Create competition from Invicta Skilling PVMCurrent Top for Invicta Skilling PVM
Records for Invicta Skilling PVM
Group ID: 13401
Total names in group: 85
Total names in database: 51
Total datapoints: 33,073
Total efficient time played: 43,540 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 51
Average virtual total level: 1,996
Average virtual combat level: 121.78
Total XP: 12,675,321,400
Total XP gained today: 187,840
Total XP gained this week: 2,762,997
Total XP gained this month: 14,949,295
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (85):
1. Luuo
2. Tourz
3. Bromosapienn
4. Kool Ade Man
5. Towbot
6. Geronimo 97
7. Gamir Von
8. Armyman329
9. Kraka
10. Zealos Rioku
11. Half Leaf
12. Dicot
13. Cyah
14. Mckelvie
15. Mrtobz
16. Elezar
17. Drowsey
18. Hickton
19. Omgsquirrel9
20. Tok Xik Jad
21. The R4ng3r
22. Chedabiscuit
23. Minierror
24. Wolz
25. Inv Giraffe
26. Inv Zebra
27. Prohibit
28. Say What21
29. Stickaplex
30. I H3nleys I
31. Ian Iz King
32. Froginanafro
33. Sbe9999
34. Parkour Monk
35. Zemms
36. Jampble
37. Volumez
38. Frosty6570
39. Phinfan27615
40. Herbatodt
41. Dembuk
42. Unleasher
43. Restless 07
44. Snitramz
45. Railee
46. Dem Boobiez
47. Zeurk
48. Princessdave
49. S4andwichman
50. Scibby
51. Wave2453
52. Lord Psyho
53. G0db
54. Chiamata
55. Uguucci Gang
56. Polloparty
57. G70
58. B E N J A M
59. Celt Brenny
60. Zarz
61. Synsations
62. John Wyck
63. Inv Illtapya
64. Sean Btw
65. Ridocj123
66. Einstoing
67. Oceani
68. Deravel
69. Scotttty
70. Renchs
71. Theslothrs
72. Manser2300
73. I Inferno L
74. Akfas9f
75. Flipsiflopsi

77. Sir Vapegod
78. Just Go Raid
79. Isdeni
80. Mcrib Btw
81. Iandres
82. Pogtato

84. Dark Arcana

Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (34):
1. Akfas9f
2. Celt Brenny

4. Deravel
5. Drowsey
6. Flipsiflopsi
7. Geronimo 97
8. Half Leaf
9. Inv Giraffe
10. Inv Illtapya
11. Inv Zebra
12. Isdeni
13. I Inferno L
14. Manser2300
15. Mcrib Btw
16. Minierror
17. Mrtobz
18. Omgsquirrel9
19. Phinfan27615
20. Princessdave
21. Railee
22. Renchs
23. Ridocj123
24. Sir Vapegod
25. Snitramz
26. Tok Xik Jad
27. Uguucci Gang
28. Volumez
29. Wolz
30. Zeurk
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