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Create competition from Farmers Association
Current Top for Farmers Association
Records for Farmers Association

Group ID: 1059
Total names in group: 18
Total names in database: 13
Total datapoints: 75,845
Total efficient time played: 67,196 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 13
Average virtual total level: 2,481
Average virtual combat level: 146.38
Total XP: 22,372,196,323
Total XP gained today: 13,456
Total XP gained this week: 1,388,479
Total XP gained this month: 27,256,851

Average XP of each player:
1,720,938,178 xp
94,362,515 xp (lvl 118)
92,141,758 xp (lvl 118)
119,234,978 xp (lvl 121)
129,110,226 xp (lvl 122)
117,824,699 xp (lvl 121)
71,104,208 xp (lvl 116)
89,643,203 xp (lvl 118)
84,293,901 xp (lvl 117)
72,400,376 xp (lvl 116)
59,273,839 xp (lvl 114)
48,311,105 xp (lvl 112)
64,809,340 xp (lvl 115)
57,013,806 xp (lvl 113)
65,476,008 xp (lvl 115)
45,707,485 xp (lvl 111)
55,528,482 xp (lvl 113)
46,152,585 xp (lvl 111)
45,693,262 xp (lvl 111)
85,982,446 xp (lvl 118)
118,399,733 xp (lvl 121)
50,043,907 xp (lvl 112)
53,011,225 xp (lvl 113)
55,419,082 xp (lvl 113)

Players in group (18):
1. Poop Fight
2. Jaay
3. Meric
4. Eetsk
5. Viore
6. Fight
7. Zam
8. $111.11 Donator Zulu
9. Muk
10. $35.00 Donator Irva
11. Skd
12. Kross
13. Vinny
14. Poop
15. Download
16. Ogravenz
17. Senze
18. Bur Y

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (5):
1. $35.00 Donator Irva
2. Muk
3. Ogravenz
4. Poop Fight
5. Viore
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