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Create competition from YTB CC SOTW
Current Top for YTB CC SOTW
Records for YTB CC SOTW

Group ID: 12069
Total names in group: 143
Total names in database: 67
Total datapoints: 26,060
Total efficient time played: 45,021 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 67
Average virtual total level: 1,539
Average virtual combat level: 96.78
Total XP: 12,350,172,260
Total XP gained today: 31,734
Total XP gained this week: 141,376
Total XP gained this month: 27,129,451

Average XP of each player:
176,431,032 xp
9,310,172 xp (lvl 95)
7,700,183 xp (lvl 93)
13,589,725 xp (lvl 99)
17,536,816 xp (lvl 101)
14,447,553 xp (lvl 100)
3,653,919 xp (lvl 86)
12,350,530 xp (lvl 98)
10,527,904 xp (lvl 96)
7,337,827 xp (lvl 93)
6,829,042 xp (lvl 92)
6,879,338 xp (lvl 92)
7,273,855 xp (lvl 93)
6,905,969 xp (lvl 92)
3,174,095 xp (lvl 84)
3,558,479 xp (lvl 85)
4,019,510 xp (lvl 87)
6,146,075 xp (lvl 91)
6,663,684 xp (lvl 92)
7,702,711 xp (lvl 93)
9,949,732 xp (lvl 96)
2,937,124 xp (lvl 83)
4,723,072 xp (lvl 88)
3,104,429 xp (lvl 84)

Players in group (143):
1. 3eerus
2. Indie
3. Microsoftxls
4. Risk Ags
5. Pingahpatrol
6. Dareicecoffe
7. Cd
8. Abort Urself
9. Bigcok Reece
10. Coanowa
11. Coles
12. Elversham
13. Sharingan
14. Vcooldoggo
15. Corzaa
16. Cuddytart
17. Sinex
18. Wackery
19. Msr
20. Iron Rich
21. Freshaf
22. Pull Me Off
23. Hoophumper
24. Uncut Ruby
25. Miss Ery
26. Snortpingas
27. Class Banter
28. Nerf D Claws
29. Breesie
30. Dr E Ww
31. Secs
32. C Bus Super
33. S K R R T
34. Raging Bull
35. Danlztheman
36. Delbo
37. The That
38. Respekt M8
39. Dumb Punt
40. Liam Bilson
41. Gainsful
42. Auskamtbows
43. Tnicho
44. Coolmalaka2
45. Stix
46. Ciggysandvb
47. Bok Billys
48. Pkedurmum5
49. Tnt Jimbo
50. Ironmylungs
51. Yo Its Joshb
52. Iron Jakkeyy
53. M8 U Steppin
54. Dartmagician
55. Ciggz
56. Beefcurtins1
57. Bennyq
58. Riskit Jr
59. Rekd
60. Crtwotwo
61. Meth2death
62. Pot N Parmy
63. Skilled Nerd
64. Dardyxo
65. Xr6 Turb0
66. Bloodpanic
67. Conethief
68. Skortic
69. 4nt
70. 31 Build Go
71. Fkn Oath
72. Behe Meth
73. Joinkie
74. Frozen Meat
75. Swagunit
76. Disco Biccie
77. Vegemyte
78. Vk Calais
79. Moose 1177
80. Emcee Kerser
81. Xking Jimm
82. Love Drugs
83. Joft
84. N U T Z O
85. Easymacmann
86. 6312
87. Bluetory
88. Grands Alt
89. Pourin Crete
90. Charizardstr
91. Grim R33fer
92. O N Y Y Y X
93. D34d As D34d
94. Xvvx
95. Biff Malibu
96. Memberships
97. Apexualscar
98. Merklin
99. Smokey 1127
100. Fe Salt
101. Cofex
102. Im Falcon
103. Downylemon
104. Dreadnought0
105. Pvmot
106. Priyencriyen
107. Jessepeach
108. Luxboy
109. Easymacman1
110. Brittt
111. Chicky Babe
112. Fuhrerr
113. Noah Is Sad
114. Buyingendone
115. I Love Md
116. Mrslapyagirl
117. Chopamix
118. Snack Daddy
119. S1five
120. Aj N Scum
121. Mainnothot
122. Ec2
123. Inject Curry
124. Caps Lach
125. 2ce
126. Juicyzinger4
127. Mrdaddytrey
128. Solostomper
129. Vapeosaurus
130. Fkndanny
131. Lovedbyjesus
132. Ziliillinger
133. $45.00 Donator Jayden
134. Online Noob
135. Dammm Daniel
136. Cappuccinos
137. Smoke H Bra
138. Back2pirtek
139. Haveagdtime
140. Blood0fhell
141. Hugh Who
142. 6jb
143. Dumb Medic

Players in group not in database (8):
1. coanowa
2. corzaa
3. beefcurtins1
4. frozen_meat
5. vk_calais
6. o_n_y_y_y_x
7. memberships
8. priyencriyen

Players in group not on hiscores (76):
1. 31 Build Go
2. 3eerus
3. 6312
4. 6jb
5. Abort Urself
6. Aj N Scum
7. Auskamtbows
8. Back2pirtek
9. Biff Malibu
10. Blood0fhell
11. Bluetory
12. Bok Billys
13. Breesie
14. Charizardstr
15. Chicky Babe
16. Ciggysandvb
17. Ciggz
18. C Bus Super
19. D34d As D34d
20. Dammm Daniel
21. Danlztheman
22. Dardyxo
23. Downylemon
24. Easymacman1
25. Ec2
26. Fe Salt
27. Fkn Oath
28. Fuhrerr
29. Grands Alt
30. Grim R33fer
31. Haveagdtime
32. Indie
33. Ironmylungs
34. I Love Md
35. Juicyzinger4
36. Lovedbyjesus
37. M8 U Steppin
38. Microsoftxls
39. Noah Is Sad
40. N U T Z O
41. Online Noob
42. Pot N Parmy
43. Pourin Crete
44. Pvmot
45. Respekt M8
46. Riskit Jr
47. Risk Ags
48. S1five
49. Secs
50. Sharingan
51. Sinex
52. Skortic
53. Smoke H Bra
54. Snortpingas
55. Solostomper
56. Stix
57. S K R R T
58. The That
59. Tnt Jimbo
60. Uncut Ruby
61. Vcooldoggo
62. Wackery
63. Xr6 Turb0
64. Yo Its Joshb
65. Ziliillinger
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