
Create competition from R3 zSkillers Week 15 Skilling Comp Smithing
Current Top for R3 zSkillers Week 15 Skilling Comp Smithing
Records for R3 zSkillers Week 15 Skilling Comp Smithing

Group ID: 5147
Total names in group: 149
Total names in database: 101
Total datapoints: 302,768
Total efficient time played: 126,045 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 101
Average virtual total level: 1,569
Average virtual combat level: 41.46
Total XP: 35,100,248,689
Total XP gained today: 4,314,687
Total XP gained this week: 50,632,730
Total XP gained this month: 245,491,751

Average XP of each player:
347,527,214 xp
3,908,188 xp (lvl 86)
3,263,433 xp (lvl 85)
5,866,547 xp (lvl 90)
6,530,972 xp (lvl 92)
6,951,263 xp (lvl 92)
4,476,571 xp (lvl 88)
4,922,121 xp (lvl 89)
40,775,215 xp (lvl 110)
30,072,129 xp (lvl 107)
21,421,792 xp (lvl 104)
16,948,047 xp (lvl 101)
33,997,966 xp (lvl 108)
17,951,660 xp (lvl 102)
29,478,674 xp (lvl 107)
14,850,143 xp (lvl 100)
11,562,749 xp (lvl 97)
12,376,777 xp (lvl 98)
21,081,493 xp (lvl 103)
3,227,226 xp (lvl 84)
26,128,209 xp (lvl 106)
10,621,480 xp (lvl 96)
11,970,670 xp (lvl 98)
9,093,185 xp (lvl 95)

Players in group (149):
1. Vdb
2. Jis
3. Resume
4. Prayin Skill
5. $16.67 Donator Catherby
6. Lime Lisa
7. Dr Wenor
8. H3ll Kitten
9. Exp
10. Tag
11. Lirpa
12. Trouts
13. M Ini
14. Miss Boxxy
15. Ceeps
16. Boxs
17. Lol No Way
18. Tim Riggins
19. $26.00 Donator J95
20. Zzzz
21. Seedless
22. Mezmorizzd
23. Rune Ores
24. Cookinq
25. Dutchskiller
26. Iwenor
27. Trtl
28. Sour Worm
29. A2b Pdrohx69
30. Dotdot Dot
31. Gummy Worm
32. Intrigue
33. Dig
34. Teaks
35. Jazr
36. West Stairs
37. $50.00 Donator bitwise
38. $30.00 Donator DarnItBobby
39. Meyhoff
40. Oh My Gravy
41. Butterstoast
42. Cave Dwarf
43. Zocaloe
44. Drmoneymaker
45. Teleport Tab
46. Fertile Land
47. Lamar X
48. Solving Pi
49. Imfx
50. Zstyles
51. Folk
52. $15.00 Donator Vape
53. Her Apathy
54. Joshie
55. Zwenor
56. Goopymcgoopa
57. Mindrunner
58. N0valpk
59. Spirit In Me
60. Old Dusty
61. Uberx
62. Snail Is Lyf
63. Past Present
64. Willow Seed
65. Wood Cut Yew
66. Totts
67. Flitch Skill
68. Sze
69. Iampineapple
70. Xeqwsadwfxsf
71. Normal Trees
72. Tabas
73. Islayu50
74. Nickipotnick
75. Recopro
76. Sea Turtle
77. Some Noob
78. Rain Drops
79. Skill Slothz
80. Exergen
81. W Ol F
82. Yews Only
83. Genies
84. Uncorrupt
85. Jonny Skills
86. Epsonold
87. Fluros
88. No Life Cape
89. Normla Trese
90. Team America
91. Broken King
92. Sneezusdanub
93. Yajor
94. Imapurplepug
95. $5.00 Donator Tribuo
96. Samuraiam
97. Cygnus Bob
98. Clamshell
99. Jacksn
100. Zchintrumpa
101. Tim Rippins
102. $35.00 Donator Wished
103. Dranor
104. N E I L
105. Illusioon
106. Zjess
107. Shortay
108. Jared Thule
109. Japan Ink
110. Rexford
111. $40.00 Donator Ronalt
112. No Vitality
113. Orange Pure
114. E123
115. Ham Member
116. Hot Sub
117. I7
118. James C
119. Kansbar
120. Fli
121. God Of Evil
122. Jally
123. 1 Lucky Star
124. Flymayfian
125. Warm Cookiez
126. Pul
127. Teak Puns
128. Astro World
129. Mr Mortician
130. Colv V2
131. Xmaulested
132. $50.00 Donator Gadrin
133. Uxm
134. Top Hat
135. Hoorayforjay
136. Frodo Bagger
137. Hadj
138. Zsubzero
139. Mattystacks
140. $150.00 Donator Onix
141. Kedo
142. Mier V2
143. Nepheliad
144. Shalibot
145. Yamper
146. Ddh Ipa
147. Macbookdemon
148. Legio V
149. $35.00 Donator St0pban1ngme

Players in group not in database (0):

Players in group not on hiscores (48):
1. Astro World
2. Broken King
3. Colv V2
4. Cookinq
5. Cygnus Bob
6. Ddh Ipa
7. E123
8. Exergen
9. Flitch Skill
10. Illusioon
11. Imapurplepug
12. Imfx
13. Japan Ink
14. Jonny Skills
15. Kedo
16. Legio V
17. Macbookdemon
18. Mattystacks
19. Mezmorizzd
20. Mier V2
21. Normal Trees
22. Normla Trese
23. $150.00 Donator Onix
24. Prayin Skill
25. Rune Ores
26. Shortay
27. Snail Is Lyf
28. Sneezusdanub
29. Solving Pi
30. Some Noob
31. Sour Worm
32. Spirit In Me
33. $35.00 Donator St0pban1ngme
34. Sze
35. Teak Puns
36. Team America
37. Tim Rippins
38. Uncorrupt
39. $15.00 Donator Vape
40. W Ol F
41. Xeqwsadwfxsf
42. Xmaulested
43. Yajor
44. Yews Only
45. Zchintrumpa
46. Zocaloe
47. Zstyles
48. Zwenor
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