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Create competition from OSRS Da Leftovers Clan Member list
Current Top for OSRS Da Leftovers Clan Member list
Records for OSRS Da Leftovers Clan Member list

Group ID: 34108
Total names in group: 85
Total names in database: 66
Total datapoints: 36,899
Total efficient time played: 63,994 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 66
Average virtual total level: 2,012
Average virtual combat level: 120.52
Total XP: 18,720,396,861
Total XP gained today: 274,100
Total XP gained this week: 3,235,874
Total XP gained this month: 63,076,905

Average XP of each player:
283,642,376 xp
14,603,472 xp (lvl 100)
12,190,687 xp (lvl 98)
22,194,360 xp (lvl 104)
31,484,306 xp (lvl 107)
32,417,775 xp (lvl 108)
7,312,805 xp (lvl 93)
15,766,914 xp (lvl 100)
13,900,419 xp (lvl 99)
12,500,119 xp (lvl 98)
8,143,152 xp (lvl 94)
9,099,625 xp (lvl 95)
12,564,076 xp (lvl 98)
8,021,806 xp (lvl 94)
6,383,704 xp (lvl 91)
8,745,772 xp (lvl 94)
7,598,737 xp (lvl 93)
5,557,705 xp (lvl 90)
7,167,198 xp (lvl 92)
11,127,057 xp (lvl 97)
17,323,350 xp (lvl 101)
5,785,709 xp (lvl 90)
7,626,079 xp (lvl 93)
6,079,708 xp (lvl 91)

Players in group (85):
1. 0bscuredflaw
2. 1tick 2 Slow
3. Zebest605
4. Litboom
5. Spit Dip
6. M0et
7. Ascend Owner
8. Javvebtw
9. Alteri
10. Junior Crook
11. Slay My Taco
12. Joshsosaucy
13. Thegrimwolf9
14. Swipe Rite
15. Lights Me Up
16. Joe Mclaren
17. Deironmakkan
18. Thatsneets
19. Javve Rinne
20. Astarsword
21. Papa Crooks
22. Makkan69
23. Cerridw3n
24. Mustard281
25. Muss01ini
26. Spitter Btw
27. Cmptrgmr
28. Co0rs
29. Hrvrd
30. Hefty Cactus
31. Dekarma
32. Abbalot
33. Mazdarati
34. Dabza
35. L A O S
36. Swaggishkart
37. Eldarsix
38. 3rent
39. Redlikdeath
40. Magnumcopus
41. Swipe Daddy
42. Neoz
43. Night Furor
44. Neatobandito
45. Solo Rj
46. Rj D
47. Nostepsis
48. Mev
49. Biefy
50. Pvm Ensiform
51. Terskatahna
52. Xviplt
53. Mininova420
54. Dank Kodai
55. Acab Ted
56. Swipe Hard
57. Rob Marley
58. Biggiestaxx
59. Lwao
60. Oggu
61. Robbindahood
62. 3inchflaccy
63. Take 3rd Age
64. Gunny215
65. The Great C5
66. Perccc30
67. Main Kayn
68. Ensiform
69. Xxnothingxx
70. X Miazga
71. K P L
72. Nostepmom
73. Coolfellow24
74. Kplh
75. Gringo Josh
76. Vol Mk Ll
77. Tayl0r Gang1
78. Runealrik832
79. Konigs Tiger
80. Dare5125
81. Im Jordannzl
82. Iam Rawbert
83. Academlc
84. Kplw
85. Green Sins

Players in group not in database (10):
1. spit_dip
2. hefty_cactus
3. nostepsis
4. gunny215
5. perccc30
6. xxnothingxx
7. nostepmom
8. vol_mk_ll
9. runealrik832
10. iam_rawbert

Players in group not on hiscores (19):
1. Biefy
2. Cerridw3n
3. Dank Kodai
4. Green Sins
5. Javve Rinne
6. Lwao
7. Pvm Ensiform
8. Redlikdeath
9. Spitter Btw
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