
Create competition from Arise Chat
Current Top for Arise Chat
Records for Arise Chat

Group ID: 10736
Total names in group: 121
Total names in database: 70
Total datapoints: 54,464
Total efficient time played: 50,712 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 70
Average virtual total level: 1,739
Average virtual combat level: 105.87
Total XP: 14,765,246,969
Total XP gained today: 1,078,319
Total XP gained this week: 20,388,651
Total XP gained this month: 85,726,870

Average XP of each player:
205,072,874 xp
12,094,606 xp (lvl 98)
10,785,047 xp (lvl 97)
17,016,658 xp (lvl 101)
23,046,110 xp (lvl 104)
21,123,688 xp (lvl 103)
6,138,023 xp (lvl 91)
11,547,983 xp (lvl 97)
13,732,784 xp (lvl 99)
5,666,883 xp (lvl 90)
6,240,473 xp (lvl 91)
5,581,824 xp (lvl 90)
7,026,461 xp (lvl 92)
5,586,375 xp (lvl 90)
6,992,167 xp (lvl 92)
4,878,650 xp (lvl 89)
5,149,844 xp (lvl 89)
4,435,534 xp (lvl 88)
5,828,620 xp (lvl 90)
8,814,912 xp (lvl 95)
10,215,568 xp (lvl 96)
3,998,274 xp (lvl 87)
4,753,108 xp (lvl 88)
4,397,012 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (121):
1. Yin
2. Yang
3. Majib
4. Cheaps
5. Graveworm
6. Muffins411
7. Turbo92
8. Xurbanos
9. Reddragon950
10. Gooohii
11. Sibble
12. Th3 Last 0ne
13. 4x4 Redneck
14. Rac1ng Skill
15. Infinitum
16. Jouds
17. Tatershcim
18. Nocblevel3
19. Burnttaters
20. 054x Racing
21. Iamwerebear
22. Hrm
23. Murderange
24. Cenit
25. Teemos Code
26. Beardedd A D
27. C0nquistad0r
28. Dyingbetic
29. Goodolnoah
30. Ductility
31. Legal Ranarr
32. L Ucifer
33. Spudnobank
34. Turbothicc
35. Bad1defpure
36. Raddragon950
37. Illpray4youu
38. One Euro
39. Hissed Off
40. Harri Putter
41. Bibi2u
42. Memebrulee
43. A R C T I X
44. Rednecks Pkr
45. Immortal Vii
46. Zellinthious
47. Soarance12
48. Voznikat
49. Temozarela3
50. Rig Grimes
51. Love My Dong
52. Rigoration
53. 2bg4hilt
54. Rinked
55. Was Hcimbtw
56. Epiq
57. Black Liver
58. Sadder Daze
59. W I C
60. Angeilo
61. Nosii
62. Crime Pays11
63. 19dr3w93
64. Kage396
65. Icytouch
66. 2bg4hiltdrop
67. Bralnwashed
68. Iron Fergs
69. Angelo Alt
70. Iron Turbo
71. First Fox
72. S A Db O Y S
73. Dylngbetic
74. Fe Elstjieco
75. Jangirl
76. Ollieheldens
77. Voxmachina
78. Mar Caribe
79. Pastor Duke
80. Plan B Fab
81. Supermatterz
82. 420 Gandalf
83. Barberton
84. Pkjay
85. A Lacazette
86. Bamboozling
87. Ganjag0at
88. Slim Shayd
89. Ubii
90. Boogersnot21
91. Long2range
92. Doesnt Trade
93. Snowfr0st
94. J C K
95. Keep Talkin
96. Pvm Kizza
97. Tbagyour Nan
98. Bacteria
99. Thy Guardian
100. Loneoperator
101. Miko Ryoku
102. Arwynning
103. Guard Door
104. Epic Cows
105. 3r1c
106. Just A Frodo
107. Haryballbag
108. Frodos Slave
109. Iron Afc
110. 8eq
111. Starflre
112. Han Jr
113. Thristan
114. Plsrngburak
115. Meny
116. Fishy Main
117. 50dkpminus
118. Redditor Xd
119. Aj Miller
120. Chiriiiiiiii
121. Og Runtz

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (51):
1. 054x Racing
2. 19dr3w93
3. 2bg4hilt
4. 3r1c
5. 50dkpminus
6. 8eq
7. Angeilo
8. A Lacazette
9. Barberton
10. Beardedd A D
11. C0nquistad0r
12. Chiriiiiiiii
13. Ductility
14. Fishy Main
15. Frodos Slave
16. Ganjag0at
17. Guard Door
18. Han Jr
19. Harri Putter
20. Haryballbag
21. Hissed Off
22. Immortal Vii
23. Iron Afc
24. Just A Frodo
25. J C K
26. Kage396
27. Love My Dong
28. Ollieheldens
29. Pastor Duke
30. Plan B Fab
31. Plsrngburak
32. Pvm Kizza
33. Rac1ng Skill
34. Raddragon950
35. Redditor Xd
36. Rednecks Pkr
37. Rigoration
38. Sibble
39. Snowfr0st
40. Starflre
41. S A Db O Y S
42. Tatershcim
43. Th3 Last 0ne
44. Thy Guardian
45. Turbothicc
46. Ubii
47. Voznikat
48. W I C
49. Xurbanos
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