Create competition from WildMudkip SOTWCurrent Top for WildMudkip SOTW
Records for WildMudkip SOTW
Group ID: 16146
Total names in group: 173
Total names in database: 115
Total datapoints: 135,770
Total efficient time played: 129,774 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 115
Average virtual total level: 2,017
Average virtual combat level: 114.23
Total XP: 35,854,301,235
Total XP gained today: 3,981,796
Total XP gained this week: 28,370,581
Total XP gained this month: 111,142,847
Average XP of each player:

Players in group (173):
1. Lovsaphira9
2. Joe Qing
3. Joe Kester
4. Dtft
5. Spookdog
6. Crow653
7. Theroulette
8. Antiixd
9. Henrysharoop
10. Tfc 1991
11. Sw1ftshadowz
12. Baconl0ve
13. Mining Mana
14. Bartstvevo
15. Lam E
16. Fighu
17. Papa Pasty
18. Depressedbtw
19. Nochs
20. Nurdawg
21. Metacogalt
22. Xan Osrs
23. Zanacross

25. Red Is Hard
26. Aliceandbob
27. Kaee
28. Ronaldreagan
29. Dont Call911
30. Thouexalted
31. Tv Girls
32. Nekrasova
33. 200bpm
34. Itokuro
35. Microtah
36. Xhaser
37. Animus Law
38. Theynika
39. Wodg
40. Mano Nickas
41. Hic142
42. Ironbricc
43. Mudkip
44. Mudkip Btw
45. Xadathegreat
46. Populare
47. Mr Was Up
48. Marksmansam
49. Nagatoyuki
50. Dimzles
51. Alfonsokhan
52. Hexla
53. Sabfas
54. Hhrocker
55. Deef Keef
56. Ye Yikes Ye
57. Folk Bear
58. Volvo 240
59. Nonce Btw
60. Squintyninja
61. Jeepson98
62. Im A Recluse
63. Funzip
64. Bloodnard
65. Hotpea
66. Radeo
67. Eggaroonie
68. Profit Drago
69. Mere Human
70. Uni1qu3
71. Allisun
72. Mauler4500
73. Siralwright
74. Ajmaresh
75. Mydlong
76. Tarkan2200
77. Pure Monk216
78. 6c 75 6b 65
79. Shanahan67
80. Deport Rot
81. Sibling

83. Darkxiphles9
84. Xboeboe
85. S I R R
86. Zamorakbrews
87. Oreki
88. Gorgeous Vin
89. See It All
90. Btwtrademe
91. Cow Are Dice
92. Theking712
93. A I X Y O
94. Killeris152
95. Oldschoolrs
96. Blarod15
97. Runebri
98. Lobot96
99. Zphenickzs
100. Fioskal
101. Kanye Vv
102. Pumba Bot
103. Awesome123pp
104. Im The Moth
105. Monotok
106. The Cat Dog
107. Kailied
108. G Racefu L
109. Lovelactose
110. Iesope
111. Erinari74
112. Hop Kidd
113. R1kastaja
114. Ox Brutal
115. Blahhhhh Jj
116. Liney
117. Liney Btw
118. Sh0rty
119. Slickwin
120. Pvm Harry
121. Mcevan
122. Intersy
123. Theredmentv
124. Zwabby
125. Jqe
126. Call Me Bash
127. Steague
128. Doglover7004
129. Flundy
130. Galrentv
131. Jvh
132. Z E U Z E
133. Manjimutt
134. 100superjump
135. Zacxion
136. Runebtw
137. Jumpsoot
138. Peresu
139. Nickjoefury2
140. Cake Takers
141. Grantsalad
142. Knacacl
143. La Frontera
144. Lordsherman
145. Sailor Nami
146. Lou Wheeze
147. Owo Not Uwu
148. Fuchsig
149. W X L F
150. Mintmew
151. Bownerator
152. Mental Bloom
153. Cringe Normi
154. Dynamic Host
155. Shizu Izawa
156. Archx
157. Birdhere
158. Wet Turtle22
159. Nightking 76
160. A Wolf Furry
161. Aussie Snag
162. Zolow Boegh
163. Herbiboi
164. Wiz Is Alt
165. Titaniumsoul
166. Wybert
167. Rudin
168. Bedwoods
169. Bowneraitor
170. Nuclear E
171. Nomskichoo
172. Trizol
173. Lady Spooks
Players in group not in database (0):
Players in group not on hiscores (58):
1. 200bpm
2. 6c 75 6b 65
3. Animus Law
4. Aussie Snag
5. A I X Y O
6. A Wolf Furry
7. Baconl0ve
8. Birdhere
9. Blarod15
10. Bowneraitor
11. Call Me Bash
12. Cringe Normi
13. Deport Rot
14. Dont Call911
15. Folk Bear
16. Gorgeous Vin
17. G Racefu L
18. Henrysharoop
19. Herbiboi
20. Im A Recluse
21. Intersy
22. Ironbricc
23. Jumpsoot
24. Kaee
25. Kanye Vv
26. Lady Spooks
27. Liney Btw
28. Lou Wheeze
29. Lovelactose
30. Mano Nickas
31. Marksmansam
32. Mental Bloom
33. Mere Human
34. Mydlong
35. Nekrasova
36. Nickjoefury2
37. Nomskichoo
38. Nonce Btw
39. Oreki
40. Owo Not Uwu
41. Ox Brutal
42. Peresu
43. R1kastaja
44. See It All
45. Shizu Izawa
46. Siralwright
47. Steague
48. The Cat Dog
49. Thouexalted
50. Trizol
51. Volvo 240
52. Wet Turtle22
53. Wiz Is Alt
54. Ye Yikes Ye
55. Zanacross
56. Zolow Boegh
57. Zphenickzs
58. Z E U Z E
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