Create competition from Unthinking MajorityCurrent Top for Unthinking Majority
Records for Unthinking Majority
Group ID: 10221
Total names in group: 379
Total names in database: 200
Total datapoints: 72,292
Total efficient time played: 155,967 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 200
Average virtual total level: 1,873
Average virtual combat level: 115.24
Total XP: 44,926,456,777
Total XP gained today: 1,007,127
Total XP gained this week: 9,716,600
Total XP gained this month: 131,559,003
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (379):
1. Virginian
2. Sido
3. My Revival
4. Daddy Lupo
5. Gnarwolf
6. Chekry
7. Quantumflux
8. Stickz
9. Hi Im Mikey
10. Intotheknown
11. Jasyn
12. Ziax
13. Albrown
14. Sweet Fa
15. Cassiopia
16. Ironrexpvm
17. Yukirinshank
18. Stormzy
19. Coxy
20. Hc Carpe
21. Proxxyyyy
22. Aureusdraco
23. Notjoeybloom
24. Principito
25. 509 Cx
26. I Love Xtc
27. Achi11es
28. Acidtrapman
29. Adairn
30. Adamw
31. Akwhiteboy
32. Alpibus
33. Aquaterion
34. August
35. Ayam
36. Ayriuss
37. Ayymonica
38. Bananabanter
39. Barbadookie
40. Barsket
41. Bass Ackward
42. Bastian On
43. Beam Me Up
44. Bennyy
45. Bestman
46. Beverhunter
47. Bidoff
48. Billonga
49. Blastingcap
50. Blew My Load
51. Bo Selecta
52. Bobidabob
53. Bonar
54. Boreal Vordt
55. Borntogrind
56. Burnsy8
57. Burnt Alive
58. Buttchugging
59. Buttmann
60. Canadiantank
61. Cape Cod
62. Carpets
63. Chaotic Peas
64. Chicago Cub
65. Ciq
66. Cl L
67. Clusterpluck
68. Coin Jars
69. Cone9991
70. Cow1337kilr
71. Cptnmorgan
72. Cuppacoffee
73. Cyox
74. Da Baws 3
75. Da Woop Doop
76. Da1o
77. Dabs 4life
78. Darkestmind
79. Denotsosmi
80. Derui
81. Dictatorzs
82. Divine Br0
83. Dollbell
84. Don French
85. Don Manazar
86. Dordyy
87. Dead N Co
88. Dustinite
89. El Coleman
90. El Leroosrs
91. Enchantments
92. Esoterix
93. False Virtue
94. Fatjoe
95. Fellate
96. Finxey
97. Fireman Sam
98. Flute Salad
99. Flyentology
100. Foxskin
101. Frodothedog
102. Furecthi
103. Future Blind
104. Geno Whirl
105. Ghostbath
106. Givemeaquest
107. Gl Me
108. Gold Card
109. Goml Mofo
110. Good Nite
111. Goodkeikaku
112. Goodolned
113. Gravecan
114. Green Eyes
115. Guam Weed
116. Hardcorepunk
117. Hardstyleash
118. Helge900
119. Hlw
120. Hoix
121. Hunt4pets
122. I Am Boyka
123. Ibuprofen
124. Iderpo
125. Idometh
126. If Zamy Pked
127. Im A Pure
128. Im Ginger
129. Immoralshade
130. Impermeable
131. Insuperable
132. Ipvm Daily
133. Iron Many
134. Iron Nador
135. Ispecyou69
136. It Ends Now
137. Its Domo
138. Ivoorhuid
139. Jack Tbh
140. Jar Of Smoke
141. Jarretts
142. Jcspvm
143. Jellyman101
144. Jeorge
145. Jessejames
146. Jesus R Us
147. Jody Hirolla
148. Jte
149. Just Iron Yo
150. Kiiara
151. Killerj483
152. B1gballerz
153. Kuck
154. Kutthoratz
155. Lamila
156. Larxenova
157. Lbell
158. Leggo
159. Littleosmit
160. Livewiretap
161. Lordpkers
162. Louis 1
163. Lucky Killz
164. M43
165. Maaafukaa
166. Macaulay
167. Maestro Will
168. Malv
169. Mc D
170. Medicineman
171. Merkenstein
172. Metalgear
173. Mining Pet
174. More Bacon
175. Mr Aasim
176. Mr Jamesbong
177. Mrkiraga
178. Mufasagato
179. Muglife987
180. My Leg Broke
181. My Name Tom
182. N0valyfe Jr
183. Newfie Pvm
184. Nicobestgirl
185. Nightbringer
186. Noventa
187. Nubbiee
188. Nuggins
189. O S Scott
190. O Sudduthx
191. Oconnor Rs
192. Omg Any Name
193. Orangenewts
194. Os Hordan
195. Os Jordan
196. Osrs Connor
197. Owneduallx2
198. Paulm
199. Perma Froste
200. Hikari Chan
201. Phoot
202. Piece Of Cak
203. Pillboxhead
204. Pipski
205. Placey
206. Pnylon
207. Poilu146
208. Poppadrago
209. Pr0tein
210. Praise Kek
211. Ps
212. Purvy
213. Pvm Bradley
214. Pvm Danius
215. Pvm4bank
216. Pyrowolfie
217. Rabid Dog
218. Raindayzz
219. Rains Path
220. Ravemore
221. Ray01mk
222. Red Gypsy
223. Red Riding
224. Rmbr Oldnite
225. Roboreaper
226. Rockshell
227. Royallflush
228. Rudywho
229. Run3s4p3
230. Runemaster4x
231. Ryuk Tanker
232. Ryuzakii7
233. S R E
234. Safe Spottin
235. Seraphicus
236. Serty
237. Sifmuna
238. Sifu Pele
239. Silk Road
240. Sin Eater
241. Skyuuchan
242. Slay Now
243. Slicebananas
244. Smilf
245. Soulwarz
246. Speedbear189
247. Spooky Shade
248. Stay H Igh
249. Steve Oh
250. Steviiiieeee
251. Such
252. Sultanofsnow
253. Sunnywales
254. Super Fish
255. Supreme93
256. Svast
257. Swaguetti
258. T A N K
259. Tactic
260. Tasti
261. Teya
262. Thaox
263. The Asylum
264. The Bawse
265. The Drewdew
266. The Hu Lk
267. The Maclife
268. Theunseengod
269. Tictic
270. Tiesso
271. Tobieias
272. Totti80
273. Touch M Here
274. Trinyx
275. Two Foot Elf
276. Tz Kal Zuk
277. Tzhaar Crab
278. U M Wild
279. Updates Blow
280. Van Wilder
281. Veganbegon
282. Vegetableboy
283. Vladzerbo
284. Webbo2000
285. Whatthezhuck
286. Widges99
287. Wolfegang
288. Wrecktem
289. Xc A M
290. Xegatdl
291. Xlao159
292. Yanov
293. Yay604
294. Yeahhopeso
295. Yogurt Man
296. Yolognesi
297. Young Eythan
298. Zammypheonix
299. Zerkiraga
300. Zokaud
301. Zulucky
302. Zzxjoanw
303. Zy0x Ii
304. Trumpers
305. Red Love
306. Kyrogorath
307. Afk Olm Prep
308. Mn Cold
309. Neverhitter
310. Stevendinh8
311. Pvm Voky
312. Rinorsyla
313. Thetaps
314. Cpt Sefcik
315. Weekendqq
316. Zeltron
317. Jus Pull Out
318. Obama Black
319. Maddlancer45
320. Jus Bustinit
321. Indicaa
322. Apexseal
323. The Squash
324. Clamsy
325. Potat0
326. P0ta1t0
327. Brush Gun
328. Sourpatchkds
329. Voidheart
330. Dragonblade
331. Suprk4miguru
332. Ocredious
333. Ironmeeseek
334. 1800eatadick
335. Team Caliber
336. Reforged 07
337. Cloo Pupper
338. Owens
339. Kielo
340. 20four
341. Reeeeeeeeese
342. Ticina
343. Tyg0x
344. Myoldaccount
345. S L M B A
346. Omgaduck
347. Zanzo16
348. Tylerthenarc
349. 24 7 Whipz
350. Wouten
351. Daddy Tp
352. Brayy
353. Need Mutagen
354. Fish Flames
355. X2277x
356. Rang3r1s
357. Iamjunk
358. Viossy
359. Okayss
360. Ecstasise
361. Daddyschains
362. Piiety
363. Marinez
364. Ty4bowretard
365. Rewlnd
366. Roadtoscythe
367. Booty Tag
368. 6seveneight9
369. Reeeeps
370. Dryasf Noora
371. Tman Btw
372. The Lnternet

374. Godwarsplank
375. Aresarmy
376. Avg Tonic
377. Kkjamin
378. Stig No More
379. Hjvapen
Players in group not in database (69):
1. yukirinshank
2. hc_carpe
3. 509_cx
4. akwhiteboy
5. barsket
6. beverhunter
7. bidoff
8. borntogrind
9. chicago_cub
10. da_woop_doop
11. dabs_4life
12. derui
13. don_manazar
14. el_leroosrs
15. false_virtue
16. fatjoe
17. finxey
18. flute_salad
19. guam_weed
20. ibuprofen
21. idometh
22. im_a_pure
23. its_domo
24. jar_of_smoke
25. just_iron_yo
26. kutthoratz
27. larxenova
28. maaafukaa
29. my_leg_broke
30. nuggins
31. os_hordan
32. paulm
33. perma_froste
34. piece_of_cak
35. poppadrago
36. rabid_dog
37. rains_path
38. red_riding
39. s_r_e
40. skyuuchan
41. slay_now
42. spooky_shade
43. supreme93
44. tasti
45. the_hu_lk
46. tictic
47. tzhaar_crab
48. u_m_wild
49. veganbegon
50. vegetableboy
51. whatthezhuck
52. wrecktem
53. yanov
54. yay604
55. yeahhopeso
56. zammypheonix
57. zerkiraga
58. zokaud
59. zulucky
60. zzxjoanw
61. red_love
62. afk_olm_prep
63. stevendinh8
64. thetaps
65. cpt_sefcik
66. apexseal
67. brush_gun
68. ocredious
69. ironmeeseek
Players in group not on hiscores (179):
1. 1800eatadick
2. 24 7 Whipz
3. Alpibus
4. Avg Tonic
5. Ayam
6. Ayymonica
7. B1gballerz
8. Barbadookie
9. Bennyy
10. Booty Tag
11. Buttchugging
12. Canadiantank
13. Cloo Pupper
14. Clusterpluck
15. Cl L
16. Cone9991
17. Cow1337kilr
18. Daddy Lupo
19. Daddy Tp
20. Darkestmind
21. Da Baws 3
22. Dead N Co
23. Dictatorzs
24. Dryasf Noora
25. Dustinite
26. Ecstasise
27. Fellate
28. Fish Flames
29. Furecthi
30. Ghostbath
31. Godwarsplank
32. Gold Card
33. Goodolned
34. Hardcorepunk
35. Hikari Chan
36. Im Ginger
37. Insuperable
38. Intotheknown
39. Ipvm Daily
40. Iron Many
41. Iron Nador
42. Ivoorhuid
43. I Am Boyka
44. I Love Xtc
45. Jack Tbh
46. Jarretts
47. Jasyn
48. Jcspvm
49. Jte
50. Jus Bustinit
51. Kiiara
52. Lbell
53. Leggo
54. Louis 1
55. Lucky Killz
56. Marinez
57. More Bacon
58. Mr Aasim
59. Mr Jamesbong
60. Mufasagato
61. Muglife987
62. Myoldaccount
63. N0valyfe Jr
64. Need Mutagen
65. Nicobestgirl
66. Nightbringer
67. Nubbiee
68. Oconnor Rs
69. Okayss
70. O Sudduthx
71. O S Scott
72. Piiety
73. Placey

75. Poilu146
76. Pvm4bank
77. Pvm Danius
78. Pvm Voky
79. Raindayzz
80. Reeeeeeeeese
81. Reeeeps
82. Reforged 07
83. Rinorsyla
84. Roadtoscythe
85. Run3s4p3
86. Ryuzakii7
87. Safe Spottin
88. Sourpatchkds
89. Stay H Igh
90. Stig No More
91. Sultanofsnow
92. Sunnywales
93. Swaguetti
94. Team Caliber
95. Tman Btw
96. Totti80
97. Ty4bowretard
98. Tyg0x
99. Tylerthenarc
100. Tz Kal Zuk
101. Updates Blow
102. Van Wilder
103. Viossy
104. Voidheart
105. Wouten
106. X2277x
107. Xc A M
108. Young Eythan
Click here to submit name changes for these players.
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