Create competition from AscendCurrent Top for Ascend
Records for Ascend
Group ID: 12442
Total names in group: 322
Total names in database: 0
Total datapoints: 0
Total efficient time played: 0 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 0
Average virtual total level: 0
Average virtual combat level: 0
Total XP: 0
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0
Average XP of each player:
0 xp
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
Players in group (322):
1. Four 1 Three
2. Losing Nemo
3. Pistoliftero
4. Switch Dropz
5. Ancient Mage
6. Luckiest Day
7. Dankumz
8. Dat 07 Maul
9. Lazygambino
10. Hosk
11. Mcdad
12. Bonyip
13. Stewiiee
14. Sticky Mcdew
15. Bam Bae
16. Mole Camper
17. Yayy
18. Ezras Daddy
19. General Bigi
20. Creenen
21. You Wont Tho
22. D Sq
23. Letheblaka
24. Macduffe
25. Dragon Dagg3
26. Groesbeek
27. Tr0lled Y0u
28. Comuhdy Xx
29. Doimakeuwet
30. 28 Gram
31. Zeng
32. Grizzly Rock
33. Spoonslap
34. Falkor
35. Reflexlatino
36. Ax3ispro
37. Laxer2323
38. Sandra Dee
39. Etherion
40. Phumeister
41. Rhinotteros
42. I Luv Dogs
43. N A T E R
44. Marth2king
45. Im A G I N E
46. Soundwavexp
47. Alexandre
48. Magnation
49. 1tickthatags
50. Contact Play
51. Speeble
52. Dwarf Knife
53. Lieutntdann
54. Slicked Up
55. Lbaz
56. Phxstat123
57. Ascendvegeta
58. Burkekey
59. Samuel M
60. Deironed Sky
61. Pvm Luck
62. Rebirth
63. Doomface
64. Cryptogypsy
65. I Hypnos I
66. Swurd
67. Farag
68. Nigtow Again
69. Yeahitsandy
70. Assaulted
71. Magic Iron
72. Manifesting
73. Koz
74. Gucci Boots
75. Harvardkush
76. Trundler
77. Hugostiglitz
78. Xambimatic
79. Good Heroln
80. Therealyeezu
81. Xnorsepagan
82. Resus
83. Srsly Tho
84. Shb
85. Brickerino
86. Loudbirth
87. I Meditate I
88. Vvoman
89. Trumplies P
90. Huntin Pets
91. Zn Defiled
92. Notoriouslb
93. Alvaaro
94. Thc N Booty
95. Wones
96. Timetoeat
97. Benman
98. Roisk
99. Spliffens
100. Zesk
101. Asuna Yuuki
102. Isoulraiseri
103. Stickaplex
104. Sophanem
105. Exodious
106. Mccash
107. Im Toxic Af
108. Berkani
109. Stonehill Og
110. King Cj 19
111. Zuriels
112. Darth Mamba
113. Synoxian
114. Mardzir
115. Rearrange
116. Urbanrs
117. 1403
118. Loogi
119. Nags
120. Eh Ther
121. A Bilderberg
122. Its Miracle
123. Muar
124. Ch0nchy
125. Snaxe
126. Rage Wildboy
127. Jbonez4life
128. Buff Zulrah
129. Joe Rawwr
130. Icaleb
131. Fafnlr
132. Dominic1146
133. Yin Shou Ji
134. Breakingseth
135. Integrate
136. Robthepole
137. Luck Stat
138. Ebk Snipez
139. Rs3 Isbetter
140. Regginster
141. Sketchdreams
142. Shurr
143. Arrowjoe
144. Chill Still
145. Dr Chezz
146. Lunar Probe
147. Rad Country
148. Is It Okay
149. Rooneytunes
150. Lukeee
151. Sam 1993
152. Black Chins
153. Onehalftank
154. Captainmike
155. Timelymanner
156. Doriangrey
157. Cute Turtle
158. Desertdudej
159. My Rng Isa L
160. Skuzzers
161. Fyrwin
162. Thighlife420
163. Goatnibbler
164. Viator
165. Childish Gam
166. Lopez Broz
167. Scollanderrr
168. Rawdney
169. Chickschubby
170. Hey Idiot
171. Yee Buddy
172. Hmmk
173. Cystematiq
174. Beenj
175. E621 Why
176. Applejeck
177. B A R C I A
178. Rs Thug Life
179. Redrinder
180. Jake S
181. Hakun Matata
182. D7k
183. Juicy Xo
184. Runitedabber
185. Relent1ess
186. Pvm Devin
187. Proper Nawty
188. Littleguyz
189. Scr3am
190. Captain Dark
191. Rizku23
192. Taelos
193. The Donald
194. Vitamineralz
195. Osrs Tanner
196. 4 N A Sprite
197. 28 X
198. A Count Ant
199. Abn Texas
200. Aizan San
201. Alexman25
202. Arcu
203. Youngsimba
204. Jay O O
205. Tstrong5689
206. Final Xemnas
207. Blamejungler
208. Gearskilla
209. Firefoxmegz
210. Matjacko
211. Fe
212. Oosik
213. Xsultanx
214. Brutalboost
215. Tallbutshort
216. Skympie
217. Icewizardsam
218. Natedemon2
219. Ocean Ducky
220. Conspiracy98
221. Sonicdavid21
222. Manga
223. Leaf Angle
224. Kokei
225. Big Winner
226. J Aq
227. Campus Crew
228. Stoddles
229. The Goat One
230. Munchking
231. Stoky
232. Ed Guapo
233. Halal Burger
234. Viciousness
235. Viki
236. George C69
237. Dear No One
238. Miht Man214
239. Run Core
240. Japa Pohns
241. Fingures
242. Isuckatzulra
243. Jjj
244. Jd7
245. Wolfshook
246. Crash Moi
247. Combat Ready
248. Daggotz
249. Arceholic
250. I Am Endless
251. Hearts42
252. Essencehour
253. Pobbles
254. Pidding
255. Mr Champ
256. Seas
257. Uselesstoast
258. Pannucciss
259. Inxx
260. Jboydilla
261. Creations
262. Sir Karhu
263. Pvm Boosted
264. Venesp0der
265. Brutality Bg
266. Its Shane
267. Jung Eunji
268. Olm Is Bae
269. Runite Ryan
270. Got Hacked 0
271. Spewler
272. Lurk
273. Bu Keqi
274. I Give Up07
275. Miss Elites
276. Jaydia
277. Im Gods Plan
278. Minorthreat
279. Eliina Xo
280. Jackatlas
281. Sige
282. Thomaspvms
283. R Oro
284. 6te
285. Not S W E
286. Soulsteal
287. Suq P0w3r
288. Dare Knife
289. Zac Clarke
290. Credibility
291. Tsunaami
292. Girafales
293. Gimme Groot
294. Chamby
295. Not Cwick
296. Jupl234
297. S 8n
298. Troys Daddy
299. Ashley 0w0
300. Guille7
301. Tektern
302. Rygtdg
303. Carison
304. Mtn Sound
305. Slaughter Xp
306. E M I L I A
307. Clublifenow
308. Ditf
309. Plank Egger
310. Produlent
311. Maxin N 573h
312. Dm Me Egirls
313. Miss Palm
314. Wahburger
315. Not Lucky 2
316. Zpss
317. Yonex
318. Av 8
319. Mij
320. Fermente
321. Shifty6969
322. Styx Pvm
Players in group not in database (39):
1. bam_bae
2. laxer2323
3. 1tickthatags
4. lieutntdann
5. ascendvegeta
6. samuel_m
7. cryptogypsy
8. manifesting
9. good_heroln
10. therealyeezu
11. trumplies_p
12. roisk
13. isoulraiseri
14. exodious
15. darth_mamba
16. mardzir
17. 1403
18. ch0nchy
19. fafnlr
20. yin_shou_ji
21. chill_still
22. captainmike
23. my_rng_isa_l
24. childish_gam
25. scollanderrr
26. pvm_devin
27. the_donald
28. aizan_san
29. alexman25
30. tstrong5689
31. brutalboost
32. sonicdavid21
33. stoddles
34. viciousness
35. miht_man214
36. pannucciss
37. pvm_boosted
38. brutality_bg
39. its_shane
Players in group not on hiscores (322):
1. 6te
2. Applejeck
3. Arceholic
4. Ashley 0w0
5. Ax3ispro
6. A Bilderberg
7. A Count Ant
8. Berkani
9. Blamejungler
10. Brickerino
11. Buff Zulrah
12. B A R C I A
13. Carison
14. Chickschubby
15. Clublifenow
16. Combat Ready
17. Comuhdy Xx
18. Conspiracy98
19. Contact Play
20. Dat 07 Maul
21. Deironed Sky
22. Dm Me Egirls
23. Doomface
24. Doriangrey
25. Dragon Dagg3
26. Dr Chezz
27. E621 Why
28. Ebk Snipez
29. Ed Guapo
30. Eh Ther
31. Ezras Daddy
32. E M I L I A
33. Farag
34. Fermente
35. Gimme Groot
36. Girafales
37. Goatnibbler
38. Got Hacked 0
39. Guille7
40. Hearts42
41. Hey Idiot
42. Icaleb
43. Icewizardsam
44. Im Gods Plan
45. Integrate
46. Isuckatzulra
47. Is It Okay
48. Its Miracle
49. I Am Endless
50. I Luv Dogs
51. Jackatlas
52. Jay O O
53. Jboydilla
54. Joe Rawwr
55. Juicy Xo
56. Kokei
57. Lbaz
58. Littleguyz
59. Loogi
60. Lopez Broz
61. Lurk
62. Magnation
63. Maxin N 573h
64. Miss Elites
65. Miss Palm
66. Mole Camper
67. Muar
68. Munchking
69. Natedemon2
70. Notoriouslb
71. Not Cwick
72. Not Lucky 2
73. Not S W E
74. Osrs Tanner
75. Phumeister
76. Phxstat123
77. Pidding
78. Produlent
79. Proper Nawty
80. Rage Wildboy
81. Regginster
82. Resus
83. Rhinotteros
84. Robthepole
85. Rooneytunes
86. Rs3 Isbetter
87. Runite Ryan
88. Rygtdg
89. Sam 1993
90. Sandra Dee
91. Scr3am
92. Shifty6969
93. Shurr
94. Slaughter Xp
95. Slicked Up
96. Snaxe
97. Sophanem
98. Soundwavexp
99. Speeble
100. Srsly Tho
101. Stonehill Og
102. Styx Pvm
103. Thc N Booty
104. The Goat One
105. Thighlife420
106. Tr0lled Y0u
107. Troys Daddy
108. Trundler
109. Tsunaami
110. Urbanrs
111. Uselesstoast
112. Venesp0der
113. Vvoman
114. Wahburger
115. Xambimatic
116. Xnorsepagan
117. Xsultanx
118. Yeahitsandy
119. Youngsimba
120. You Wont Tho
121. Zac Clarke
122. Zeng
123. Zn Defiled
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