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Create competition from Valiantxx overall
Current Top for Valiantxx overall
Records for Valiantxx overall

Group ID: 12351
Total names in group: 206
Total names in database: 111
Total datapoints: 40,281
Total efficient time played: 87,035 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 111
Average virtual total level: 1,791
Average virtual combat level: 110.23
Total XP: 25,105,590,900
Total XP gained today: 141,419
Total XP gained this week: 4,950,589
Total XP gained this month: 39,509,996

Average XP of each player:
218,309,486 xp
12,897,216 xp (lvl 98)
11,796,958 xp (lvl 97)
20,389,037 xp (lvl 103)
26,209,339 xp (lvl 106)
24,601,274 xp (lvl 105)
6,063,635 xp (lvl 91)
13,816,033 xp (lvl 99)
8,441,262 xp (lvl 94)
8,275,003 xp (lvl 94)
6,448,424 xp (lvl 91)
5,745,097 xp (lvl 90)
6,968,177 xp (lvl 92)
6,114,671 xp (lvl 91)
4,647,664 xp (lvl 88)
6,499,278 xp (lvl 91)
6,276,956 xp (lvl 91)
4,610,922 xp (lvl 88)
5,693,866 xp (lvl 90)
9,516,868 xp (lvl 95)
9,083,311 xp (lvl 95)
4,345,550 xp (lvl 87)
5,119,753 xp (lvl 89)
4,678,696 xp (lvl 88)

Players in group (206):
1. Mostly Merch
2. Bo3li
3. Gryphonrb
4. L Ath
5. Homefront
6. Z3
7. Aesir Pvm
8. Amity Aflict
9. Bazoomaster
10. Tandy Dandy
11. Savagequeen
12. Ekwe
13. Fanged Panda
14. Ours Maul
15. Investigator
16. E57
17. Big Gie
18. Mario Rs
19. Rebels
20. Din Do Nuffn
21. Killbil141
22. Frisee
23. Helmschmeid
24. J Unglist
25. Connorrs
26. D R E A D
27. That Quester
28. Davina
29. Clue Skroll
30. D U R S T
31. Xodiuse
32. Flotex
33. H L E U
34. Legendkingz
35. Scary Jamaal
36. Nicecowscat
37. Smited
38. Slayermagnet
39. Termies
40. Knuclear
41. Old Outlaw
42. Solsav
43. Slayer Champ
44. Kyang
45. Rustybridge
46. Os Ben
47. Philia M
48. Paulthegoat
49. Axem Blue
50. Couchnoob
51. Realityk1ng
52. Nurkic
53. Morphumaxx
54. Willivodka
55. Ix Shadowz I
56. Druabilit0r
57. Naturia
58. Nil To Bil
59. Bird In Bush
60. 3rd Leg Army
61. Super Jer
62. Cord
63. Turtlesrdope
64. Sirdouglass
65. Turtleman
66. Kzs
67. Japad
68. Batgirl
69. Seagrave
70. Jitae
71. Devonsmeat
72. O R E O S
73. Eet10
74. Dpssavage
75. Conaway
76. Iron Lit Fam
77. Talluh
78. Iambot121312
79. T0m Brady
80. Getlifted420
81. Koles
82. Dryhump
83. Smetvrees
84. Schuerdog
85. Sea Of Azure
86. Sberryswish
87. Bigpop
88. Escfn
89. Buttermew
90. Evol Haust
91. Ladylucid
92. Bigdady4
93. Btwimjoe
94. Zephslayer
95. Deghostrider
96. Suffo
97. Big Old Dumb
98. Parthpaladin
99. Space Gh0st
100. Urthron
101. Osrsinvictus
102. The Milton
103. Fatisjustic
104. Thee Eggs
105. Noodle Boots
106. Avatarbrand
107. Eiql
108. Vierchasel
109. Agirl4me
110. Noahfireball
111. Skull Free
112. Osrssalbert
113. J0sstiband
114. Infamous 0s
115. Speshl
116. Doctor Kenzu
117. Conjureganja
118. Hanikeh9
119. Jerryxx29
120. Aquiious
121. Steelyogirl
122. Iron Kathy
123. Afteriimage
124. Criixuss
125. Lamiia
126. Papa Burnie
127. Nujabes
128. Babyquail
129. Ccutter005
130. Here And Now
131. Soft Dump
132. Prof 0ak
133. Die Haai
134. Thicc Ghost
135. Eriqco17
136. Captain Wuzz
137. Hi Im Cherry
138. Staxxis
139. Ironrule1671
140. Ayo Slayer
141. Iamcody
142. Singlelife
143. Craigg
144. Gismore87
145. Penguinsaur1
146. Im Fatdude
147. Red Avian
148. Bob Saget510
149. Moniez
150. Machado
151. Poker Player
152. Riol
153. The Zuaeo
154. Makigo
155. Dankfeelies
156. Jazzwizard
157. Phased Out
158. Barrows Bob
159. Alpha Oxe
160. Ombo
161. Fatalxfury
162. Pvm Demonic
163. Specializt
164. The Turk
165. The Gravy
166. Shuttle Bus
167. Ilike Arrows
168. Iviedjay
169. Ctcctcttctct
170. Master Sargg
171. Peter Popper
172. Gigastoned
173. I Kissed God
174. Vbzjunior
175. Sugar Lip
176. Kar 98k
177. Chicken Tiki
178. Razor Beasts
179. Future Osrs
180. Dab Damage
181. Sarahdominx
182. Come Incyder
183. 1991 Mon
184. 2livecamsceo
185. Ly0
186. Tolkien Elf
187. I Joakes I
188. Oldrow Morty
189. Vytocorleone
190. Drloomis
191. D Rizzt
192. Grizzlylucas
193. L Love Trump
194. Jtpurify
195. Aidan Thib
196. Narnajas
197. Black Opium
198. Xfatihx
199. Visagestud
200. D Ab
201. Mynamesgates
202. John Riggins
203. Mr Ceo Dymo
204. Blahs
205. D Uty
206. P E P P Y

Players in group not in database (9):
1. ours_maul
2. eet10
3. talluh
4. bigdady4
5. fatisjustic
6. osrssalbert
7. eriqco17
8. gismore87
9. im_fatdude

Players in group not on hiscores (95):
1. 1991 Mon
2. 2livecamsceo
3. 3rd Leg Army
4. Aesir Pvm
5. Afteriimage
6. Amity Aflict
7. Avatarbrand
8. Axem Blue
9. Big Gie
10. Big Old Dumb
11. Black Opium
12. Blahs
13. Bob Saget510
14. Btwimjoe
15. Ccutter005
16. Chicken Tiki
17. Conjureganja
18. Criixuss
19. Ctcctcttctct
20. Die Haai
21. Dpssavage
22. Druabilit0r
23. D Uty
24. D U R S T
25. E57
26. Ekwe
27. Evol Haust
28. Flotex
29. Future Osrs
30. Getlifted420
31. Gigastoned
32. Grizzlylucas
33. Helmschmeid
34. Infamous 0s
35. Ironrule1671
36. Iron Kathy
37. Iron Lit Fam
38. Iviedjay
39. Ix Shadowz I
40. I Kissed God
41. Jazzwizard
42. Jitae
43. J Unglist
44. Kar 98k
45. Killbil141
46. Knuclear
47. Kzs
48. L Love Trump
49. Mario Rs
50. Master Sargg
51. Morphumaxx
52. Mr Ceo Dymo
53. Mynamesgates
54. Naturia
55. Noodle Boots
56. Old Outlaw
57. Osrsinvictus
58. Penguinsaur1
59. Peter Popper
60. Phased Out
61. Philia M
62. Razor Beasts
63. Realityk1ng
64. Rebels
65. Sarahdominx
66. Savagequeen
67. Sberryswish
68. Scary Jamaal
69. Shuttle Bus
70. Skull Free
71. Sugar Lip
72. T0m Brady
73. That Quester
74. Thee Eggs
75. The Turk
76. Tolkien Elf
77. Turtlesrdope
78. Vbzjunior
79. Vierchasel
80. Visagestud
81. Vytocorleone
82. Xfatihx
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