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Create competition from Vengienz Skill of the Week Under New Management
Current Top for Vengienz Skill of the Week Under New Management
Records for Vengienz Skill of the Week Under New Management

Group ID: 30332
Total names in group: 114
Total names in database: 59
Total datapoints: 35,133
Total efficient time played: 44,951 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 59
Average virtual total level: 1,633
Average virtual combat level: 104
Total XP: 12,537,322,338
Total XP gained today: 135,186
Total XP gained this week: 12,705,730
Total XP gained this month: 96,522,814

Average XP of each player:
212,496,988 xp
12,350,019 xp (lvl 98)
10,381,740 xp (lvl 96)
18,012,992 xp (lvl 102)
21,094,783 xp (lvl 103)
19,126,862 xp (lvl 102)
6,842,596 xp (lvl 92)
12,326,051 xp (lvl 98)
8,259,052 xp (lvl 94)
6,863,325 xp (lvl 92)
8,549,990 xp (lvl 94)
7,004,116 xp (lvl 92)
7,577,865 xp (lvl 93)
6,123,830 xp (lvl 91)
5,983,992 xp (lvl 91)
5,911,786 xp (lvl 91)
6,053,810 xp (lvl 91)
5,930,329 xp (lvl 91)
5,774,193 xp (lvl 90)
9,214,471 xp (lvl 95)
11,248,992 xp (lvl 97)
6,603,786 xp (lvl 92)
6,215,534 xp (lvl 91)
4,802,702 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (114):
1. Easyfro
2. Untruths
3. Zeken
4. Cyber Beep
5. Duker08
6. Drbrownlips
7. Mid Smurf
8. Aelandra
9. Resourcesman
10. Jeeb Up
11. Jeanmiguel1
12. Repo Yo Ho
13. Fadedboys
14. Sofaking Og
15. Thatsmyjif
16. Josiah916
17. Surely Faded
18. Redant905
19. Kalel Sparta
20. 7xdeadlysins
21. A1 Chef
22. A Sly Deity
23. Alchedmycat
24. Angry Ed
25. Ballzakinme
26. Bio Med
27. Brianking123
28. Chaospls
29. Cid Jester
30. Cptfluffy93
31. Cylixty
32. Davethewall
33. Despacito02
34. Disasstr
35. Dopeboy1995
36. Epic Nerf
37. Fanbat
38. Farmingmama
39. Finest Pure
40. Fk U Mac
41. Fs Daybreak
42. Ghotspantalo
43. Goatchance
44. Graceofhydra
45. Grumpy Grunt
46. Ha Get At Me
47. 10 Terabytes
48. Freak2007
49. Pieeater
50. Purchasedm
51. Il 1 F T
52. 112fallen211
53. 18374537484
54. Hc Josiah916
55. Istmach
56. Juggalo Z
57. K1ng G0at
58. Kawaiiet
59. Khaledmarji
60. Kool Aloha
61. Kusin
62. Loyalpeople
63. Mrmouse88
64. Nefarioussky
65. Nibba Tibbys
66. Nxzrin
67. Panrodas
68. Pig On Dabs
69. Pvmsparky
70. Qiyanareeves
71. Saladdog
72. Sanganking
73. Sarah1994
74. Scutoid
75. Simon909k
76. Sleffer
77. Son Of Sandi
78. Splatlet
79. Suvanras
80. Treeboy73
81. Ustankky21
82. Vivalamanga
83. King Tiko
84. Cyber Gainz
85. Taken Bro
86. Ezicslayer
87. Kryptic89
88. Ghostthegoat
89. Cheap Bags
90. Skimpy Wicks
91. H T B
92. Sponk
93. Spreadows
94. Peanut Budda
95. Sidemoob
96. Directx2
97. Mrjensenator
98. Kenni57rocks
99. Spedking96
100. Clungplunger
101. Grayxof
102. Ironsponk
103. Royalofkings
104. Shadowknigbt
105. Zeus Indica
106. Zeus Sativa
107. Ghosthegoat
108. Despectacle
109. Despactacle
110. Andyreidskid
111. My New Dyson
112. Twisted Buns
113. Deadboy Matt
114. Advente

Players in group not in database (5):
1. kryptic89
2. sidemoob
3. directx2
4. shadowknigbt
5. despectacle

Players in group not on hiscores (55):
1. 112fallen211
2. 18374537484
3. 7xdeadlysins
4. A1 Chef
5. Alchedmycat
6. Andyreidskid
7. Angry Ed
8. Ballzakinme
9. Cheap Bags
10. Cyber Beep
11. Cylixty
12. Davethewall
13. Deadboy Matt
14. Despacito02
15. Despactacle
16. Disasstr
17. Drbrownlips
18. Duker08
19. Finest Pure
20. Freak2007
21. Fs Daybreak
22. Ghosthegoat
23. Ghostthegoat
24. Goatchance
25. Graceofhydra
26. Hc Josiah916
27. Kalel Sparta
28. Kenni57rocks
29. Loyalpeople
30. Mid Smurf
31. My New Dyson
32. Nibba Tibbys
33. Nxzrin
34. Pvmsparky
35. Qiyanareeves
36. Repo Yo Ho
37. Saladdog
38. Sarah1994
39. Simon909k
40. Skimpy Wicks
41. Spedking96
42. Splatlet
43. Surely Faded
44. Suvanras
45. Taken Bro
46. Thatsmyjif
47. Twisted Buns
48. Untruths
49. Ustankky21
50. Zeus Sativa
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