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Create competition from 350 Chills RS
Current Top for 350 Chills RS
Records for 350 Chills RS

Group ID: 24338
Total names in group: 134
Total names in database: 67
Total datapoints: 22,899
Total efficient time played: 35,450 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 67
Average virtual total level: 1,500
Average virtual combat level: 93.4
Total XP: 9,796,048,695
Total XP gained today: 221,236
Total XP gained this week: 5,102,000
Total XP gained this month: 37,006,719

Average XP of each player:
146,209,682 xp
7,877,077 xp (lvl 93)
6,816,284 xp (lvl 92)
11,444,039 xp (lvl 97)
14,777,190 xp (lvl 100)
12,803,870 xp (lvl 98)
3,036,683 xp (lvl 84)
8,557,886 xp (lvl 94)
10,129,441 xp (lvl 96)
8,599,685 xp (lvl 94)
4,578,068 xp (lvl 88)
6,819,055 xp (lvl 92)
7,264,677 xp (lvl 93)
3,608,452 xp (lvl 86)
3,588,879 xp (lvl 85)
3,557,900 xp (lvl 85)
3,906,307 xp (lvl 86)
2,688,256 xp (lvl 83)
3,758,927 xp (lvl 86)
5,406,365 xp (lvl 90)
8,227,633 xp (lvl 94)
2,421,061 xp (lvl 81)
3,280,903 xp (lvl 85)
2,921,430 xp (lvl 83)

Players in group (134):
1. Vin Rs
2. Tacoholic Rs
3. Box Of Foxes
4. Thecactusguy
5. Lady Marmite
6. Oatenz
7. Grimwolf520
8. Bigpapaabyss
9. Sun Says
10. Smarshie
11. Volders44
12. Its Luc
13. 1pittbull
14. Crazy Caity
15. Shaquesta
16. Breadmaker50
17. Labatomite
18. Dnvrco
19. No Rng Krunt
20. Aram Zahaw
21. Kokutsu
22. Gbag
23. Rob Vicious
24. Sectumzz
25. Syrupmonster
26. Brain Cell
27. Galiden2
28. Aphenglow420
29. Clownherb
30. Hofflaob22
31. Crookis
32. Cmptrgmr
33. Kingpanda
34. Astarworld
35. Gannice
36. Highlande2
37. I Like Wine
38. Zestah
39. Bman14
40. Puchalibre
41. 13 Solo 13
42. J0shh
43. My Namekenny
44. Tmac 26
45. Decimator22
46. Samskiin
47. Pricey112
48. Jrmcd
49. Zar0lan
50. C R I S P
51. 69vane69
52. Gpdawg
53. Cookney4683
54. Aaronyoung03
55. Duto
56. F2pskillzp2p
57. Smokeman232
58. Ripurrep
59. Pot Monsta
60. Baraderz
61. R4p1df3z
62. Matryoshka 1
63. Oscrane
64. Bum Custard
65. Stink Monkey
66. Czx
67. Sorrotb
68. Am Abaddon
69. Boykepoo
70. Firstgod
71. Eldarsix
72. Sargemigo
73. Pwnage666
74. Romanreignsx
75. Daddy Ge0
76. Lane Swerve
77. Dankkritical
78. Cherryo
79. Goodsneaker5
80. Bad Guy Duh
81. Zerkerras
82. Secctumzz
83. Kairosproj
84. Zeno Kino
85. Puzzl3cat
86. Joe Mclaren
87. Slavik
88. Elderskill3r
89. Seigebtw
90. Iammb51
91. Errmahhg3rrd
92. Acab Ted
93. Hcimshiya
94. Shiyakuragi
95. Kedo
96. Daddy Geoo
97. Lazrpro84
98. Gold N Mole
99. Viciousx
100. Ydouloveme
101. Usmigdal
102. Thespitty
103. Imbued99
104. Cheekybandit
105. Ownallnooobz
106. Mduke95
107. T Ks
108. Pinches106
109. Ess Is Dumb
110. 69 Thumbz
111. Goodfellas93
112. Alpha 47
113. Thephara0h
114. Littlepinky
115. Chaoslight22
116. Died Once
117. Inola
118. Nostalgia996
119. Minerals
120. Arrekurdii
121. Drewmercs
122. Empty Sacks
123. A Bear Pun
124. Phycine
125. Panzerchek
126. Giveusacigm8
127. Muggles
128. Hofflabob22
129. Exmlgrant
130. Vin P
131. Lets4p1ay
132. Duckweed
133. Cassa D
134. Solo Lavas

Players in group not in database (10):
1. vin_rs
2. aram_zahaw
3. hofflaob22
4. astarworld
5. 13_solo_13
6. aaronyoung03
7. f2pskillzp2p
8. secctumzz
9. seigebtw
10. ydouloveme

Players in group not on hiscores (67):
1. Am Abaddon
2. Aphenglow420
3. Arrekurdii
4. Bad Guy Duh
5. Bigpapaabyss
6. Box Of Foxes
7. Boykepoo
8. Cassa D
9. Cheekybandit
10. Clownherb
11. Cookney4683
12. Crazy Caity
13. Crookis
14. Daddy Ge0
15. Daddy Geoo
16. Died Once
17. Dnvrco
18. Duckweed
19. Elderskill3r
20. Ess Is Dumb
21. Exmlgrant
22. Galiden2
23. Giveusacigm8
24. Gpdawg
25. Grimwolf520
26. Imbued99
27. Kairosproj
28. Kedo
29. Kingpanda
30. Kokutsu
31. Lane Swerve
32. Matryoshka 1
33. Mduke95
34. Minerals
35. Nostalgia996
36. No Rng Krunt
37. Ownallnooobz
38. Panzerchek
39. Pot Monsta
40. Pwnage666
41. Ripurrep
42. Romanreignsx
43. Shaquesta
44. Shiyakuragi
45. Smokeman232
46. Syrupmonster
47. Tacoholic Rs
48. Thecactusguy
49. Thephara0h
50. Thespitty
51. Tmac 26
52. Usmigdal
53. Viciousx
54. Vin P
55. Zar0lan
56. Zeno Kino
57. Zerkerras
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