Create competition from Level Slayer SotwCurrent Top for Level Slayer Sotw
Records for Level Slayer Sotw
Group ID: 19619
Total names in group: 97
Total names in database: 44
Total datapoints: 23,786
Total efficient time played: 30,807 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 44
Average virtual total level: 1,713
Average virtual combat level: 106.75
Total XP: 9,392,414,897
Total XP gained today: 1,357,380
Total XP gained this week: 13,400,441
Total XP gained this month: 70,284,047
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (97):
1. Frog God Kek
2. Ironannamay
3. Srojas
4. Sra
5. Hi I Am Paul
6. Djman555
7. Opha
8. Akumagouki
9. Budsforposty
10. Docrunecraft
11. Emilyyhannah
12. Mjohnmj
13. Refills
14. Slam
15. Azucarr
16. Bot Jake
17. Bwo Mars
18. Donnie Yen07
19. Gstring
20. H U M B Le
21. Hwaa
22. Just Tilted
23. Karey
24. Narutomaki
25. Seymourazzes
26. Sweat Sauce
27. Titan Killer
28. Windstormer9
29. Xerramor3
30. 1 Cant Read
31. 420x1337ii
32. Botslaya Fk
33. Buart Stond
34. Coach Najera
35. Crispybeans
36. Dark Justin
37. Dat Boye
38. Daxos Rs
39. Dimed
40. Doc Backwood
41. Drowzybear
42. E Y I C A N
43. Elitezzs
44. Fah Gawt
45. Galdervorn
46. Gehrin
47. Gucci Sweats
48. Harem
49. Hold My Vape
50. Hypez
51. Iron W Sword
52. Isx Diesel
53. Jeggr
54. Kay 9
55. Killed Olm
56. Kingmezzie
57. Kovacs1337
58. Lafgaphorn
59. Lvkyrics
60. Mrmcneish
61. P A Latial
62. Pedropatato
63. Pepper Minty
64. Positivitet
65. Protecshun
66. Psilo Cybe
67. Punch Ball
68. Putrid Flesh
69. Quostix
70. R N G Zeus
71. Rubyskiller7
72. S4k King
73. S O E O X
74. Santa Claw U
75. Sieving
76. Smallsock
77. Spliffious
78. Staking Bank
79. Stayblessedt
80. Symptom5
81. Tom0uk
82. Tom Slays
83. Torns
84. Total Beast
85. V3e
86. Woutie
87. Xsavagexx
88. Xterbium
89. Zerkerftw6
90. Zuno
91. S0l0 Slayer
92. Savage Dutch
93. Workouts
94. Dieevery1die

96. Dr Rorschach
97. Punkdot
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (53):
1. Akumagouki
2. Bot Jake
3. Buart Stond
4. Budsforposty
5. Bwo Mars
6. Coach Najera
7. Crispybeans
8. Dark Justin
9. Dat Boye
10. Daxos Rs
11. Dieevery1die
12. Docrunecraft
13. Doc Backwood
14. Donnie Yen07
15. Dr Rorschach
16. Fah Gawt
17. Gehrin
18. Gucci Sweats
19. Hold My Vape
20. H U M B Le
21. Iron W Sword
22. Isx Diesel
23. Just Tilted
24. Killed Olm
25. Kovacs1337
26. Lafgaphorn
27. Lvkyrics
28. Mrmcneish
29. Narutomaki
30. Pedropatato
31. Pepper Minty
32. Protecshun
33. Punch Ball
34. Punkdot
35. Putrid Flesh
36. P A Latial
37. Refills
38. Rubyskiller7
39. Santa Claw U
40. Savage Dutch
41. Spliffious
42. Stayblessedt
43. Sweat Sauce
44. Symptom5
45. S O E O X
46. Tom0uk
47. Tom Slays
48. Torns
49. Total Beast

51. Xerramor3
52. Zerkerftw6
53. Zuno
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