Skill Rank Sum for Epic PvM on Virtual Hiscores
This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.
The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.1. Cbmpeterson | 226,104 |
2. Black Rifle | 283,284 |
3. Godcody | 476,312 |
4. Chaukletz | 708,553 |
5. Ajx | 825,460 |
6. Mss | 932,529 |
7. Cartmn | 1,056,033 |
8. Zamypkernoob | 1,105,883 |
9. Mr Bond | 1,272,823 |
10. Osbenji | 1,498,986 |
11. Vedam | 1,546,023 |
12. Stolid | 1,631,455 |
13. Drinker | 1,641,968 |
14. Mean Crusher | 1,775,298 |
15. Haldun | 1,937,783 |
16. Ttaco | 2,278,973 |
17. Elevatehavoc | 2,309,573 |
18. Moou | 2,333,340 |
19. Pplp | 2,335,923 |
20. Gym311 | 2,360,935 |
21. Themegabum | 2,524,746 |
22. Johnyregs | 2,561,509 |
23. Duck Drums | 2,615,327 |
24. Pattymelt | 2,849,948 |
25. Barry Fmfb | 2,968,729 |
26. Dillly | 3,187,134 |
27. Moonga | 3,385,439 |
28. Deeeezz Nuts | 3,500,828 |
29. Social Drink | 3,502,145 |
30. Texticle | 3,580,708 |
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