Create competition from FatalityCurrent Top for Fatality
Records for Fatality
Group ID: 10288
Total names in group: 72
Total names in database: 31
Total datapoints: 10,637
Total efficient time played: 17,289 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 31
Average virtual total level: 1,421
Average virtual combat level: 98.42
Total XP: 6,295,785,848
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 9,637,836
Total XP gained this month: 55,183,256
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (72):

2. 369
3. Pking Wishes
4. Speeding
5. My C0uckring
6. Peakyb
7. Charl13
8. Fatalidad
9. Baby M4te
10. Zammy Cloak
11. Hilda
12. Imthabeast
13. Fatalitys
14. Megumin
15. Rscarcuss
16. Dome
17. Airbxrne
18. Myc0uckring
19. Superpower
20. Sailed
21. Iladz
22. Kranked
23. Tanqe Jr
24. Murkrow
25. Legit Nerd
26. Beezlebub Pk
27. Bruinzz
28. Rias
29. Rigo
30. Smlte
31. Gallaudet
32. Clanfight
33. N8 Mar3
34. Yokos
35. Faith Xo
36. Nmu
37. Freryd2lumby
38. Hidders
39. Fi Flex
40. Killllz
41. Fishfarmer69
42. Binderboy44
43. Papa J0hn
44. Rumadnoob
45. Rolyat Nifm
46. Justsurvive
47. Krz
48. Bolt 2 Ags
49. P 2
50. W E W L A N
51. Myself
52. Nishino Kana
53. Clan Fi 0rg
54. Fidgetspin4
55. Apologist
56. Rauhallinen
57. Workz
58. Valdovas
59. 3 Man Clump
60. Conway
61. Paddy Mac
62. Xx Jen
63. Fuh My Life
64. Sick Tick
65. Jayhawk Pk
66. Spy Vs Spy
67. Multibot898
68. Twelfth Year
69. Migueii
70. Twelve Years
71. Guthilllliix
72. Phat Cookie
Players in group not in database (1):
1. w_e_w_l_a_n
Players in group not on hiscores (41):
1. Airbxrne
2. Apologist
3. Baby M4te
4. Binderboy44
5. Bruinzz
6. Clanfight
7. Clan Fi 0rg
8. Fatalitys
9. Fidgetspin4
10. Fishfarmer69
11. Fi Flex
12. Gallaudet
13. Guthilllliix
14. Hidders
15. Iladz
16. Justsurvive
17. Migueii
18. Multibot898
19. Myc0uckring
20. Myself
21. My C0uckring
22. N8 Mar3
23. Nishino Kana
24. Nmu
25. Paddy Mac
26. Pking Wishes
27. Rauhallinen
28. Rigo
29. Rscarcuss
30. Rumadnoob
31. Sailed
32. Smlte
33. Superpower
34. Tanqe Jr
35. Twelfth Year
36. Twelve Years
37. Workz
38. Xx Jen
39. Zammy Cloak
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