
Create competition from Jim Crow was a good man
Current Top for Jim Crow was a good man
Records for Jim Crow was a good man

Group ID: 12127
Total names in group: 2
Total names in database: 1
Total datapoints: 5,607
Total efficient time played: 263 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 1
Average virtual total level: 1,821
Average virtual combat level: 113
Total XP: 121,070,206
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
121,070,206 xp
2,011,313 xp (lvl 80)
2,044,621 xp (lvl 80)
13,530,632 xp (lvl 99)
20,181,055 xp (lvl 103)
22,275,726 xp (lvl 104)
1,487,486 xp (lvl 77)
14,479,764 xp (lvl 100)
774,331 xp (lvl 70)
771,396 xp (lvl 70)
10,147,169 xp (lvl 96)
450,122 xp (lvl 65)
308,368 xp (lvl 61)
814,166 xp (lvl 70)
786,159 xp (lvl 70)
760,090 xp (lvl 70)
13,034,677 xp (lvl 99)
819,369 xp (lvl 71)
795,115 xp (lvl 70)
713,824 xp (lvl 69)
772,030 xp (lvl 70)
243,615 xp (lvl 58)
763,130 xp (lvl 70)
13,106,048 xp (lvl 99)

Players in group (2):
1. Haary
2. $35.00 Donator 99

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (1):
1. Haary
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