Create competition from dudes farming weekCurrent Top for dudes farming week
Records for dudes farming week
Group ID: 30829
Total names in group: 35
Total names in database: 24
Total datapoints: 22,322
Total efficient time played: 22,785 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 24
Average virtual total level: 2,004
Average virtual combat level: 119.75
Total XP: 6,159,306,301
Total XP gained today: 362,223
Total XP gained this week: 2,271,300
Total XP gained this month: 30,933,420
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (35):
1. Lucky Ryu
2. Mighty Boro
3. Andoyen
4. Wistyy
5. Redreckoner
6. Pamela Isley
7. Elderryu
8. Jeffy Boyhi
9. Certifythat
10. Meta92
11. Kobe Jaxon
12. Penguin Bar
13. Theoakbarrel
14. Phists Up
15. Lesh375
16. Tokespliff
17. Fapricorn
18. Tomhilrigour
19. Yefferz
20. Bigsee
21. Bloodey Bone
22. Heisenberg23
23. Iron Jinxi
24. Jesus Is Way
25. Myklebeast
26. Nomadbae
27. Poiar
28. Putridcreat
29. Senior Ejner
30. Tichmouse
31. Ys Pink Eye
32. Pauls D88k
33. Nickb
34. Erinayalani
35. Hayley1606
Players in group not in database (1):
1. senior_ejner
Players in group not on hiscores (11):
1. Iron Jinxi
2. Jesus Is Way
3. Kobe Jaxon
4. Lesh375
5. Nomadbae
6. Pauls D88k
7. Phists Up
8. Theoakbarrel
9. Tokespliff
10. Tomhilrigour
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