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Skill Rank Sum on Virtual Hiscores

This page shows a 'virtual' hiscores equivalent to RuneScape's using only the players tracked on this site.

The sum of all skill ranks. Overall is not included.

1. $105.00 Donator dids 530
2. Iron Hyger587
3. $35.00 Donator ErBr724
4. $41.00 Donator Tails730
5. Dkho897
6. Padq972
7. Steskillalt975
8. Zeken1,009
9. Wzrdddddyo1,523
10. City Morgue1,535
11. Fe Papi2,423
12. Jyhy2,960
13. Redo Undo2,967
14. $35.00 Donator Fat Clouds3,009
15. Rubberapple3,650
16. $35.00 Donator Naturally Me3,794
17. Glys4,027
18. Iron Equity4,518
19. Flap Slap4,735
20. Hoobloob4,805
21. $35.00 Donator Nechs4,871
22. Slow Blow5,307
23. Total Zero6,171
24. Rakupenda6,633
25. Liney6,635
26. Jdore6,861
27. Kt Ferrie6,910
28. Rusy0027,103
29. Neurron7,493
30. Arlind7,516

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