Create competition from Phytrix CCCurrent Top for Phytrix CC
Records for Phytrix CC
Group ID: 5497
Total names in group: 66
Total names in database: 39
Total datapoints: 21,736
Total efficient time played: 30,334 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 39
Average virtual total level: 1,843
Average virtual combat level: 114.05
Total XP: 9,014,892,643
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 875,212
Total XP gained this month: 18,994,680
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (66):
1. Rot3x
2. Hollar
3. Degre06
4. Firezz Newb
5. Hthrgd
6. Karmaic
7. Pure Zoames
8. Scrummingorc
9. Tonemcnug
10. Iron Viverah
11. Relix T
12. Zarosianlord
13. Tenaciousleg
14. Fighterse
15. 42 Billion
16. G3t0n Mi Lvl
17. A Max Void
18. Tofs4pk
19. Basto
20. Idcih8nova
21. C John
22. Tonysingred
23. Damico Tank
24. Erdnexela
25. Echrome
26. Iron Wiseass
27. Viverah
28. Quit Bossing
29. Toastedtitan
30. Silve Rabbit
31. Ilovbubbles
32. Fsxd
33. Lynaxter
34. Pure656blue
35. Doug The Mug
36. Deltron Zero
37. Nyko Trikru
38. Wadeo369
39. Super Sport6
40. Flstudio
41. 2bkd
42. Edgy Youth
43. Iluvnon
44. Smysh
45. Comedy Wtf
46. Tyrantpeak
47. In Gods Name
48. Purefruit
49. Respect Kobe
50. Timeme
51. Trippinout
52. Fear The Kid
53. Cuscus
54. Imagine
55. Mcgee
56. Soundcloud
57. Phy
58. Knockt
59. Michael538
60. Solo Pvmer
61. Herr Darro
62. Attard
63. Vexeed
64. Callme2277
65. F L U F Fy
66. Draconiian
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (27):
1. 2bkd
2. Attard
3. Callme2277
4. Comedy Wtf
5. Cuscus
6. C John
7. Damico Tank
8. Doug The Mug
9. Echrome
10. Erdnexela
11. Fear The Kid
12. Fighterse
13. Firezz Newb
14. Herr Darro
15. Idcih8nova
16. Ilovbubbles
17. Iluvnon
18. Michael538
19. Pure656blue
20. Purefruit
21. Pure Zoames
22. Respect Kobe
23. Silve Rabbit
24. Timeme
25. Tonemcnug
26. Viverah
27. Zarosianlord
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