Create competition from top huntersCurrent Top for top hunters
Records for top hunters
Group ID: 1129
Total names in group: 24
Total names in database: 8
Total datapoints: 19,157
Total efficient time played: 11,304 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 8
Average virtual total level: 1,672
Average virtual combat level: 105.38
Total XP: 3,771,088,186
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 15,021,325
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (24):
1. L Sklll Al0t

3. Northfork
4. Mmorpg
5. Cinnabonn
6. Xhy Loves U
7. Baked Potato
8. Deko
9. Goonle
10. Arthur7263
11. Hunt M A D
12. Troll Ltd
13. Much Skill3r
14. Kroezh
15. C0d3in
16. Flre Wood
17. Hunt Mee
18. Font44
19. Turkish Jad
20. Thinkbasic
21. Battlefields

23. 2lit
24. Pepsi P1ps
Players in group not in database (5):
1. l_sklll_al0t
2. cinnabonn
3. arthur7263
4. much_skill3r
5. font44
Players in group not on hiscores (16):
1. Battlefields
2. C0d3in
3. Deko
4. Flre Wood
5. Hunt Mee
6. Hunt M A D
7. Kroezh
8. Pepsi P1ps
9. Thinkbasic
10. Turkish Jad
11. Xhy Loves U
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