
Create competition from Osrs Fury
Current Top for Osrs Fury
Records for Osrs Fury

Group ID: 12534
Total names in group: 150
Total names in database: 80
Total datapoints: 56,870
Total efficient time played: 63,629 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 80
Average virtual total level: 1,777
Average virtual combat level: 108.83
Total XP: 18,782,126,425
Total XP gained today: 457,633
Total XP gained this week: 13,855,432
Total XP gained this month: 104,655,293

Average XP of each player:
231,878,104 xp
13,023,598 xp (lvl 98)
11,060,316 xp (lvl 97)
22,937,853 xp (lvl 104)
27,594,017 xp (lvl 106)
25,694,868 xp (lvl 105)
6,565,963 xp (lvl 92)
13,436,320 xp (lvl 99)
14,273,646 xp (lvl 99)
8,391,401 xp (lvl 94)
7,348,436 xp (lvl 93)
6,880,646 xp (lvl 92)
9,179,849 xp (lvl 95)
6,090,842 xp (lvl 91)
5,431,291 xp (lvl 90)
5,033,327 xp (lvl 89)
6,019,309 xp (lvl 91)
5,082,615 xp (lvl 89)
6,152,939 xp (lvl 91)
9,377,747 xp (lvl 95)
8,124,628 xp (lvl 94)
4,438,995 xp (lvl 88)
4,771,333 xp (lvl 88)
4,900,063 xp (lvl 89)

Players in group (150):
1. 0rnstein
2. 453
3. Acidicwolf
4. Antolopii
5. Bad Storm
6. Banda103
7. Barbadose
8. Bash Cash
9. Bayb
10. Bedtimespwn
11. Bibi Maki
12. Bippity Bop 
13. Blak Mk
14. Blood Archer
15. Blue Dragon
16. Blue Ii
17. Brendand
18. Carambolajam
19. Chickschubby
20. Chubbychicks
21. Cougah
22. D3lboy1
23. Dandilion95
24. Dapper Sloth
25. Davord
26. Deadknight2
27. Dexter1
28. Donkeyboner
29. Draconyte
30. Dragonstared
31. Dusty Kief
32. Dux183
33. Embargo
34. Empire Union
35. Flawnks
36. Fliwnty
37. Gangsternoir
38. Gang Labour
39. Godem
40. Got Reported
41. Gw As
42. Gytas6
43. Hcsaltsalad
44. Hot Like Ice
45. Iamarcade
46. Iexaggerated
47. Infectedserp
48. Insxm
49. Iron Beatbox
50. Itz Azza Xd
51. I Hop
52. I Kelly
53. I Was Killed
54. Jackhudd2005
55. Juiicy
56. Kay P0
57. Kellyy
58. Kingofstorm
59. Kingragnar69
60. Kyoani
61. L4y
62. Lerzbot
63. Level 15 Cb
64. Mandd001
65. Meridians
66. Mr Benj
67. Mr Platypus
68. Natalicious
69. Neurogenetic
70. Nick Brakes
71. Nimrodh
72. Nolove
73. Not Main
74. Ore
75. Orochimaru
76. Pelicansquad
77. Platonicpure
78. Playnogames
79. Polar
80. Poopsandwich
81. Pork Ribs
82. Pown
83. Printed
84. Project Ado
85. Puundaa
86. Pyromancer
87. Ranger Fain
88. Redshift1
89. Restofari
90. Robbertcan
91. Robinjudge
92. Rommuloshd
93. Starburzt
94. Steezycrook
95. Stelladeuce
96. $5.00 Donator Suryasath
97. T Bonesteak
98. Tbruzas99
99. Terp Town
100. Tiikerii
101. Tirioll
102. Troubleyouth
103. Troywi11fa11
104. Wise Andy
105. Workscape
106. Xxiic
107. Zuramaru
108. Nestor 2k2
109. Nplinitemare
110. King Mashiro
111. Jokahee
112. Liftedspirit
113. L A Z
114. Blorgan
115. Im Chivalry
116. Whiiiiiiiite
117. Ill Smith
118. Abbysal  God
119. Lntimates
120. Demerlay
121. Coffee Bird
122. Jixile
123. N0vacaine
124. Viceofkiling
125. Poppacap
126. Harryballer9
127. Toe Job
128. C0ldy
129. Blaze King
130. Test L
131. Lambss
132. Cynical 2311
133. Gr4y Wolf
134. I Lag
135. Sky Dweller
136. Oiled Child
137. $50.00 Donator Oversight
138. Noble Rs3
139. Downfall Inc
140. Bromyjesus
141. L M P A
142. Ryuuguu
143. 4778kyle
144. Os Franky
145. Whiteeey
146. Vnilagorilla
147. Voteyes4dick
148. Ben Burgezz
149. Ploxpanda
150. Maxed Beast

Players in group not in database (1):
1. bippity_bop_

Players in group not on hiscores (70):
1. 4778kyle
2. Banda103
3. Barbadose
4. Ben Burgezz
5. Blorgan
6. Blue Ii
7. Bromyjesus
8. Chickschubby
9. Coffee Bird
10. Cougah
11. Cynical 2311
12. Dapper Sloth
13. Deadknight2
14. Demerlay
15. Dexter1
16. Downfall Inc
17. Dux183
18. Empire Union
19. Gangsternoir
20. Gang Labour
21. Gr4y Wolf
22. Gytas6
23. Harryballer9
24. Hcsaltsalad
25. Hot Like Ice
26. Iamarcade
27. Iexaggerated
28. Ill Smith
29. Im Chivalry
30. Infectedserp
31. Insxm
32. Itz Azza Xd
33. I Was Killed
34. Jokahee
35. Juiicy
36. Kay P0
37. Kingofstorm
38. King Mashiro
39. Lntimates
40. L M P A
41. Maxed Beast
42. N0vacaine
43. Natalicious
44. Nestor 2k2
45. Noble Rs3
46. Nplinitemare
47. Oiled Child
48. Ore
49. Pelicansquad
50. Platonicpure
51. Pork Ribs
52. Printed
53. Project Ado
54. Redshift1
55. Robbertcan
56. Ryuuguu
57. Sky Dweller
58. Starburzt
59. Steezycrook
60. Stelladeuce
61. Test L
62. Tiikerii
63. Troywi11fa11
64. Viceofkiling
65. Voteyes4dick
66. Whiiiiiiiite
67. Workscape
68. Xxiic
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