Create competition from TFCCurrent Top for TFC
Records for TFC
Group ID: 11518
Total names in group: 50
Total names in database: 22
Total datapoints: 3,693
Total efficient time played: 13,892 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 22
Average virtual total level: 1,756
Average virtual combat level: 113.45
Total XP: 4,307,799,740
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 2,236,031
Total XP gained this month: 15,187,734
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (50):
1. Alvz
2. Arrivistez
3. Bjj Albren
4. Bodgejob
5. Cafe Mocha
6. Candyflipin
7. Chaosstrider
8. Edsa
9. Emongpuyat
10. Emotion Tank
11. Fold
12. Frazzt
13. Happyshmoo
14. Indian Kush
15. Ironstorm
16. James 19
17. Joostdoit
18. Kabooo
19. Khaleesi Ii
20. Mabuhay Iii
21. Madwebbie
22. Man O War106
23. Mc Millard
24. Mirage Ex
25. Mrstylez
26. Novalyfe
27. Nomad502
28. Robbi E
29. Tgh
30. Trueno86
31. Tsjok
32. Uncle Jack
33. Uxia
34. Valieser
35. Vapesc4pe
36. Xorq
37. Xp Nerd
38. Youwho
39. Zerker Mom
40. X Ram
41. Inexistence
42. Raphy1i22
43. Llagertha
44. Callado
45. Zyzzzy
46. Small Scav
47. Fugc The Bad
48. Plane Pilot
49. Maeshe
50. Cpa Lawyer
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (28):
1. Arrivistez
2. Bjj Albren
3. Candyflipin
4. Cpa Lawyer
5. Edsa
6. Emongpuyat
7. Emotion Tank
8. Fugc The Bad
9. Happyshmoo
10. Inexistence
11. Ironstorm
12. Kabooo
13. Khaleesi Ii
14. Llagertha
15. Maeshe
16. Mc Millard
17. Novalyfe
18. Plane Pilot
19. Raphy1i22
20. Small Scav
21. Tgh
22. Trueno86
23. Valieser
24. Vapesc4pe
25. X Ram
26. Zerker Mom
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