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Records for Hexis post comp comp
Group ID: 12385
Total names in group: 24
Total names in database: 18
Total datapoints: 129,430
Total efficient time played: 138,606 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 18
Average virtual total level: 2,492
Average virtual combat level: 141.72
Total XP: 41,594,984,268
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 10,933,644
Total XP gained this month: 80,213,231
Average XP of each player:
2,310,832,459 xp
108,987,662 xp (lvl 120)
79,783,971 xp (lvl 117)
130,283,878 xp (lvl 122)
121,731,148 xp (lvl 121)
81,250,499 xp (lvl 117)
68,831,165 xp (lvl 115)
90,934,146 xp (lvl 118)
147,490,847 xp (lvl 123)
130,323,153 xp (lvl 122)
101,940,569 xp (lvl 119)
103,175,078 xp (lvl 119)
126,473,809 xp (lvl 121)
118,800,000 xp (lvl 121)
101,780,814 xp (lvl 119)
76,835,648 xp (lvl 116)
73,632,444 xp (lvl 116)
101,798,498 xp (lvl 119)
139,641,650 xp (lvl 122)
70,504,965 xp (lvl 116)
111,049,864 xp (lvl 120)
62,051,965 xp (lvl 114)
93,335,741 xp (lvl 118)
70,194,932 xp (lvl 116)
Players in group (24):
1. Wiggins
2. Pot Often
3. Animos
4. Randalicious
5. Best Of Wars
6. Balou
7. He Box Jonge
8. Jiklim
9. Lucky Clown
10. Jkrollin
11. Hazzqt
12. Shelldunk
13. Kbuns
14. A Lba
15. Joeshmo
16. Kindom
17. Hirai Momo
18. Darkseance
19. Zoydbird
20. Jesusboaty
21. Markoosrs
22. Bigrigdriver
23. Minato
24. Bryce2
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (6):
1. Best Of Wars
2. Bryce2
3. Hazzqt
4. Jesusboaty
5. Kindom
6. Wiggins
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