te Prophet
88. Te Sineh
89. Te Vitamin
90. That Herb
91. That Plug
92. Westbrook40
93. Willms11
94. World 370
95. Xwidowx
96. X O N A
97. Zex
98. Zyaz
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