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Records for Bud Brigade Ironmen
Group ID: 22708
Total names in group: 22
Total names in database: 15
Total datapoints: 8,112
Total efficient time played: 16,524 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 15
Average virtual total level: 1,950
Average virtual combat level: 112.87
Total XP: 5,067,434,764
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 3,303,133
Total XP gained this month: 18,319,018
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (22):
1. Deaf Pool
2. Man Vs Scape
3. Dabswithdan
4. Rsoverdose
5. Doubleceasar
6. Weed Shroom
7. Im Skywalker
8. Daank Kush
9. 0wt
10. Abboroo
11. Glaze It
12. Jackos
13. Kushbucket
14. An 3nt
15. W420
16. Puglit
17. 2nd Try Btw
18. Mousie Tokes
19. Solo Waz
20. Ironn Yoshii
21. Z S
22. Thc Killedme
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (7):
1. 0wt
2. Abboroo
3. Daank Kush
4. Glaze It
5. Mousie Tokes
6. Puglit
7. Solo Waz
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