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Create competition from We Play Hard
Current Top for We Play Hard
Records for We Play Hard

Group ID: 11361
Total names in group: 95
Total names in database: 1
Total datapoints: 680
Total efficient time played: 91 hours
Players in database still on hiscores: 1
Average virtual total level: 941
Average virtual combat level: 77
Total XP: 32,046,684
Total XP gained today: 0
Total XP gained this week: 0
Total XP gained this month: 0

Average XP of each player:
32,046,684 xp
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
7,571,976 xp (lvl 93)
11,926,798 xp (lvl 98)
123,718 xp (lvl 52)
8,025,390 xp (lvl 94)
831,410 xp (lvl 71)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
0 xp (lvl 1)
302,572 xp (lvl 61)
739,762 xp (lvl 70)
0 xp (lvl 1)
276,594 xp (lvl 60)
29,671 xp (lvl 37)
188,796 xp (lvl 56)
181,695 xp (lvl 55)
693,624 xp (lvl 69)
12,827 xp (lvl 29)
11,000 xp (lvl 28)
288,869 xp (lvl 60)
0 xp (lvl 1)

Players in group (95):
1. Ironic Irony
2. Old Hyrule
3. Iron Enoux
4. N0b0dy
5. Iron Elites
6. Iamironben
7. Istark
8. Jxck
9. What I Know
10. Forgedir0n
11. Iron Zlor
12. Lazy Ducks
13. Flax N Chill
14. Iron Luxe Pb
15. Iron Cmon180
16. We Dont Sow
17. Iryon
18. Iron Pound
19. Purplekills0
20. Iron Peido
21. Tobyn
22. Carlin
23. Playwithself
24. Fallen
25. Identidem
26. Iron Thugger
27. Hierro Jake
28. Sloth Paced
29. Iron Geraid
30. Irontommyboo
31. Bwent
32. Estonia Wph
33. Brandon Sr
34. Iron Paling
35. 2 Iron Decks
36. 1000yearsike
37. Morning Iron
38. Syhr
39. Iron Brocks
40. 1st Mate
41. Max Skillzzz
42. Douggernaut
43. Iron Asho
44. Jtl Sbu
45. Fat Toez
46. Marinebanana
47. Squashjargon
48. Iron Mccall
49. Iron Insect
50. Iron Tabs
51. Jvw
52. Mike Solo
53. Irononwater
54. 1516dembeer
55. Trgrdfemnist
56. Taffymaffy
57. Khalessi
58. Z3tro
59. Iloon
60. Nujabez
61. Mint Reject
62. Space Donkey
63. Bisher
64. Irononfire
65. Emptie Sack
66. Omfi
67. Traderge
68. Esxp
69. Iron Tanzerb
70. Nfr
71. Preferation
72. Tripped
73. Theorist
74. He Who Iron
75. Iron Mancub
76. Stefo
77. Iron Wozzo
78. Msfortune
79. Mmm
80. Bowwow
81. Sublime Wph
82. Themannis
83. Dr Kermit
84. Wph Zardoct
85. Unleesh
86. G E E K E D
87. Ex Iron Btw
88. Iron Parkour
89. Rossi
90. Big Chunks
91. Purpleposse
92. Normals Blow
93. Os Overdose
94. Settled
95. 12th Pick

Players in group not in database (27):
1. iron_zlor
2. iron_luxe_pb
3. iryon
4. iron_pound
5. purplekills0
6. iron_peido
7. identidem
8. iron_thugger
9. hierro_jake
10. iron_geraid
11. irontommyboo
12. 2_iron_decks
13. 1000yearsike
14. iron_brocks
15. marinebanana
16. iron_mccall
17. iron_tabs
18. jvw
19. irononwater
20. 1516dembeer
21. trgrdfemnist
22. taffymaffy
23. khalessi
24. bisher
25. emptie_sack
26. traderge
27. msfortune

Players in group not on hiscores (94):
1. 12th Pick
2. Big Chunks
3. Estonia Wph
4. Ex Iron Btw
5. Fat Toez
6. G E E K E D
7. Iloon
8. Iron Asho
9. Iron Cmon180
10. Iron Enoux
11. Iron Insect
12. Iron Paling
13. Iron Tanzerb
14. Iron Wozzo
15. Max Skillzzz
16. Mike Solo
17. Mint Reject
18. N0b0dy
19. Nujabez
20. Os Overdose
21. Preferation
22. Sloth Paced
23. Squashjargon
24. Sublime Wph
25. Themannis
26. Theorist
27. Unleesh
28. Wph Zardoct
29. Z3tro
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