
Create competition from Ducklings
Current Top for Ducklings
Records for Ducklings

Group ID: 3458
Total names in group: 102
Total names in database: 52
Total datapoints: 79,991
Total efficient time played: 51,814 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 52
Average virtual total level: 1,674
Average virtual combat level: 99.5
Total XP: 14,990,798,739
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 3,641,437
Total XP gained this month: 26,291,436

Average XP of each player:
288,284,591 xp
14,459,074 xp (lvl 100)
12,994,308 xp (lvl 98)
23,668,021 xp (lvl 105)
25,648,270 xp (lvl 105)
22,284,856 xp (lvl 104)
8,441,542 xp (lvl 94)
15,550,335 xp (lvl 100)
18,248,727 xp (lvl 102)
10,463,640 xp (lvl 96)
10,644,475 xp (lvl 96)
9,502,292 xp (lvl 95)
10,182,155 xp (lvl 96)
9,600,422 xp (lvl 95)
10,115,092 xp (lvl 96)
8,299,832 xp (lvl 94)
8,720,048 xp (lvl 94)
8,462,064 xp (lvl 94)
9,079,370 xp (lvl 95)
10,539,298 xp (lvl 96)
16,127,969 xp (lvl 101)
9,009,345 xp (lvl 95)
8,419,871 xp (lvl 94)
7,663,809 xp (lvl 93)

Players in group (102):
1. Perry T
2. $25.50 Donator Flyonwings
3. Ocmsolidsnak
4. 773h
5. Theforce
6. Dragolord01
7. Bear 1
8. Tkoa
9. Andrewsmeat
10. Dab0mba
11. Celibrimbor
12. Queenofherbz
13. Iciod
14. Mohawk007
15. Dragoon Tie4
16. G The Eazy
17. Costa Man1
18. R I 7v U X
19. Rage Kill23
20. Rsdraxler
21. Zaitixx
22. Lunar Magics
23. Erg129
24. Hoov339
25. Will Neal 3
26. Theforce Kin
27. Daimo
28. Sykozur
29. Cwhite 98
30. The Purer
31. About 9 Cows
32. Aetherial
33. Harpoon4u
34. Ranged Exp 9
35. I Elevation
36. Livestock
37. Fhjghgjg
38. Ignisrex
39. Antoniobrown
40. Claydbulridr
41. Carmledapple
42. Norco325mg
43. Iam Hardwell
44. Scatmanjon6
45. Keesie7
46. Anomoly
47. Vammyvamster
48. Derpypinguin
49. Im Jordin
50. 444444444465
51. Thappyjoker
52. Liefde
53. Gettosanta
54. Greatpaine
55. Epix X
56. Deciderata
57. Ayo Slayah
58. Kaeso Clarus
59. Sick Strike
60. Tehdarkight
61. Fiirecape
62. Rcm
63. Cheese Tv
64. Grizzlyman75
65. Ineedanadult
66. Fornocator
67. Toke Smoke
68. A L E X 1100
69. Dratsab Ikap
70. Parasynaxis
71. Botbooster
72. Stooley
73. Richey158
74. 556m
75. Queeenash
76. Rogue Klepto
77. Pomplex
78. Blackrock174
79. T I Ff I S I
80. Unskull
81. Rigged Rng
82. Sri Krishna
83. Femnistvegan
84. 07stake
85. Cylar
86. Burgerbillz
87. Carnifix
88. Brolodon
89. Immanuelkant
90. Mahadevi
91. Treinen
92. C Rafter
93. Aldridge23
94. Justapvmgod
95. $25.00 Donator Axylix
96. Taco Fever
97. Kasperonrs
98. $15.50 Donator Sh1tslingers
99. $5.00 Donator Zunkrah
100. Michael Ward
101. Natures4days
102. Mmount

Players in group not in database (10):
1. the_purer
2. about_9_cows
3. carmledapple
4. scatmanjon6
5. 444444444465
6. ayo_slayah
7. tehdarkight
8. ineedanadult
9. a_l_e_x_1100
10. queeenash

Players in group not on hiscores (50):
1. 07stake
2. 556m
3. Aldridge23
4. Andrewsmeat
5. Anomoly
6. Carnifix
7. Claydbulridr
8. Costa Man1
9. Cwhite 98
10. Femnistvegan
11. Fiirecape
12. Fornocator
13. Gettosanta
14. G The Eazy
15. Hoov339
16. Iciod
17. Ignisrex
18. Justapvmgod
19. Kasperonrs
20. Keesie7
21. Livestock
22. Mahadevi
23. Mmount
24. Natures4days
25. Norco325mg
26. Queenofherbz
27. Ranged Exp 9
28. Richey158
29. Rogue Klepto
30. R I 7v U X
31. $15.50 Donator Sh1tslingers
32. Sri Krishna
33. Sykozur
34. Taco Fever
35. Thappyjoker
36. Theforce Kin
37. Tkoa
38. T I Ff I S I
39. Vammyvamster
40. Zaitixx
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